Chapter 4145 Charge towards the mother body!

In the realm of time and space.

With the help of Angxing Disi and others, Dekai fought bravely to kill the enemy, and his light shone even brighter. In less than two minutes, three Sphia synthetic beasts were killed one after another.

And Dekai still retains a lot of energy.

"Great!" Wei Qianxia said excitedly.

Others couldn't help but raise the corners of their mouths.

Dekai clenched his fists. Although he didn't know why Angxing Disi and others appeared here, he felt that with their cooperation, they would be able to achieve their goal soon.

"Zou Da's companions are equally excellent!" Dekai couldn't help but sigh.

He also has a group of companions he can rely on to fight Sphia until now.

Suddenly, Dekai noticed something and raised his head suddenly, showing nervousness.

Everyone else also followed Dekai's gaze, and the smiles on their faces froze.

Because it's right above their heads.

A large number of Sphija vanguards, as well as dozens of Sphija Vols, are coming!

Not only that.

A new space-time wormhole was opened, and then more Sphia Pioneers and Sphia Zavors were summoned into the space-time world to kill Baili Yuan and others.

The mother body has set its sights on them and wants to completely eliminate Dekai here!


One after another, the Sfiyazavors were summoned and landed on the ground. The sound of each Sphiazavars landing and smashing made everyone's hearts tighten.

At this time, Dekai stood up and stood in front of Angxing Disi and others. He turned his head slightly, nodded to everyone, then turned back and stared at the group of Sphia soldiers and Sphia. Legion of Zavors.

Angxing Disi was stunned for a moment, and then quickly understood, "Dekai wants us to leave first, he is delaying time for us!"

Angxing Disi also knows that retreat is the best choice, but their mission has not been completed yet, and there are still humans on the entire earth waiting for their rescue.

"What? Dekai wants to face so many monsters by himself?" Wei Qianxia exclaimed.

Longmen tightened the weapon in his hand, "Am I running away?"

Haijie Wuhe looked at Aung Xing Disi, waiting for Aung Xing Disi's instructions.

Manaka Kengo touched his transformer and got ready to transform.

Others can retreat, but he will transform into Teliga and stay to fight with Dekai. By the way, he will take the bomb with him, find the mother body, and detonate the bomb.

The proud lady didn't say anything. She believed that Bailiyuan would find a solution.

Bailiyuan finally spoke.

"Since so many monsters and elite soldiers have been summoned, does it mean that the mother body is not far from here?" Bai Liyuan's words suddenly awoke everyone.

Let everyone see hope.

"It's very possible!" Kagami Itsuwa made a judgment. "When we were operating with Dekai before, we encountered no obstruction. And after we encountered those three monsters, we started to release Sphia's spear soldiers and monsters. This is Representative, if you want to place vanguard soldiers and monsters, you need certain conditions. The most likely condition is that there are distance or location restrictions."

Angxing Disi's eyes lit up, "Okay, in that case, let's search the area first. If the mother body is really there, we must find it and then eliminate it!! Finally, everyone must pay attention to their own safety. !”


A scene that surprised Dekai happened.

Angxing Disi and others did not leave or help him fight, but began to search the area.

Although he didn't know the purpose of Ang Xing Disi and others, Dekai realized that Ang Xing Disi and others must have some plan, so he chose to cooperate fully.

Block all the incoming monsters and Sphia soldiers in front, and prevent these enemies from affecting Angxing Disi and others.

Under the leadership of Angxing Disi, everyone began to explore in one direction and at the same time counterattacked the incoming Sphia soldiers.

It is difficult for the weapons in their hands to cause harm to the Sphia Synthetic Beast, but there is still no problem in killing the Sphia vanguard.

"Xiao Yuan, is the mother's body really there?" Youjiuzi asked Baili Yuan quietly.

"Don't worry, it's there!" Bailiyuan replied with a smile, looking in one direction.

Although Ultra's telekinesis is disrupted by the energy of time and space and cannot detect situations that are too far away, Bailiyuan's Eye of God already has good visual abilities.

When the goal arrives, the Eye of God has already noticed it.

Finally, when the group of people explored an area, a Sfiyazavols suddenly appeared and stood in front of everyone.

This couldn't help but make everyone's expressions change slightly.

The weapons in their hands cannot deal with monsters!

Bailiyuan said, "We found it!"

"What did you find?" Longmen asked subconsciously.

"Didn't you realize that this monster is more like blocking us on purpose? The other monsters are obviously besieging Dekai!" Bailiyuan said while looking around at everyone.

On the other side, Dekai was being beaten. Even if he fought hard, facing the tide of enemies, he had no choice but to fight to the death and try his best to gain more time and opportunities.

The indicator light on his chest flickered at some point.

On the contrary, when other monsters are besieging Dekai, there is a lone one here, which is very unexpected.

At first glance, there is a secret!

Bailiyuan's words made everyone excited.

"In other words, after this monster is the mother body?!" Kaizaki Itsuwa said excitedly.

Everyone became excited.

Angxing Disi took the lead in the charge.

"Advisor Yuan, Advisor Proud, we will cover for you. You must rush past the monsters and plant the bomb!" Ang Xingdisi shouted loudly, "Others rush with me!"

Kaizaki Itsuwa, Ryumen and Yui Qianxia, ​​without any hesitation, picked up their weapons and rushed towards Sfiyazavos, like a mantis using its arms as a chariot, but without any fear.

The same goes for Manaka Kengo.

Bailiyuan and Youyoujiaozi also cooperated with Ang Xingdisi and others. While Angxingdisi and others attracted the monster's attention, they overcame the monster's interception and rushed to the area behind the monster.

The mother body is hiding over there!

Sfiaza Vols is naturally not easy to deal with. It suddenly releases its skills and bombards Angxing Disi and others.

The members of the New Elite Victory Team, who were just ordinary people, felt the crisis of death.

They did not choose to run away or be afraid. They closed their eyes and waited for their own ending. At the same time, they sent their last hopes and blessings to Bailiyuan and Youyouzi.

In order to save the earth, their sacrifice is worth it!

But at this moment, the light bloomed.

The light will not let the heroic die in vain!

The attack was blocked and Sfiazavols was knocked away.

The saved people dared to slowly open their eyes, and then they saw Teliga standing in front of them.

Its straight and straight back is so reassuring.

Only Aung Xingdisi noticed that Manaka Kengo was missing, but he did not say anything, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

An update today

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