Chapter 4214 Ukiyo Hidetoshi’s operation!

When the last round was about to end, Hidetoshi Ukiyo approached Zimli and used wish coins to purchase a special game prop—a special lottery ticket!

Used for game draws and changing teammates.

Wish coins are very easy to obtain. You can continuously obtain wish coins through the game. However, except for Kurama Neone who used it to buy skins, that is, game clothes, no one else paid attention to wish coins at all.

Because you can't buy discounts, you can't directly improve your strength.

But I didn't expect that I could buy this kind of special props that are used according to the rules of the game.

Then Hidetoshi Ukiyo drew Baili Yuan.

"The new group is-"

"Meow Orange and Ji Hu form a team, Na Mao and Baa Pi form a team, and the combination of Ba Niu and Taili remains unchanged."

"The team's original points will be distributed evenly and then added to the points owned by the new teammates."

Except for Ukiyo Hidetoshi, everyone else's eyes widened.

Including Bailiyuan.

"Why? I got the points by myself. Theoretically, Bie Piao shouldn't have any points!" Bai Liyuan questioned directly.

Zimli showed a sweet smile, and the happiness in her smile was very real, "All interpretation rights belong to the Wish Grand Prix."

Bailiyuan: "..."

Others are focused on points.

After Kurama Niyin checked the new points ranking through her spider phone, she beamed with joy, "Second place!"

On the contrary, Azuma Taoist Priest looked at the spider phone and his face became extremely ugly. Then Azuma Taoist priest raised his head, glared at Jihu angrily, and suppressed the curse.

Because now the points for first and second are the same, the third has the least points, and the third combination is his combination with Sakurai Keikazu.

Facing Azuma Daozhang's glare, Ukiyo made a fox gesture and said with a wicked smile, "I just slapped him casually."

Then, Hidetoshi Ukiyo looked at Kurama Nione beside him, smiled and said, "Nako, I told you before, I will help you win."

"Yingju, you are so awesome!" Kurama Niyin became even more convinced of Ukiyo Hidetoshi, and even had a bit of admiration for him.

Baili Yuan smiled disdainfully, "Then you are really lucky."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi was indeed lucky this time, but it is not certain whether he really considered Kurama Nione.

Because Hidetoshi Ukiyo can only control the combination he draws.

Even if you draw Baniu or Taili for the first time, you can still draw for the second and third times. He only needs to draw the card of Bailiyuan or Baaipei.

The probability of winning is very high, with a probability of 1/2.

If he didn't win the lottery the first time, it wasn't up to Hidetoshi Ukiyo to decide who Shina Neko would team up with. Anyway, the probability of Kurama Nione being eliminated is also very high.

It should be said that Kurama Nione got lucky this time.

Sakurai Keikazu looked at the rankings on the screen. Facing the outcome of being eliminated, he felt panicked and couldn't believe it. He staggered back two steps and said, "Why, this is happening."

He thought of his sister, who depended on each other for life. If he disappeared, would his sister really accept it?

"What will happen to us?" Sakurai Keikazu asked hurriedly.

"I just lost the qualification to become a Kamen Rider and returned to ordinary life." Zimli explained with a smile.

Sakurai Keikazu was stunned for a moment, but then he breathed a sigh of relief.

I was almost scared to death, I thought I was going to get clicked, but it turned out that I just couldn't continue the game.

Bailiyuan blinked and realized that Sakurai Keihe was so panicked because he didn't know about it.

Being eliminated, Sakurai Keikazu was indeed disappointed, but not enough to be sad and angry. Moreover, although they lost this time, they also rescued those lovers, which made Sakurai Keikazu feel relieved.

At least he didn't accomplish anything by participating in this game.

"Koji, I'll give this back to you. Thank you for your recent help." Sakurai Keikazu finally returned the ninja buckle to Baili Yuan.

After Bailiyuan took the buckle, he grinned, "Don't worry, Jihu is plotting against you, I will help you defeat him!"

"Didn't you plot against me too?" Sakurai Keikazu rolled his eyes. He was still in the mood to joke, and he no longer had to participate in the competition. Instead, he put down his burden and relaxed.

In the end, due to Azuma Michichiro's extreme reluctance and Sakurai Keikazu's peace, the two people and the core of their identities disappeared, and only their drives fell.

"It's such a pity that you two have lost the qualification to become Kamen Riders." Zimli calmly took back their drives.

Then finally announced.

"Although player Baa Pi did not participate in this round of the game, he has gained enough points to advance, so he will not be eliminated in this round!"

The barrage scrolls.

Some people are lamenting that Sakurai Keikazu is a good boy, some are calling Ukiyo Hidetoshi despicable, and some feel sorry for Azuma Michiko.

After all, this plot is mainly about the performance of Azuma Michinaga. As a result, the protagonist of the story was finished immediately after the plot ended, which is indeed a bit tragic.

There are also those who feel sorry for Sakurai Keikazu and feel that Sakurai Keikazu was implicated by Azuma Priest. If something goes wrong in whose plot, he will be responsible!

Finally, some people praised Ukiyo Hidetoshi for being smart and making a sudden comeback against the wind. Thinking of Ukiyo Hidetoshi as the protagonist, some people speculate that Baili Yuan is the final BOSS, and Ukiyo Hidetoshi is the brave man who defeats the BOSS.

Bailiyuan can only say that they have seen this? !

He is really the BOSS.

However, Bailiyuan did not indulge in barrages.

Because, next, is the last round of the game!

According to the game description, if the last round of the game cannot be cleared, the area covered by the game will be completely destroyed, which is the so-called world destruction!

The remaining contestants - Baili Yuan, Ukiyo Hidetoshi, Kurama Niyin.

Although Koganaya Moriyu has not been eliminated yet, it is estimated that he will not be released.

Everyone comes back to life again before the final round begins.

Baili Yuan and Ukiyo Hidetoshi continue to participate in TV activities, and their usual entertainment is the supervisor Azuma Michio. Although Azuma Michinaga has lost the memory of the game, he still instinctively looks down on Ukiyo Hidetoshi, as if it is because Ukiyo Hidetoshi is too flamboyant.

Because his own home was being renovated, Bailiyuan had to temporarily stay in someone else's home. Yes, it was Ukiyo Hidetoshi's big villa.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi said that he has several such villas. Full of show-off.

In the days that followed, Bailiyuan indulged in enjoying the life of living in a villa, because Ukiyo Hidetoshi's large villa even had a full-time maid, who was even more like a big sister!

Which child could withstand such temptation? The knife struck Baili Yuan's weak spot.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo quietly started his own actions.

During the renovation, Hidetoshi Ukiyo joined the renovation team and seemed to be very interested in the renovation.

It wasn't until he dug out the hidden Magnum button from under the floor that everyone understood his true purpose.

[Brother Revenue, is this also in your plan? 】

[I just said he can’t be so kind! There is definitely something wrong with this show! 】

【As expected of you! 】

[It’s over, Jihu has obtained the magic weapon, Meow Orange is going to suffer a lot~]

[Brother Huangmao, stop enjoying it, your home has been stolen! 】

Baili Yuan, who was lying in the big villa, smiled crookedly, "The fox stepped on the trap~"

Kurama Nione continued to run away from home and had nothing to say.

Just when she ran away from home again, the last round of the game suddenly started!

There was no warning.

But it seems like a storm is coming.

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