Chapter 4150 New power!

While Bailiyuan and Youyouzi were fighting Agamus.

Zuoda learned some information about Sphia's mother body from Dekai, and the mother body also demonstrated its special abilities on the spot.

The reason why the mother body is called the mother body is because it not only strengthens and amplifies other Sphias, but also has the ability to multiply rapidly.

As long as the mother body is given time, the mother body will swallow the power of the planet and continuously create more and more powerful Sphias.

Each mother body represents a Sphia army.

Even under siege, the mother body still successfully condensed a large number of Sphia crystals on the ground, and then one after another Sphia synthetic beasts walked out of the crystals, and a large number of Sphia spear soldiers flew out to stop Terry. Ga and the human attack.

In fact, the mother body had demonstrated this ability when it invaded the earth before, but at this moment, the mother body has brought this ability to the extreme.

Sphia crystals continued to proliferate and spread all over the city. Hundreds of Sphia synthetic beasts appeared one after another, and even more densely packed, countless Sphia soldiers covered the sky.

At the same time, a huge crystal was condensed by Sphia, but nothing was summoned immediately. It seemed to be pregnant with something more terrifying.

The attacks of Teliga and humans also became more fierce.

But this time, the mother body completely ignored its own consumption and kept summoning the synthetic beasts, as if it was stalling for time.

It indeed delayed the attack of Teliga and humans, but it also caused the momentum of the mother body to continue to decline.

The mother body seems to be sacrificing itself to create a new Sphia!

"No matter what the purpose of the mother body is, I have only one purpose, and that is to completely eliminate it! Drive out all the Sphias without leaving any one behind!" Zuoda stood up from the ruins with a sharp gaze.

"Zuo Da, come on!!" Dekai roared behind Zuo Da, encouraging him.

The light flew out of Dekai's body and once again condensed into the card box at Zuoda's waist.

Then Zuoda raised his hand and held it empty, and the light condensed into a shining sword in his hand.


Truth Teliga and Truth Calumila cooperated with each other to destroy the Sphia Synthetic Beast.

However, after all, Truth Teliga was short of energy in his body due to the successive battles, and he quickly exited the form of truth, looking like he had difficulty breathing and could not maintain his transformation.

"Teliga!" Kalumila hurriedly supported Teliga.

Karumila's state is better than Triga's, but it is limited because she has also fought in a battle and is unable to maintain her true form at this time.

Dark Teliga stood in front of the two of them and knocked away the incoming attacks. The indicator light on his chest kept flashing, "This is not good."

Ignis's smile was a little forced.

If they had enough energy, they might not be able to destroy the mother body in one go.

Therefore, it directly frightens the mother's body and makes her want to rub her into a big one.

Unfortunately, their fight could not last long, and they were the ones who became discouraged as they failed to kill the mother body in one go.

And more Sphia synthetic beasts are still emerging from the crystals.

"All the energy has been completely consumed." Ignis sighed.

"Damn Sphia!" Calumila felt dissatisfied.

What made them lose was not the enemy's powerful attacks, but the exhaustion caused by constantly summoning their men.

How can one be reconciled to such a failure?

They are all like this, and it is more difficult for TPU's troops to fight.

The combat boats of the New Elite Victory Team were targeted by a large number of Sphia Vanguards in the air, and the Sphia Vanguards even wanted to assimilate the combat boats.

The Victory Griffin's combat mode changed from offense to defense.

Fortunately, Galatron was there to help.

But Galatron could only protect the combat boat.

The people of Shengzhang and Shizama also had to protect the ancient Vera and Zaragas from being assimilated by Sphia during the battle.

Everyone on the previous generation Elite Victory Team currently has no good solution.

The battle for ground troops is even more difficult.

One fort after another was destroyed, and Longmen and Wei Qianxia could only retreat with their ground troops.

Otherwise the sacrifice will be meaningless.

As for the missiles cleaning the ground, it is not that they are useless, but they have been used.

As soon as the situation went wrong, Angxing Disi called for missile support.

A large number of missiles are constantly falling from the sky towards the city!

However, a large number of Sphia soldiers ignored themselves and crashed into the missile, detonating it over the city.

Apparently Sphia has a strategy.

At the same time, Sphia's vanguard soldiers began to launch more violent attacks against the ground troops who were currently in the worst situation, and even showed new capabilities.

Several Sphia spearheads fused together, fell to the ground, and condensed into the monstrous form of Agamus.

However, this weirdo does not have the memory and wisdom of Agamus, only the power and ability of Agamus.

But it is still not something that ground troops can easily deal with.

"Concentrate fire and shoot!" Longmen commanded loudly.

The firepower of the ground troops instantly poured into the monster. What was disappointing was that the concentrated fire attack failed to eliminate the monster.

The weirdo just stood there, as if mocking human beings for not overestimating their capabilities.

Then the weirdo raised his arms and was about to release a missile attack to finish off the ground troops.

At this moment, a new light bloomed!

A huge fist fell from the air, directly hammering the monster to the ground.

Longmen and the others had to cover their eyes because of the dazzling light, but they still managed to raise their heads, follow the arm, and look at the owner of the arm. It was a majestic figure, bathed in the light.

When all the light subsided, Longmen, Wei Qianxia and others showed expressions of surprise.


Ultraman Dekai was half kneeling on the ground, hammering the monster with one fist, while his eyes fell on Longmen, Yui Qianxia and others.

Hearing Longmen and Wei Qianxia calling to him, Dekai nodded slightly and then stood up slowly.

The appearance of Dekai also attracted the attention of Teliga and others.

"'s Souda!" Manaka Kengo confirmed that it was Souda who transformed into Dekai this time!

Dekai raised his hand and released the light blade, killing a large number of nearby Sphia soldiers and securing a safe environment for the ground troops. Then he broke through the monster's blockage and came to the side of the Trigas.

"Teliga, Calumila, Dark Teliga, let us fight together!" Suoda said seriously in Dekai's body.

It seemed to be in response to Zuoda's wishes.

The card box on Suoda's waist suddenly opened, and three cards flew out of Dekai's body.

It's the three forms of cards from Bailiyuan!

Then three cards were submerged into the bodies of Teliga, Calumila and Dark Teliga respectively, not only replenishing their lost energy, but also bringing them new power!

"Is this power the power of Senior Baili Yuan?" Manaka Kengo couldn't help but exclaimed as he looked at the card that appeared in his hand.

The next second, the light merged.

Golden light bloomed from Telika's body.

Holy Telika, appears!

Green psychic energy burst out from Calumila's body.

Calumila, the light ghost, appears!

The pitch-black darkness engulfed Dark Teliga.

Fallen Telika, appears!

The new form is just Bailiyuan's pattern, attached to the three people's bodies, without causing any obvious changes in their postures.

However, the energy and strength given to the three of them are also extremely stable and will not make them go berserk.

It’s over soon. I’ll probably finish this volume tomorrow.

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