I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 438 Is it too late to retreat now?

An interview is playing on the tablet.

on a helicopter.

"According to this phenomenon, we now want to ask Dr. Oki and Dr. Uchiki for their opinions."

Dr. Oki and a female doctor with purple hair appeared on the screen.

Dr. Oki took out a notebook and wrote and drew while explaining.

"There is a legend on the island of Asia. It is said that the God of Fire, the God of Thunder, and the God of Ice all live there. If it is analyzed scientifically, if a certain power called the God of Ice freezes the ice, it is called the God of Ice. Some kind of life from the god of fire came to melt the ice, which is the reason for the birth of ocean currents in the depths of the sea."

"Then what?"

"Then, in the stirred sea water, the electricity of the God of Thunder took effect again, thus producing protein, the root of life..."

In front of the screen, the excellent student nodded his head, with a look of "I learned it, I learned it", while Baili Yuan twitched the corners of his mouth.

Uchiha Shisui sighed: "It turns out that life is born like this."

Bailiyuan didn't speak.

It's not the science he's been taught.

However, it may also be a special place in this world. After all, this is a world where Pokémon exist. Maybe there are differences in the way life is born in different worlds.

However, in any case, what is certain is that the three gods have a great influence on this world.

Dr. Oki continued to explain.

"In a nutshell, the power of the three gods interacts in a balanced manner to make the deep ocean current flow gently, and create life on this planet. The center of the deep ocean current is the birthplace of life. It can be said that it is the hometown of life. The reason for the change is that the relationship between the three forces has been affected in some way, and the original balance has been lost."

"I'm guessing, Pokémon have a premonition of the demise of this planet." Dr. Uchiki took over the conversation, "With their power, there may be no way to change anything, but since Pokémon are closely dependent on the nature of this planet relationship, so they instinctively feel that they have to do something, and they gather naturally."


Bailiyuan didn't continue to read the report on the screen, but looked at the distant sky, and a figure flashed past.

"Frozen Bird!"

Baili Yuan's face became serious.

I didn't expect this time to be the crisis of destroying the world. I...is it too late to retreat now?

I'm here to make trouble, not to die!

However, Baili Yuan felt a little stomach ache when he saw the outstanding student who was staring at the screen. In order not to lose this student, he couldn't retreat!

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have brought her here!

At this time, the sun was shining, and it was daytime before I knew it, and the snow had stopped.

"Mr. Daochang Master." The superior proud man looked at Baili Yuan, his eyes full of firmness and expectation.

She has already decided to do something for this world, and she is looking forward to Bailiyuan's leadership.

Although Baili Yuan felt a stomachache, he finally nodded.

"Let's go find the reason for breaking the balance first."

"Are we going to Asia Island next?" asked the Honored One.

"No." Baili Yuan shook his head, "It's time to hide, let's go directly to the Three Gods!"

"But how shall we go?"

Looking at the boundless snow and ice, the superior pride felt a little headache.

At this time, the sea has completely frozen.

Uchiha Shisui operated the submarine twice, and then gestured an "OK" gesture.

"Remember, technology changes life and technology creates the future!"


The Frozen Bird was flying in the air, spraying parallel lines, freezing everything around it.

Frozen Bird is still in a good mood at this time.

The annoying flame bird and lightning bird disappeared for some reason. Although it made the bird a little confused, it didn't stop her from taking this opportunity to snatch the territory.

The three of them are the existence of the three major islands who are responsible for guarding the three major islands. They are powerful, but they cannot easily leave their own islands.

Now Frozen Bird's mood is like this——

mine! mine! It's all mine!

I squirt, I squirt, I squirt!

All the places I spray will be mine from now on!



Frozen Bird felt that his bird life had reached a climax.

Above the clouds, in a huge air base, a figure looked down at the scene in front of him.

"Have you found the Frozen Bird yet?" A smile appeared on the corner of the figure's mouth, "If you want to melt the ice..."

"Use fire!"

The bottom of the air base opened, and a series of specially-made flame missiles were fired, attacking the frozen bird.

In a certain layer in the air base.

The lightning bird and the flame bird were trapped by a special device. After struggling to no avail, both birds stayed in the device dejectedly.

Today's human beings are very bad!

Who would have thought that humans today could invent devices that could trap them?

Between Flame Bird and Lightning Bird, the trio of Ash and Team Rocket are trying to rescue the two birds.

They were also unlucky, Xiaozhi was participating in a memorial trial, and the Rockets were chasing Pikachu as usual. Logically speaking, they should just go through the motions, but when they arrived at the island of fire of the flame bird, it happened that When the flame bird disappeared, the lightning bird came to grab the territory, and then a huge air base appeared, and then they were caught together with the lightning bird.

Then they met a strange uncle and were trapped here by that uncle, but they had nothing to do. The only thing they could do now was to try to rescue the lightning bird and the flame bird.

In short, this is not the trial they want!

"Pikachu, Charizard, Squirtle, Bulgaria, please!"

The four Pokmon worked hard to attack the device trapping the flame bird, and the rocket team on the other side was also attacking the device trapping the lightning bird.

Xiao Jian looked at the attacking elves and suddenly thought of something.

"The trick of the water gun is to add one hundred thousand volts, the water molecules are electrolytically decomposed into hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms, and then become hydrogen atoms to form hydrogen molecules to form hydrogen, oxygen atoms to form oxygen molecules to form oxygen, oxygen plus hydrogen, and then use jet flames if……"

Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia and the witch Fulula were all attracted by Xiaojian's story.

Xiaojian's expression changed suddenly, "No, everyone, get down!"

Hearing Xiaojian's words, everyone immediately fell to the ground.

And just when everyone lay down, an explosion sounded from the flame bird.

A big hole was blown out of the base, and the device that restrained the flame bird was also destroyed by the explosion just now, making it useless.

Although the device that restrains the flame bird looks powerful, it needs a lot of energy to support it. The device itself can only restrain the flame bird for a short time, and the explosion just destroyed the connector that provides energy for the device!

This is a triumph of science!

Ding dong...

The device restraining the flame bird fell to the ground, and a flame figure slowly spread its wings, and the surrounding temperature suddenly increased.

Flamingo, come!

"My Huo Han San is back!"

Although the three god birds have no gender, they are a race after all, and it would always feel strange to make them asexual.

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