Chapter 4177: Commit suicide!

Bailiyuan's words seemed to have some magic power. When he ordered the hunter, even though the hunter's body was pulled by Meng Emperor, it still stopped in mid-air and could no longer be pulled by Meng Emperor.

The expressions of both the wise man and Meng Emperor changed.

The wise man is because Bailiyuan understands the meaning of the name. The name is not only the key to the power of the Demon Goblins, but also the key to controlling the Demon Goblins. However, there is a limit to the control of the Demon King Goblin with simple language, but if it is a language with power, such as the divine words Bailiyuan just said, it has a powerful ability to control the Demon King Goblin.

Meng Emperor did it because she failed to take the hunter away, and what stopped her from taking the hunter away was not Baili Yuan, but the hunter himself! The hunter's own power is fighting against the Meng Emperor's power, keeping the hunter's body in mid-air and unable to be shaken. And this is because the hunter "obeyed" Bailiyuan's instructions.

At this moment, the fighting stopped, but the atmosphere became more tense.

All the demon goblins were staring at Baili Yuan and the hunter with ugly expressions.

Uchiha Shisui fell to the ground, his eyes scanning the surroundings, guarding against the methods of the Demon King Goblins. Compared to Baili Yuan, Uchiha Shisui cannot defeat the Demon King Goblins one against six, because after all, he is a guardian spirit and a spiritual body. He needs to be attached to Baili Yuan, and he has obvious flaws. Be restrained.

Methods targeting spirits can often pose a considerable threat to Uchiha Shisui, and it just so happens that demons can do it.

However, Uchiha Shisui is not bad after all. He also has his own abilities and can also restrain and threaten demons.

The two sides have a relationship of mutual restraint.

The wise man spoke slowly, "Your Excellency, this powerful human being, how about we sit down and talk?"

Obviously, after catching the hunter, the wise man became afraid.

The most important thing is that the wise man does not intend to abandon the new companion of the hunter just yet.

But the hunter was staring at Baili Yuan, with murderous intent and anger in his eyes that could not be concealed. She was just born, and she could not hide her emotions yet.

However, Baili Yuan gave the wise man a sideways glance.

He spoke again and uttered the words of God.


The wise man's pupils shrank sharply, and he suddenly felt his body tense up. At this moment, he realized that Bailiyuan had heard a lot of things.

And besides the hunter, he is another Demon King Goblin whose name has been revealed. The names of the other demon goblins have not been revealed.

In fact, Bailiyuan didn't know why the wise man revealed his name, but obviously, his name should be true.

"Belloso, I order you to commit suicide here!" Bailiyuan said immediately, giving a direct suicide order.

Since his control was so strong, Bailiyuan wanted to try to see if he could break through the restriction of death.

Many control methods are unable to combat the first goal of life, survival!

The pupils of the demon goblins shrank sharply.

Then he saw that the wise man actually slowly raised his hand, and the power of his law appeared in his hand.

It turned out that four elements of law appeared together.

The law of earth, the law of fire, the law of wind, the law of water!

Each law is independent and not merged together. Let Baili Yuan think deeply.

"The power of a wise man should lie in his wisdom, and perhaps also his understanding, so he has multiple independent laws."

But not all strong people can master multiple laws. People like Baili Yuan are just special. The average supreme powerhouse can only master one to three laws.

A strong man like the Sword King mastered many laws through years of hard training and hundreds of millions of talents, and condensed the Sword King's laws.

Of course, those peak experts are all old monsters who have lived for who knows how many years, and naturally they have mastered many laws.

As for the Demon King Goblins, they were born not long ago, maybe not even three months.

It is very rare to directly master the four laws.

The wise man obviously did not want to commit suicide. His strong desire to survive made him want to resist Baili Yuan's order. However, his body was very honest, and the power of the four laws had exploded to the extreme.

Because of the wise man's desire to survive, his movements were a little slow, but he still kept his hand close to his forehead.

Interestingly, Baili Yuan noticed that although the other demon goblins looked ugly, they did not directly save the wise man, and seemed to be observing the wise man.

This is very interesting.

The other demon king goblins also want to test the wise man!

"They say it's a family, but in fact they are also on guard against each other. The only ones who were deceived were the hunters who were just born and were not very intelligent yet." Baili Yuan made a judgment.

Finally, the moment when the wise man's hand was about to fall on his forehead.

The prophet, who had been silent all this time, suddenly let out a low drink.

"Mother's gift!"

Suddenly, there was a white light that attached to the wise man's body and enveloped him completely. It seemed that the wise man was freed from Baili Yuan's control.

Then the wise man immediately threw the four elements in his hand towards Bailiyuan, turned them into four different weapons, and attacked Bailiyuan.

Earth sword, musket, wind sword, water halberd!

Seeing the four laws coming, Baili Yuan did not dodge and spoke out again.

"Block the attack!"

But this time, it was the hunter who acted. She suddenly moved her body sideways, blocking Bailiyuan and the attack. She waved the bone spear in her hand, and the laws of the forest unfolded, confronting the four laws and consuming each other.

Blocking the four laws is equivalent to blocking the four full-power attacks of the wise man. Although it is successful, the hunter consumes a lot of money. She, who had just been born, could not compare with the wise man who was born in advance.

Also while the hunter blocks the attack.

The wise man shouted loudly: "Retreat!" The wise man, whose body was still shrouded in white light, was temporarily out of Bailiyuan's control, and his expression became extremely anxious.

Obviously, this layer of white light that can help him release control should have a time limit.

The Black King directly used the law of darkness to open a hole in the dark realm, but was shocked to find that outside the dark realm, there was actually a light realm.

The field of light is the power of Bailiyuan.

Also because of the obstruction of the light field, the escape method used by the Black King caused the best escape opportunity to be missed.

How could Bailiyuan be defenseless?

Moreover, in the light field, there is also a huge magic circle that lights up, which is an attacking magic circle, making the Demon King Goblins feel a strong threat.

However, Bailiyuan ignored the wise man and the hunter, but stared at the prophet and took the initiative.

Alarm bells rang in the prophet's heart, and he immediately put up a defense for himself, and a pure white cocoon of light enveloped him.

At the same time, the space around him was shattered, destroying everything. It also caused the light cocoon to shake violently, consuming most of it and making the light cocoon become as thin as cicada wings.

Obviously, if he were to delay defending for one second, he would be completely torn apart by the shattered space like everything around him.

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