Chapter 4272: Sent to another world!

The players who came.

Some are exploring the city, some are setting up camp, and some are hiding themselves.

It is inevitable to encounter evil demons.

Evil demons are not only active on the streets, but also appear in buildings and occupy suitable bases for survival.

In a base suitable for living discovered by Kurama Neon and Ganaha Sae, there is a group of evil demons, but fortunately there are only five of them.

After a fight, they not only eliminated these evil demons and occupied the base, but also found a prop box in the base.

After opening the box, there is a small hook buckle inside.

But they completed a hidden task.

[Complete the hidden task: occupy the base first! ]

[Reward mysterious props! ]

The prop box fell.

After opening it, it was found that there was a beat buckle inside.

"Lucky~" Kurama Neon smiled and held up two buckles.

In the end, the beat buckle belongs to Kurama Neon, and the hook buckle belongs to Ganaha Sae. The combat effectiveness of both of them has been improved.

Afterwards, they also found a supply box in the base, which contained some clean water and bread.

Although the supplies were simple, they were precious.

The two began to happily set up the base and set up defensive traps before they could rest assured.

Although they would take turns to keep watch, they still had to be prepared for any eventuality.

This was a temporary special training that Kurama Mitsuki specially found a survival master to give the two of them, so that they could learn the skills.

The scenes of the two learning were also played in the form of memories. There was also a scene where Kurama Mitsuki prepared a lot of high-level equipment for Kurama Neon. And a scene where Kurama Mitsuki handed a mysterious box to Kurama Neon.

[It's worthy of being a krypton gold player! ]

[Does Cat Dad still need a son? ]

[Same question! ]

[What is the mysterious box that Cat Dad gave Cat? ]

[Could it be a safety measure? ]

[What the hell is the caterpillar, why is there such a good imagination? ]

Ukiyo Eitoshi and Haruie Onin are more troublesome.

They set their sights on the tallest building, but they didn't expect that there were so many evil demons in the building.

There were as many as thirty of them!

Fortunately, the strength of these evil demons was very low, and there were no evil demon knights.

Qingjia Wenyin wanted to curse, but he disturbed so many evil demons and was entangled by them, so he could only grit his teeth and fight.

Finally, it took a long time and effort to eliminate these evil demons with the help of tools found in the abandoned city as weapons.

Qingjia Wenyin, who was tired, lay on the ground on the spot, gasping for breath.

The effort was huge, and the reward was equally huge.

They found two prop boxes in the base. After opening them, they found monster buckles and magnum buckles inside, which naturally belonged to Qingjia Wenyin and Fushi Yingshou respectively. They also found a complete room on the top floor of the building. It was not only clean and tidy, but also had a refrigerator of food, running water, and even hot water for bathing.

By the way, the elevator in the building was still usable, and the two did not have to climb the stairs.

And they also completed the hidden task.

[Complete the hidden task: occupy the highest point! ]

[Reward mysterious props! ]

Open the dropped prop box, and inside is the thruster buckle.

The thruster was handed to Ukiyo Hidetoshi.

"Sure enough, the effort is proportional to the reward!" Ukiyo Hidetoshi smiled slightly, as if everything was within his expectations.

"I just want to take a hot bath and have a good rest now." Qingjia Wenyin said helplessly.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi looked at the sun that was about to set outside the window and nodded slightly, "It's time to rest, but we have to take turns to keep watch, I can keep watch for the first half of the night."


[They are the most comfortable group! ]

[They have defeated the most evil demons! ]

[But their position is very conspicuous and can be easily targeted by other players! ]

[Believe in the fox's ability! He is the protagonist! ]

[Ah? Isn't the protagonist Huangmao brother? ]

Night has arrived.

Sakurai Jinghe wrapped in a sleeping bag, looking at the lit bonfire, a little absent-minded, worried about Sakurai Sara.

Isuzu Daichi had already slept in the tent.

The two did not communicate.

The location chosen by Isuzu Daichi was also very secret and sheltered from the wind, so he could do it even if he did not keep watch.

Sakurai Jinghe did not dare to be careless, so he could only force himself to be energetic, and only dared to take a short rest when he could not stand it anymore.

[Poor Taili! ]

A dark night.

On a deserted street.

Suddenly, the roar of an engine broke the silence of the night.

A dump truck hit a building hard, causing the wall of the building to collapse, revealing the evil demons behind the wall with a confused look on their faces.

Then these evil demons were sent to another world by the dump truck.

Baili Yuan jumped off the dump truck, looked at the almost scrapped dump truck, and could not help but pat the body of the dump truck.

"You have done well enough, leave the rest to me!"

Then Baili Yuan started to lick the bag happily.

A prop box.

It contained... bow and arrow buckle.

There was also a resource supply box, which only contained a small amount of drinking water and bread. Fortunately, the supply box was not run over by the dump truck.

Fortunately, Baili Yuan also completed a hidden task.

[Complete the hidden task: destroy a stronghold! ]

[Reward mysterious props! ]

Bai Liyuan happily opened the box that was sent to him, and then he saw the propeller buckle, and his face froze.

"No, why is the hidden mission only so little? If the knight next door saw me, he would think I couldn't afford the buckle!"

[Is this sentence also a tribute? ]

[It's over, the two special-grade spell tools have fallen into the hands of Huangmao brother, Huangmao brother is really going to be cold! ]

[No, Huangmao brother's big sister is not good, didn't she give him any props? ]

[Maybe she was targeted by the official! ]

[I can only say that those who understand will understand! ]

However, the truth is that Ms. X did not give Bai Liyuan any help.

It's so funny, why did she need to help Bai Liyuan?

Did she look down on him?

Because Ms. X did nothing, Niram and others started to make trouble.

Destroying the base was a hidden mission that was originally set, but because it was completed by Bai Liyuan, Bai Liyuan was directly given a small buckle.

That's right, Niram and others just can't afford it.

While strengthening other knights, we must also weaken Baili Yuan.

After Baili Yuan packed up everything, he did not rest in the base, but left the base and started a new exploration.

Nonsense, the Moon God does not act at night, so is he going to sleep?

The streets of the city are covered with plants. After Baili Yuan discovered the base, he also cleared a road to drive the mud truck over and send the evil demons in the base to the other world.

Although it is very dark tonight, there is still a faint moonlight. Under the guidance of the moonlight, Baili Yuan is like opening the full map vision, and he has explored the situation in the entire city clearly.

Licking the blade of the saber in his hand, Baili Yuan smiled evilly.

"It's time to hunt!"

[? ? ? ] (End of this chapter)

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