Chapter 4191 You are greedy for my body!

"Hmph, how dare you resist even if you don't surrender?" the Black King said coldly.

The blood demon who was wounded by the counterattack was even more furious. Being hurt by the ants in his eyes made him only feel humiliated.

Although the injuries on his body were horrific, they did not affect his combat power. Instead, they made him even more bloodthirsty and violent.

"Looking for death!!!"

Amid the roar, the Blood Demon not only did not stop, but used more powerful attacks, punching continuously, hitting the anti-injury magic circle in one go.

The anti-injury magic circle continued to work, shook violently, and finally shattered suddenly.

The counter-injury magic circle also has an upper limit on the damage it can sustain, and it can only carry out counter-injury if it takes damage first. If you can't bear the damage, you will naturally be broken.

The next second, the anti-injury magic circle was shattered together with the hollowed-out mountain.

Scarlet punched the mountain into pieces, revealing the refuge space inside the mountain.

However, when the Demon King Goblins looked inside, they found that the survivors who had been sensed turned out to be like phantoms, scattering in the wind.

There was no one in the mountain!

"It's an illusion!" Emperor Meng was slightly surprised. She had used her mental power to sense the mountain before. There were clearly millions of survivors inside, but she didn't expect that those millions of survivors were all illusions!

The most important thing is that even she was deceived.

The blood demon was extremely furious and broke into the mountain on his own initiative, roaring loudly, "Get out of here!"

The wise man wanted to remind the Blood Demon to be careful, but he did not say anything because he also wanted to let the Blood Demon explore the way.

The blood demon who broke into the mountain did not encounter any danger.

The wise man also relied on his own perception to discover that although there were indeed many traces of life in the mountain, there were even large vegetable fields, proving that there were indeed survivors in the mountain. But no survivors were found, and the survivors seemed to have left recently, as if they were leaving in a hurry.

In addition to these, the Blood Demon smelled a strange fragrance, but this fragrance was quickly dissipated by the smell of blood emanating from the Blood Demon.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The blood demon exploded his power one after another, the blood stained the broken mountains red, and the tyrannical momentum crushed the gravel to pieces, destroying all traces.

The mountain that has lost its top looks like a volcano about to erupt.

It also confirmed the blood demon's inner state at this moment.

"Did you escape?" the wise man said regretfully.

As soon as he finished speaking, the ground suddenly broke open, and a green vine-like spike suddenly pierced out from the ground. The attack suddenly came, and the target was clearly - a huge mountain floating in the air!

Bailiyuan: "???"

"Be careful, giant mountain!"

Meng Emperor and Yao Gui were both anxious, and they took action one after another.

Pulled by his mental power, Emperor Meng pulled the giant mountain away and grabbed it beside him.

Ghost shadows filled the air, and the demonic ghost directly shot out its ghost claws, and the attack that was stabbed out of the ground was directly crushed.

When Jushan was pulled to his side by Mengdi, Mengdi quietly raised his hand and began to grope Jushan's hard body, his breathing gradually becoming heavier.

Bailiyuan only felt that the child was afraid.

No, eldest sister, can you look at the environment before speaking?

A wise man comes to the rescue!

However, the wise man was staring at the ground at this moment and realized that the enemy was hiding underground.

"I originally thought that going out to capture slaves this time would be foolproof, but I didn't expect that I would encounter these things." The wise man murmured to himself.

At the same time, the exposed sneak attacker no longer had any way of hiding, and he directly attacked with all his strength.

"Grow, spirit of nature!"

Visible to the naked eye, the ground broke open, and countless plants spread and grew. Countless vines, stems and leaves seemed to have turned into weapons, attacking the Demon King Goblins in mid-air.

The Demon King Goblins used their power to fight against him.

The Blood Demon swung his fist, but found that he was unable to crush the incoming plant with one punch. Instead, it was knocked away by the plant's huge branches and leaves.

The Black King spread the darkness and wanted to expand the dark realm, but unexpectedly, a layer of realm full of natural aura actually blocked the dark realm, which made the Black King's expression change slightly.

The wise men and prophets did not take action, they chose the inevitable, but they were more observing the enemy's attack methods.

Mengdi hugged the big baby Jushan and took the opportunity to escape, "Don't worry, Jushan, my sister will protect you, Chi Liu~"

Bailiyuan: "..."

Are you trying to protect me? You are greedy for my body! I don’t even hesitate to tell you!

Yao Gui was silent for a moment, then chose to follow his instinct and chased Meng Emperor and Jushan.

At this point, Meng Emperor and Yao Gui, with Ju Shan, left the team.

The wise man noticed this scene, but he just snorted coldly and prioritized dealing with the sea of ​​plants that was spreading in front of him.

That’s right, it’s a sea of ​​plants. Various plants are constantly growing out of the ground, like waves, one after another, trying to crush them.

"Stupid woman, since you don't participate, then this artifact will be distributed by us." The wise man mocked in his heart.

At this moment, the wise man has seen through that what released these plants is an artifact, and it is a powerful artifact.

After the artifact holder is dealt with, the artifact becomes their trophy.

There are two less competitors, which the wise man would like to see, and the opponent's artifact seems to be more suitable for him.

Because this artifact contains the aura fluctuations of the laws of earth, water, and wood, which overlap with the power of the wise man.

When the ocean of plants subsided, the countless plants that appeared seemed to have turned into a huge plant mountain range. The plants that suddenly stopped also divided the positions of the Demon King Goblins.

The Blood Demon and the Black King are each in one place.

Wise men and prophets stand together.

Immediately afterwards, the plant mountain range began to move, and large tracts of plants quickly blossomed and bore fruit.

The fragrance of flowers and the fruits of the plants were turned into means of attack, controlling or attacking the Demon King Goblins remotely.

The wise man spoke softly, "Don't fight head-on. The other party can't hold on to this artifact for too long. We will have a chance soon." His voice reached everyone's ears.

Also included in the ears of the strong man who controlled the artifact behind his back, which made the strong man frown, and then there was murderous intent in his eyes.

"I didn't expect to be seen through, but even if I can't hold on for long, it's more than enough to kill you. Besides, I'm not fighting alone!"

Among the plant mountains.

Several red lights lit up, and figures were summoned.

The leader was a frog-like figure carrying a small bud behind his back. It's Bulbasaur!

Bulbasaur's body lit up with the light of evolution one after another.

Bulbasaur, come!


As Bulbasaur hummed, all the plants in the plant mountain range became more active, and even with Bulbasaur as the center, they began to light up with emerald green light.

The attacks of the Plant Mountain Range were even more ferocious, and the power of the artifact was actually greatly enhanced.

The strong man who controlled the artifact behind the scenes suddenly became excited. He did not expect such an unexpected surprise, and a gleam of hope appeared in his eyes.

"It can be done! It must be possible! I can fight back!"

And the elves who were summoned with the Bulbasaur also joined the battlefield one after another.

For example, the blood demon who was fighting against the plants with his fists was suddenly hit by a large cloud of stench. His facial features were all tangled together, and he was so smoked that he could not open his eyes.

Then the golden Overlord Flower and the flash double bomb gas jumped out of the grass and it was a set of king's eight punches. (End of chapter)

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