Chapter 4264 Try to take my bait!

Samas found Ms. X.

Ms. X sat leisurely in her small dark room, looking at the news on the tablet in her hand. It was the news that Ukiyo Hidetoshi mobilized fans to find Bailiyuan.

Many people are speculating who Bailiyuan is to Ukiyo Hidetoshi.

Because Ukiyo Hidetoshi said, "Ishimori Koji is an important person to me, please help me find him!"

Many fans did respond.

But more people were eating melons in their original places, and many people were discussing the possibility of Ukiyo Hidetoshi coming out.

Of course, some people also noticed that Kurama Neon was also looking for Bailiyuan, and soon they imagined that Kurama Neon and Ukiyo Hidetoshi were competing for Yifu.

The story became more and more exciting.

Ms. X just found it interesting.

Ms. X was very casual about Samas, who stood respectfully aside. She didn't even seem to care much.

The reason why she could become a spectator of the Wish Grand Prix was that Ms. X opened Linyuan Technology at a certain time in the future and had a lot of money.

Then she was noticed by the Wish Grand Prix and invited to become a spectator.

Speaking of which, Ms. X is also a person from the future, but not from the same time and space as Beloba and others.

Samas was very respectful. She asked politely, "Miss. X, please tell me, are you clear about the behavior of Koji Ishimori?"

"You said this, I am also a little surprised, I can only say that he is worthy of it." Ms. X smiled happily.

"Then do you know where Koji Ishimori is now?" Samas asked.

Ms. X put down the tablet in her hand, smiled and turned to look at Samas, "Speaking of which, I really don't know. But for me, no matter what he does, he will become the best research material in the end. I am just his supporter. I will not intervene in other things. That is your business."

"..." Samas was silent.

I always feel that Ms. X's style is different from other supporters!

[Weird female scientist? Love it! ]

[Everyone loves good-looking people, right! ]

[Hahaha, as expected, we can't let that yellow-haired guy take advantage. His number one sister is obviously trying to plot against him! ]

[Jin: I am touched! Guagua: Be a Kamen Rider for me! Qiu En: I will make you happy! Beloba: Bring misfortune to the world with me! Miss.X: Be my experimental material! 】

【With such supporters, why worry about Huangmaoge not having a bright future! 】

Although Bailiyuan came from another time, Ishimori Koji has his own life, so it didn't take much effort to easily find out a lot of information about Ishimori Koji.

However, they still couldn't find any trace of Bailiyuan.

In the end, Ukiyo Eitoshi and the other two, together with Tsumuri, returned to Bailiyuan's home.

On the one hand, it was to exchange information.

On the other hand, it was because they couldn't find Bailiyuan outside, and they hoped to find some clues in Bailiyuan's home.

Kurama Neon brought the most and most specific information.

Sakurai Jinghe found almost no useful information.

"According to the information, Ishimori Koji's parents died and he is an orphan. His parents had an accident when he was in junior high school, and then he dropped out of high school and lived on his parents' savings. Then he... became a gangster." Kurama Neon said in a low voice.

Because after investigating Ishimori Koji's life, I found that Ishimori Koji's life was indeed a bit tragic.

Ishimori Koji dyed his hair yellow because he became a gangster.

Ordinary people only instinctively sympathize with the weak.

Sakurai Keikazu empathizes with Ishimori Koji because he also lost his parents when he was a child, but he still has a sister. The two siblings take care of each other. Although life is a little harder, they are not lonely.

And Ishimori Koji is alone and has become a gangster.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi frowned and noticed something was wrong.

Can an ordinary gangster have the fighting power of Baili Yuan?

Hot-blooded High School doesn't dare to shoot like this!

But he didn't speak.

"Maybe he made those wishes because he wanted someone to accompany him, and he also wanted a family, right?" Sakurai Jinghe guessed.

Tsumurai touched her heart, and she was suddenly touched, "Could it be that he really regarded me as a family member?"

"Maybe he stole the belt because he wanted to revive his parents and return to normal life." Kurama Neon guessed.

Her guess was recognized by Sakurai Jinghe.

"Anyway, let's look for it in his house first, hoping to find some useful clues." Ukiyo Hidetoshi stood up and said.

Then, a group of people began to search and rummage through boxes and cabinets.

They really found a box that was placed under the bed and locked. There was a secret inside.

After prying open the box, they found that the things inside were not complicated, only some bills and a photo album.

Several people looked through it.

Sakurai Jinghe looked at the bill in his hand in surprise, "Donation bill? Donation amount... 100 million?"

The most important thing is that there is more than one donation bill!

But, even if it was only 100 million yen, Sakurai Jinghe was extremely shocked.

They are both orphans, so why did Ishimori Koji donate 100 million?

Is he that rich?

How much money did his parents leave for him?

"I found out that his family is not that rich. His parents are just ordinary working class people, and the assets they left him are not too much. In other words, this money is his own?" Ukiyo Hidetoshi was a little surprised.

How did Miaoju get so much money?

Did he rob a bank?

Even if he started with Miaoju's situation, he would need to work hard for many years to make so much money. What's more, Miaoju also worked part-time as a gangster.

Or is it that being a gangster is so profitable these days?

Ukiyo Hidetoshi suddenly admired Baili Yuan a little.

Kurama Neon didn't say anything. She looked at the list in her hand. After a moment of silence, she said, "Here is the organ donation form. He recently signed the organ donation."

Others were silent.

Generally, people who choose to donate organs are either very kind people or people with terminal illnesses who want to leave a mark in the world in another way.

Ishimori Koji's situation doesn't seem to be the latter, so it must be the former.

Is he really that kind?

Tsumuri opened the album.

I saw photos of Ishimori Koji with his family from childhood to adulthood in the front, and daily photos of Ishimori Koji and Tsumeli in the back.

"Family...?" Tsumeli muttered to herself.


Where did Bailiyuan hide?

In a city that was destroyed by the Wish Grand Prix.

Although humans have disappeared in the city and the entire city is covered with plants, fishing is still possible here.

Bailiyuan camped and fished for two days before someone found him.

"I heard that you stole Niram's belt? Give me the belt!"

The first person to find Bailiyuan was Beloba, accompanied by Azuma Daochang and Isuzu Daichi.

If you can get the belt from Bailiyuan, you don't have to spend so much effort.

And the fish that Bailiyuan really wanted to catch is finally here!

Baili Yuan stood up, then retracted the fishing rod, turned to look at Beloba and the other two, and said with a smile: "You came later than I thought. I caught a big fish before. Today is another good day. You can also try to catch my hook."

On the retracted fishing line, the infinite drive was hanging! (End of this chapter)

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