Chapter 4184 Seize the body, start!

In the remaining six rituals, there are still several colorful-level mutant goblins fighting each other. Their power has been exhausted to the limit, and they have even begun to overdraw their own life force.

The outcome of their battle is to determine the final winner, but when they fight, their goal is not that. They just want to simply kill all other targets. No matter what you do, you won't hesitate to pay for it.

At this moment, it is a competition between spirit and will!

Every mutant goblin who completed the ritual was very weak and even narrowly escaped death.

In a ceremony, the two mutant goblins who competed in the end put everything they had into killing each other. One bit the other's throat, and the other took out the other's heart.

In the end, both mutant goblins lost their vitality and fell into a pile of corpses together. There is no final winner.

The ceremony failed at the last moment.

The wise men who noticed this were very disappointed and extremely regretful.

At the beginning, most of the rituals started smoothly, but in the end, most of them failed because there was no final winner.

It seems that there is an invisible force that adjusts the combat situation in the ceremony. There will never be a mutated goblin dominating the battlefield, but an evenly matched opponent.

After all, this is a ritual, so the wise men and others can understand it.

There is no specific statistics on what will happen to these naturally born Demon King Goblins. But this artificial opening ceremony exposed many situations.

When the density of mutant goblins in an area reaches a certain level, the ceremony will begin! All mutated goblins in the ritual will only have the ritual of killing! During the ceremony, the mutated goblin will become stronger by killing other targets! In the ceremony, there must be an opponent who is equal to oneself! The last survivor, even if he is on the verge of death, can complete the ritual as long as he is still alive. Through the ritual, he can cross over to a higher realm and master the corresponding power together!

These are probably some ritual matters summarized by wise men.

"Wise man, experiments are always full of surprises, but even if there is only one successful test product, we have gained more experience of failure, which will be used for the next time." The prophet comforted.

"As long as 'Father' is here, there will be as many of these experimental subjects as you want. A new companion will be a gain, and a companion without will be a loss." Meng Emperor said disdainfully. She obviously did not regard other mutated goblins as the same kind.

Moreover, these Demon King Goblins don't seem to know that the forest goblins have been killed.

The wise man nodded slightly, "I'm not disappointed, it's just a pity that those companions who could be born fell at the last step."

As the wise man finished speaking, another ritual failed, and the reason was that both parties died together.

But fortunately, the first ceremony finally succeeded!

The blood-red light gathered and enveloped the entire ritual area, making it impossible for the Demon King Goblins to see the scene, but it made all the Demon King Goblins very excited.

Finally a new companion is about to be born!

And good news keeps coming.

Two more rituals successful!

Unfortunately, the last ritual failed.

A total of more than twenty rituals were performed, of which only six were carried out to the end, and only three were successfully completed.

"Three games, three new companions, not bad." The wise man was quite satisfied with this result.

However, the demon goblins did not know that at the same moment, there were others secretly watching these rituals.

"It's finally over, but three is a bit too much."

Bailiyuan was hiding underground with the others, paying attention to the three final successful rituals, and then suddenly raised his hand.

God-stealing gloves, activate!

Stealing target - life!

Stealing twice in succession, directly taking away the lives of two demon goblins who were still gestating, causing problems in the final gestation stage of the ceremony.

Then, without the other Demon King Goblins understanding, two more of the three originally successful rituals were suddenly extinguished.

"What? There is still a possibility of failure during the pregnancy stage? It shouldn't be?" The wise man couldn't even imagine why this happened with his own smart brain.

"After all, it is a ceremony, and accidents are not impossible." The Black King said.

"This shows that those two guys are not qualified to be our companions!" Gorefiend looked unruly.

His words made the other Demon King Goblins nod slightly.

Although the wise man was confused, he couldn't figure it out. Seeing that others didn't care, he didn't open his mouth to discuss it with them.

A wise man is always lonely.

But the wise man was particularly concerned about the last ceremony, fearing that problems would arise again, and even couldn't help but get closer, wanting to protect the birth of a new companion.

Finally, the gestation phase is over.

A tall figure was born bathed in blood.

Just at this moment.

Bailiyuan activated the last God-stealing Glove effect today.

Stealing target—soul!

The immature soul of the newly born Demon King Goblin was stolen directly from Baili Yuan's hands.

Not bothering to check the soul.

Baili Yuan sat cross-legged.

"Protect my body!"

"Seize the body, start!"

This was the first time Bailiyuan used the method obtained from the Nine Immortals Realm to seize the body of the Demon King Goblin who had lost his soul.

The Demon King Goblins just felt a wave of soul fluctuations, and then the tall figure who closed his eyes slowly opened his eyes, his eyes full of confusion.

Only the wise man frowned slightly, feeling that something was wrong.

But the other demon king goblins were still very happy and fell from the sky again just like they had greeted the hunters before.

"Congratulations on your birth, our companion!" The wise man still smiled and congratulated, while looking at the "companion" in front of him.

A group of Demon King Goblins looked at the new Demon King Goblin in front of them.

It has a tall figure, three meters tall, with muscles as hard as rock, skin as dark red as lava, eyes that are actually black, and pupils that are red, only the size of a sesame seed. He has a handsome and resolute face and a pair of pointed ears.

He was wearing a vest and trousers, and his hands were wrapped in bandages.

He looks like a melee fighter.

"Then why are there soul fluctuations?" The wise man noticed something was wrong.

But the Demon King Goblins did not talk directly here, but first looked around carefully.

Then the Blood Demon and the Black King rushed forward, tied up the new Demon King Goblin, and ran directly to the Demon King Goblin's castle. That was their base camp, and they guaranteed that no one else would pass through. Just take the stairs and sneak in!

But the tall new companion seemed a bit stupid. He didn't struggle, but looked like he was having fun.

The wise man no longer struggled with the issue of his ability, but began to doubt that his new companion was not very smart.

"Isn't a mentally retarded child born?"

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