Chapter 4162 Is this “birth”?

The tips of the two extending tentacles are no longer two dark balls, but are actually connected to two figures!

To be precise, it was a pitch-black ball that transformed into two figures.

Both figures look like three-eyed ogres, with the iconic three eyes and wearing different equipment. They are professionals among the three-eyed ogres.

Individuals with different abilities of monsters are generally called variants.

Individuals with different abilities from intelligent races are generally called professionals.

To distinguish whether it is a monster or an intelligent race, it depends on whether the race has a mature professional system and the civilization level of the race.

Like goblins, ogres are also divided into monsters and intelligent races.

Bailiyuan knew something about the Three-Eyed Ogre. He also knew about several races bordering on humans, and the Three-Eyed Ogre was one of them.

The three-eyed ogre has a strong body and can grow to at least two meters in adulthood. Those below two meters are considered disabled. There are orc-like canine teeth in the mouth that protrude from the lips. The body lines are rough, and women's figures tend to be more popular. Both men and women are equally strong and muscular. The most distinctive features are the pointed ears and three eyes side by side.

The diet of their race is mainly based on meat, including the meat of humanoid creatures. Humans also do not have high taste requirements in their race's diet.

Racial civilization is relatively wild, strength comes first, and morality is not important.

Fortunately, the three-eyed ogre is intelligent and does not necessarily want to eat humans. Instead, it has a special liking for monster goblins that produce large amounts of food and reproduce quickly. It has begun to domesticate and raise monster goblins very early.

The relationship with the human race cannot be said to be good, but it is not bad. It is just because of the current situation in the big world that the relationship between the three-eyed ogre and the human race has gradually become tense.

The skin of three-eyed ogres is usually red or blue, with rare green and purple colors. Currently, no fifth skin color has been found among three-eyed ogres.

Different skin colors often represent the different talents of the three-eyed ogre.

Red skin corresponds to stronger strength and is suitable for warrior-type professions; blue skin corresponds to more magic power and is suitable for mage-type professions; green skin corresponds to smarter wisdom and is suitable for warlock-type professions; purple skin corresponds to both magic and strength. With weapons, both combat skills and magic, they can often become the strongest among the three-eyed ogres, and are considered a noble color by the three-eyed ogres.

It is worth mentioning that although the Three-Eyed Ogre has three eyes with pupils of different colors, in fact the pupils of the three eyes are generally the same color. If you do not deliberately practice eye-related skills, the three eyes will often It won't have any special powers.

The forest goblin has three eyes similar to the three-eyed ogre, but they all have pupils of different colors.

At this moment, the two three-eyed ogres condensed by the forest goblins, one with red skin and the other with blue skin, are dressed as warriors and mage respectively.

And the auras emanating from them are surprisingly the same level as the auras of forest goblins, belonging to the supreme level!

Then, the two three-eyed ogres slowly opened their eyes, but there was no aura in their six eyes, as if they were just props for seeing.

The next second, the two three-eyed ogres locked onto Baili Yuan, and then attacked Baili Yuan together.

The warrior held a big sword, and his profession was a warrior-type sword wielder, who was better at breaking armor; the mage raised his wand and released energy bombs of the four elements of earth, fire, wind, and water, which seemed to belong to an elemental mage.

One for close combat and one for distant attack.

The two are close to each other.

Facing the incoming attack, Baili Yuan clasped his hands together.

The earth explodes and the stars explode!

of course not.

The effect is similar.

Bailiyuan pulled the surrounding earth and rocks to one place, quickly sealing the incoming warriors in the earth, and at the same time used the rocks to block the elemental energy bombs fired by the mage.

Then Baili Yuan pushed with his backhand, and the rock ball blocking the warrior hit the mage.

The mage wanted to dodge, but was blocked by the sudden gravity. He was then forced into close contact with the rock ball and was smashed into the ground together.


Baili Yuan let out a low shout and directly detonated his power, creating a gravity explosion.

There was another roar.

The sealed warriors and suppressed mages were shattered into pieces and completely dissipated in this wave of explosions.

As a result, the forest goblin lost two inches of weight again.

Baili Yuan raised his eyebrows. Although the two three-eyed ogres were both supremely powerful, they were extremely easy to fight, which made him feel like...

"Empty has power, but ability cannot match it."

It is good to crush the weak, but it is powerless to fight against the stronger.

Seeing that the two little brothers it summoned were killed so easily and that it lost its strength, the forest goblin became even more angry, and finally designated Baili Yuan as its mortal enemy.

It seems that there is some more important program that puts hatred in a lower position.

But because of Bailiyuan's efforts, he finally attracted the hatred of the forest goblin.

The forest goblin roared angrily, and ten tentacles extended from his body at once, each tentacle connected to a black ball.

Baili Yuan raised his hand, which was the space blade. He wanted to cut the tentacles and interrupt the call of the forest goblin, but failed.

The tentacles that extended out this time could not be completely cut off.

Then, Bai Liyuan witnessed the ten black balls changing their shapes like plasticine and turning into ten different three-eyed ogre warriors.

Four red skins, four blue skins, one green skin, and one purple skin.

At this time, Bailiyuan's expression suddenly changed slightly and he looked sideways into the distance.

Because Li Yifeng was back, not only that, but he was also followed by other members of the brave team, as well as a large army of heraldry warriors who came for support.

It was the brave team that went back early and called in troops for support.

Two of the three Grand Heralds came, and the remaining one was leading everyone in Lakeside Town to evacuate.

"Boss, we are here to support you!"

Bailiyuan: "..."

The ten three-eyed ogres also looked at Li Yifeng who spoke, and each of them had supreme-level aura fluctuations.

"Stop!" Li Yifeng sensed the danger with his power and hurriedly told everyone to stop.

The heraldic envoys who came to support him had no time to say hello to Baili Yuan. They all looked at the scene in front of them in astonishment.

The 100-meter-tall forest goblin summoned ten strong three-eyed ogres to besiege Bailiyuan.

This scene is incomprehensible!

When did the three-eyed ogre surrender to the monster goblin?


"Isn't that warrior a general of the Three-Eyed Ogre clan? Isn't he also at the level of a Grand Herald? Why did he suddenly become so powerful?" A Grand Herald asked in shock.

Obviously, the three-eyed ogres that were summoned were all synchronized with the strength of forest goblins.

Baili Yuan took the initiative, raised his hands, and summoned a huge stone man, trying to hammer the Goblin in the forest.

If we deal with the three-eyed ogres summoned by these tentacles, there will be no end.

However, when the stone man crashed into the forest goblin, Baili Yuan's expression changed suddenly.


The forest goblin was very excited, and then launched a tentacle attack.

"Holy shit, is this fertility?"

The people who came to support all had shocked expressions. The women covered their eyes and the men fell into silence.

Li Yifeng raised his hand to cover the eyes of the curious brave girl, and at the same time had the idea of ​​​​buttoning his own eyes.

"What crime have I committed? For me to see this?"

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