Chapter 4156 This gene must be good!

"Hey, hey, now isn't the time to discuss this. Shouldn't we talk about my hot search now?" Bailiyuan said speechlessly.

Don't be crooked!

During this time, Bailiyuan also read the news on the Internet and learned more about this hot search.

"The leader of the Golden Salamander Clan leads the entire clan to the Human Race Cloud City to seek the marriage of the powerful Human Race Baili Yuan!" 》

This is the news headline.

The title is long, but there is not a single extra word.

The hotly searched tags are # Bailiyuan, Golden Salamander Tribe # .

Not only the hot searches on the Internet for humans, but also the hot searches on the Internet for other races, the same situation exists.

Among the top ten hot searches on the human race, there are still four related to this hot search. One is # Baili Yuan # , one is # Introduction to the Golden Salamander Clan # , and one is # ]The leader of the Golden Salamander Clan # , the last one is # Spent a lot of money to seek seeds # .

Bailiyuan didn't expect that he would encounter such a thing as soon as he came back, and he couldn't care about other things.

Among all the races in the world, there are only two impressions of Baili Yuan - a special human race, very strong!

There are two impressions of the Golden Salamander Tribe and its leader - mysterious and very powerful!

Now that they appeared in the same event, even if it was just a small matter, it was enough to attract the attention of many races.

Besides, what happened between them was not a trivial matter.

There are three main reasons why this incident has attracted so much attention.

The first aspect is related to Bailiyuan, which is to make all races, including the human race, realize that Bailiyuan is very special, especially Bailiyuan’s genes!

Now not only the Golden Salamander Clan, but also the human race itself is also considering whether Bailiyuan's genes can do greater things.

Of course, the top management of the human race hopes that Bailiyuan can keep his genes well, at least not to leak out of the human race.

The second aspect is related to the golden salamander tribe. This time is equivalent to the fact that the golden salamander tribe, which has been mysterious since the age of gods, is publicly exposed to various races.

Various races were shocked to discover that the Golden Salamander Tribe actually had the powers and characteristics of other races, and all of them were women.

This has to make many races think too much.

After all, the Golden Salamanders are not the only all-female race in the world.

The Amazons, Succubi, Magical Elves, etc. are all all-female races, and most of them bring males from other races back to the race for breeding.

There are temptations, compulsions, and single-female breeding.

There is even a race like the sea slug, where everyone supports her.

But the same thing is that any race whose breeding method breaks through the combination of men and women will have something special or have special talents within the race.

It may not be very strong, but it must be strange.

The Golden Salamanders can be strong and strange.

Many races want to further explore the secrets of the Golden Salamander Clan, but they don't have the courage at the moment, and the other Ten Saint Clan have not acted rashly either.

But they all want the genes that all the Ten Saints want.

The third aspect is the question of whether the human race and the golden salamander tribe will unite. Relatively speaking, this issue has received the least attention, but it is actually the most important.

Because whether Bailiyuan will marry the Golden Salamander Clan, and what kind of things the Golden Salamander Clan will use Bailiyuan's genes to cultivate in the future, are all matters in the future.

Moreover, it usually takes a long time for powerful races to breed offspring.

But if the human race and the golden salamander tribe use this reason to directly unite, it will have a huge impact on the situation in the world.

The Anson Wilderness tribe did not dare to start a war directly, but they were still waiting for information.

Although the Anxun Wilderness Clan is reckless, they are not stupid.

If the human race is provoked, the Anxun Wilderness Clan may not be able to resist the current combat power displayed by the Human Race, not to mention there is still [Innocent] supporting the Anxun Wilderness Clan behind them.

But if you mess with the Golden Salamander Clan, the Golden Salamander Clan can really wipe out the Anson Wilderness Clan!

【Not guilty】Every time you come, you will be slapped.

[Innocent] has done great things, and his remaining strength may not be weak now, but it is definitely not as powerful as the Ten Saints who have been strong since the age of the gods.

Bailiyuan is also concerned about the third aspect.

"Are the humans going to remain silent, or are they going to tell the truth?"

Of course, he also cares about his reputation and lower body, but he can put it behind for the time being.

Even now, Bailiyuan always feels that his front and back are a little tight, as if there are countless people staring at him.

After hearing Bailiyuan's words, Andy finally spoke, "In terms of interests, the human race will choose to remain silent and wait for other races to discover the situation on their own. This will buy enough time for the human race to make more progress. adequate preparation."

"Besides, at present, the human race cannot use those hidden powers. After all, many races, including the other Ten Saint Races, are still keeping an eye on the human race. This may include the Golden Salamander Clan."

"No race wants to see another 'man-made disaster' occur. Especially those long-lived races with long life spans and whose history and memory have not faded."

Unfortunately, the Ten Saints are all longevity races.

Everyone present was his own people, and Andy didn't hide anything.

"Don't worry, the human race won't let you suffer." Andy said again, and then added, "At least it's not to the point of selling you yet."

"What do you mean selling me?" Baili Yuan was speechless for a while.

"As long as the interests are sufficient, you can no longer object. It's not like the human race can't do such a thing! In the face of the interests of the race, everything can be sacrificed, even heroes! Ants will also sacrifice a large number of their companions in a fire." Andy said seriously.

Although bugs are the lowest existence in nature, they often reflect the underlying logic of life in nature.

That is survival and continuation!

Bailiyuan rubbed his head with a headache.

"Let's talk about those things after they happened. Now I want to know even more, why did this matter suddenly become so popular? You are so calm, could this hot search have something to do with you?" Bailiyuan looked at a few people suspiciously. people.

"It doesn't count, we just added fuel to the flames and accelerated the fermentation of the incident." Junko Shirakawa said with a smile.

"The Golden Salamander Clan came openly and had no intention of covering it up. This matter has already attracted the attention of many high-level races. If other races want to investigate the detailed information, they may not find it out. After all, prophecy-like abilities have also been investigated. Many races control it," Shirley continued.

"So you, or rather the higher-ups of the human race, took advantage of this matter to escalate the matter and buy more time for the human race?" Bailiyuan understood.

Lucia smiled and reassured, "It's okay, it's not a big problem!"

It was obvious that she had a hand in this.

Just when Bai Liyuan was about to say something, the top class guy who was supposed to be training came back in a hurry without changing into his training clothes.

"Xiaoyuan, sorry, I just saw on the Internet that many people are eyeing your genes!" The distinguished man looked very nervous.

She glanced at her phone while she was resting, only to find that some very unfavorable news about Baili Yuan had appeared on the Internet in this world.

The distinguished and proud man said seriously: "Xiao Yuan, you must be more vigilant to prevent someone from breaking into Yuncheng College and catching you for breeding!"


Everyone was dumbfounded.

Domika asked cautiously, "Proud son, the kind of thing you said won't happen, right?"

"Why not? This kind of thing happens occasionally in my world!" the distinguished man said seriously.

Some hunters will specially catch some outstanding elves to breed them, hoping that the elf eggs they lay can inherit the talents or certain skills of the outstanding elves.

Everyone looked at the big milk tank again, because they all knew that the big milk tank and the proud man came from the same world.

Big Milk Can took a sip of milk tea, thought seriously, and said, "I wonder if Big Milk Can and the Light Elf have an egg set? I have already entered the breeding period."


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