Chapter 4188 I almost got poked!

Thinking, thinking, Bailiyuan suddenly realized a problem.

"Only by knowing the true name can the Demon King Goblin be killed. So if the Demon King Goblin is not named, wouldn't he be immortal?"

The price is low IQ and the inability to awaken the power. The threat to the world has been greatly reduced.

"However, those who have not been named can also be named directly, just like a wise man naming a huge mountain. I just don't know if there are any special conditions for forced naming."

"Now is not the time to think about this matter. My thoughts have gone astray again. Let's think about business first."

Bailiyuan lay down on the bed, holding his head, thinking about ways to save the survivors.

"You can let the system go first and send those survivors to their home space for temporary shelter. I think with Bessie here, it should be easy to persuade the other survivors. Then I will continue to stay in the Demon King Goblin and inquire about the Demon King Goblin Their real names. By the way, I want to find out the existence that is still missing. "

The Eye of God can clearly see that there is a relationship line connecting these six Demon Goblins to the distance. Perhaps they are all connected to the same existence. The Demon Goblins may have accomplices!

And the other party is probably someone you need to be wary of.

After all, sheep only travel in groups, tigers always walk alone.

As for the real name issue.

"Now I only know the wise man's true name, but is there really no problem with the wise man's true name?"

Bailiyuan still had doubts about this.

After all, those who dare to call themselves wise these days are either clowns or lybs!

Bailiyuan, who was holding his head, gradually felt that his eyelids were a little heavy, and finally slowly closed his eyes and fell into sleep.

At the moment when he closed his eyes, Baili Yuan felt shocked in his heart and his soul suddenly woke up.

"No, I've been hit!"

His soul wasn't sleepy yet, so why did his body fall asleep on its own?

If it were Baili Yuan himself, he would definitely not be tricked so easily, or even fall into the trap at all.

However, who knows that this is the body that Baili Yuan took away from him, and he has not yet fully adapted to it.

And when Jushan's body fell asleep, he sat up from the bed and walked out of the room as if he was sleepwalking.

"Is it the Meng Emperor who controls things in his sleep?" Baili Yuan was doubtful, but still chose to wait and see.

The moment Jushan walked out of the room, Bailiyuan twitched the corner of his mouth, "Isn't it?"

At this moment, he felt five peeping glances. Obviously, someone had been staring at him!

Why are there only five peeps?

Because the last guy is casting a spell directly on the giant mountain!

Obviously, the other demon king goblins do not trust the new giant mountain, or in other words, they do not trust the wise man who named the giant mountain. I wonder what the wise man will do with the giant mountain.

After all, Jushan doesn't look very smart at all.

Even though the other Demon King Goblins were in their own rooms, they did not relax their surveillance of the giant mountain.

Facing the prying eyes, the sleeping Jushan body did not move. Instead, he took steps on his own, as if he was guided by some kind of guidance, and came to the door of a certain room.

Bailiyuan clearly remembered that this room was the room of Emperor Meng.

"Sure enough, it's you!" Bailiyuan became vigilant, "Did he discover any abnormalities or flaws with his sensitive mental power? Things may be about to get worse."

At this moment, Bailiyuan relied on his powerful soul power to recall every detail of his contact with Emperor Meng, and suddenly discovered details in his memory that he had not noticed before.

That is, after Jushan awakened his power and stood up, both Meng Emperor and Yaogui showed special reactions.

"Could it be that there are two people who noticed something strange?!" Bailiyuan was shocked.

Emperor Meng may have some conspiracy!

Jushan opened the room, the door was unlocked, and Bailiyuan was already ready for a fight.

Even if he gave up his body and fought with only his soul, Bailiyuan was still no weaker than the Demon King Goblin.

However, after opening the door, I saw——

The room was shrouded in an ambiguous purple halo and exuded an alluring fragrance. The entire room was decorated with a seductive mood. A soft and luxurious large bed was placed in the room, facing the door.

Mengdi, who was wearing a transparent gauze dress that simply covered her key parts, was lying on her side on the soft bed, her hot body defenseless, and her eyes were staring at the huge mountain that opened the door, her eyes filled with excitement. Meaning of aggression.

This is a sight more tempting than a succubus! ! !

Bailiyuan was stunned.

The soul is trembling.

When has the child ever seen something so exciting?

Mengdi held his chin with one hand and licked his little finger with his tender tongue. Every move exuded a different kind of aura. He gently lifted the hem of the gauze skirt with his other hand and made a strong seductive sound.

"Jushan, Sangda, come here quickly~"

She even wants to control the mountain with her real name!

Jushan's body walked into the room uncontrollably and went straight to the big bed.

Let Mengdi show a satisfied smile, and at the same time he slowly lay on his side, raised one of his slender legs, and seemed to be breathing out a stream of heat.

"What a seductive power. My body can no longer hold it back!" Emperor Meng stared at Jushan's body greedily.

After having a special feeling before, this special feeling became even stronger.

The urge to breed was finally uncontrollable. Emperor Meng ignored the possible suspicion and directly used methods to control the giant mountain.

Everything is going smooth.

However, Emperor Meng never expected that the soul of Jushan was actually Baili Yuan.

But at this time, Baili Yuan's eyes turned a little gloomy.

"This is a dream-like scene. Andy, Shirley, Junko, Caroline, Jiazi... Even if it's a big milk jug, I won't hesitate for a second, but it's the Demon King Goblin!"

Oh, and neither can Shazi, unless Shazi returns to her adult form.

"Sure enough, it is the demon king Goblin who is born evil, and he dares to seduce my innocent little boy! Defiling my dream! I will..."

Just when Baili Yuan was planning to die rather than obey, or even reveal his identity, and give Meng Emperor a cruel move.

A voice came into the room from outside the door that was not closed.

"Jushan Sangda, stand down!"

The owner of this voice is clearly a wise man!

Sure enough, Jushan's body stopped.

The same recitation of the true name, the order of the wise man, replaced the order of Emperor Meng.

Emperor Meng's face darkened and he said in a deep voice, "Come here!"

Jushan raised his legs.

"Stop!" the wise man said calmly.

Jushan lowered his legs.

"come over!"


"come over!"



After pulling back and forth several times, Jushan's legs were raised and then lowered, and finally Mengdi was the first to explode.

She had no intention of covering her body, and flew directly from the bed, emitting powerful mental fluctuations that shook everything in the room. She pressed all her mental power towards the wise man and shouted angrily: "Wise man, do you want to die?"

Emperor Meng is very angry at this moment!

The wise man remained calm, and just said lightly, "Meng Emperor, some things are better for you and me to agree. After all, we are more noble and civilized Demon King Goblins, not those garbage people who only kill and eat."

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