I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 427 Baili Ize is about to go online

Pokémon Center.

Bailiyuan sat with Angela and Lizi, eating lunch.

Because it happened that Angela and Lizi were challenging the gymnasium in Huipi Town, Bailiyuan came to meet him.

"Xiaoyuan's speed is really fast." Lizi sighed.

Bailiyuan looked unhappy.

"How can a man speak fast?"

"What?" Li Zi was a little confused.

Angela smiled.

"Speed ​​is not important, as long as the technique is hard enough."


Bailiyuan was speechless.

Lizi still didn't understand.

I always feel like I don't understand what the two of them mean.

"Okay, are you going to leave after you come back this time?" Angela asked.

Bailiyuan thought for a while, then nodded.

"I still have some things to do."

Because Bailiyuan has to travel back and forth between multiple worlds, it is impossible to travel with the two of them, so it is better to separate.

"Don't worry, I will collect eight badges before the alliance meeting, and then participate in the meeting."

"Then we will meet at the alliance meeting next year, and we must have a good fight then!" Li Zi said energetically.

Bailiyuan and Angela smiled.

Lizi is the kind of pure trainer, full of hope for the future, and also has the drive to not admit defeat.

After lunch, Bailiyuan said goodbye to the two of them.

There is no rush to challenge the gymnasium. With Caroline's speed, she can walk around the eight official gymnasiums within a month.

During this time, Bailiyuan was ready to help Angela deal with the affairs of the Pokémon world.

Angela is going to get a higher status from the official, the first step is to become a researcher, and the next step is to become a Doctor of Pokémon!

Once Angela becomes Dr. Pokémon, she will have more resources and be more convenient to do some things in the future.

For example, to apply for a small charmander through legal channels for Bailiyuan.

In fact, in terms of knowledge, Angela does not know less than the average doctor, and even knows more and more clearly.

But Angela has two problems in wanting to become a doctor. One of them is to come up with some achievements, not only a conclusion, but also a lot of arguments.

Academics are rigorous, Angela can't just use a few papers to give herself a doctoral status, she must produce enough empirical evidence.

Another problem is that Angela has no background and no influence support, making it impossible for Angela to easily become the upper class of this world.

If Angela wants to become a doctor, there must be at least two doctors behind her to help her.

Fortunately, Angela already has a goal.

They are Dr. Oki from Kanto and Dr. Kongmu from Chengdu.

The reason for choosing these two people is because Angela's apparent background is similar to that of the two doctors. These two doctors are also specialized in academics, and their thinking is relatively pure.

At the same time, Dr. Kongmu is a student of Dr. Oki. If Angela manages Dr. Oki, then Dr. Kongmu will be almost as good as buying one and getting one free.

The content of some papers published by Angela on the Internet has attracted the attention of the two doctors, and Angela has also briefly communicated with the two doctors.

Although it doesn't seem to be on the line, it means that the fish has been hooked.

Angela is not without advantages, Angela's advantage is the direction!

Angela conducts research without constant exploration, the conclusion is already in Angela's mind, Angela only needs to infer backwards, and then publish it forward!

And with the support of Caroline's subsystem, Angela's research progress will be faster.

Maybe, Angela is expected to get a doctorate within two years.

And Angela's chosen research direction is the evil attribute!

During this period, the steel attribute and the evil attribute have just been determined, and there is still a lot of room for research. However, because the steel-type Pokémon has more swords, the research speed of the steel attribute is obviously faster, and the research progress of the evil attribute is relatively fast. It's slower.

Angela is going to use this ride to determine her status as a doctor of evil-type Pokémon.

Angela has recently collected a lot of evil-type Pokémon through various channels, and many opinion papers have been prepared one after another, and the only thing that needs to be released is enough supporting evidence.

And Caroline's subsystem is also constantly observing and recording the situation of those evil-type Pokémon, and constantly adding evidence for Angela that can prove the theoretical point of view.

Although there is still more room for research on the attributes of elves that have not yet been determined and made public, Angela does not intend to be the first person to eat crabs.

The first person to eat crabs will often gain more fame, and will also be involved in some vortexes!

While doing research, Angela is also planning to sell some technological props to increase her popularity. It is best to form a cooperative relationship with some large companies to tie interests together. Great help.

If you don't want to take refuge in a certain force, and you don't have that kind of supercilious strength, then it is the best choice to bind your interests with a big force.

This is to help Angela clear the barriers at the high-end level.

Besides these, Angela has two other plans.

One plan is to get better results in league competitions and make a name for yourself.

It is also taking the public route.

And the second plan is to build a dojo.

The so-called dojo is not a dojo. Some Pokémon fighting genres will establish their own dojos, recruit disciples, and continue to pass on.

Don't underestimate this kind of dojo, this kind of dojo often has a very deep background, and the inheritance time is very long, the foundation is profound, and it can often exert a power that cannot be underestimated.

Angela established the dojo to get on the line of the dojo forces, and also to strive for more benefits.

If the dojo can become a gymnasium in the future, it will be a new height.

These two plans are also clearing the middle and low-end obstacles for Angela's doctoral path.

In addition to these, Angela has another way out, and that is chestnuts.

If nothing can be done, Angela will definitely find a way to be firmly tied to Lizi, and there is no way that Lizi's family will leave Angela, a potential stock, alone.

This is Angela's plan now.

But Angela was alone, and even with the help of Caroline's subsystem, she couldn't do it all at once.

Therefore, for some things, other people are needed to help, and Bailiyuan is the best candidate!

However, it is impossible for Bailiyuan to show others with his original appearance.

Well, it's Ezreal's turn to come forward at this time, no, it should be "Baili Ize"!

After a half-day flight, Bailiyuan returned to the old coastal port.

The old coastal port has been around for many years. Although the prosperous port industry in those days will not decline, it is not as prosperous as it was then.

And the common feature of these old things is that the years go by more slowly.

Because it itself is already the product of years of precipitation.

After a few months, the old coastal port remains unchanged, and the pace of life is still very slow.

The port is the only way for people to go overseas, and this place has also become a point on the way for Pokémon trainers to reach their ideals, passing by in a hurry.

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