Chapter 4140: Go to the other side to explore the way!

New skills appear on the panel.

[Field Expansion: Party Carnival]: A special move that consumes positive emotions such as joy and fighting spirit, summons the projections of all partners, fights together, and focuses on the target. All summoned partners have their combat effectiveness increased by 50%. The partner will be automatically repatriated after death and will not cause harm to the main body. Note: Just like a carnival, very quickly, a cart of breadmen jumped out in an instant!

How should I put it, this special move reminded Bailiyuan that he was still a summoner.

This ultimate kill completely omits all summoning processes, summons all partners in an instant, and uses circle kicking tactics on the enemy.

Don’t tell me, it’s really strong!

Even enemies of the same level as Baili Yuan would have their heads buzzing when encountering this situation.

Because there are partners who have contracted with Baili Yuan who are stronger than Baili Yuan.

Moreover, this summoning consumes emotions and has little impact on Bailiyuan's own combat power. Even the emotional consumption doesn’t seem to be very high.

If a partner is killed, Bailiyuan can also use some extra emotions to summon the partner again.

It can be regarded as a cost-free summon, and it is an instant summon, and the strength will be enhanced by 50%.

The main point is that if you can kick in a circle, you will never be singled out.

However, Bailiyuan is not very satisfied with the name, it always feels random.

"Let's think of a cool name to replace it later."

After packing everything up, Bailiyuan went back to do research with Caroline.

The four easter eggs failed to enable him to develop methods that could target the abilities of the matrix's space-time realm.

However, during the research process, Bailiyuan summoned three contracted monsters, Hyperjetton's Death Scythe, and asked them to try to sneak into the time and space of the mother body to detect useful information.

Don't forget, these three monsters in Bailiyuan all have time and space abilities.

And they did not disappoint Bailiyuan. They successfully sneaked into the world of time and space, but they did not directly reach the mother body, but were transported to somewhere unknown.

The space-time realm released by the mother body is still expanding, and it has not had much impact on the earth in this space-time yet. However, humans can already see the scene of another world on the earth emerging from the sky on the ground.

Anyone would think that this is definitely not a good thing.

that's the truth.

TPU and the New Elite Victory Team are very busy.

Bailiyuan and Caroline are also working hard on this.

In another world's universe.

This is the universe where Dekai Asumi exists.

The humans and cosmic beings in this world who were fighting against Sphia also noticed that the space-time realm released by the mother body was on a deserted planet, and they all realized that something was wrong.

Someone wanted to try to get closer to the time and space boundary, but they were intercepted by a large number of Sphia soldiers.

But at this moment, a powerful fusion light shot out from the space-time realm, destroying a large number of Sphia's vanguard soldiers.

Well, it was the fatal attack that Baili Yuan and Triga released together, which was directly transferred to this world, and by the way, a large number of Sphia's elite soldiers were eliminated.

The humans and cosmonauts here were not hurt entirely because they were blocked by the Sphia soldiers and could not get close to the space-time realm.

However, because of the destruction of this fusion light, there was a gap in the interception of Sphia's vanguard. Someone from the universe took the risk, broke into the space-time boundary, photographed the precious information, and successfully brought it back.

In the Anti-Sphia Alliance base in this universe, Dekai sat with some cosmic people and looked at the footage. Everyone looked serious.

"That's the world of time and space! A kind of time and space ability, but more terrifying and powerful." Someone from the universe recognized the power released by the mother body.

Beings who can exert abilities in the space-time realm, or similar abilities, are rare, but not impossible.

"What will be the consequences?" Dekai asked doubtfully.

"Legend has it that it can destroy time and space!" the other party said in a deep voice.

This answer made everyone's hearts sink. Regardless of whether it was true or false, the mother body could not be allowed to continue to expand the space-time realm.

"Then destroy the matrix that releases the space-time world!" Dekai stood up directly and prepared for battle.

Although in Zuoda's time and space, Dekai needs to fight for the transformer with Zuoda, but in his own time and space, Dekai can still transform.

The premise is that Zuoda has not transformed.

No one denies Dekai's proposal. The question is, how to eliminate the mother body?

This time and space is not like Zuoda's time and space. Sphia has to summon companions from other time and space.

Sphia has been overrun in this time and space. Many planets have been blocked by Sphia, and a large number of monsters have been assimilated by Sphia and have become Sphia's accomplices.

The number of Sphia's vanguard soldiers is even greater.

They can't even break through the level of Sphia's vanguard soldiers, how can they directly fight against the mother body?

At this moment, a large number of Sphia are gathering on the desolate planet, as if they want to build the desolate planet into a solid fortress and base, allowing the space-time world to completely spread.

Humans and cosmonauts in this world have been actively responding to Sphia's invasion and have made significant progress, developing special effects weapons that can target Sphia.

Due to limited resources, the weapon developed cannot be mass-produced. There is only one, and there is a range limit.

After all, those planets with rich resources have long been besieged by Sphia. Nowadays, humans and cosmonauts can develop such weapons only by using hard-to-squeeze resources.

It is simply unrealistic for Dekai to break into the mother body alone with weapons.

Dekai weakly sat back on the chair, hammered the table, then suppressed his emotions and began to discuss the battle plan with everyone, also waiting for possible hope.

The previous fusion light was the source of hope.

But they didn't expect that they would actually wait until the situation changed.

Three monsters that traveled through time and space appeared on the deserted star occupied by Sphia.

It was Hypjadon Deathscythe, Goldras, and Sagon.

Land directly into Sphia's base camp.

The Sphias all looked at the three monsters.

The three monsters were somewhat silent, and finally Goldras waved his paw, wanting to express friendship.

However, what they got in exchange was an attack from the Sphias.

The Sphia Fusion Beasts attack them, and the Sphia Spearheads want to assimilate them.

As a last resort, the three monsters had no choice but to fight back.

Hyperjetton's Death Scythe: Let's do it, right? These guys are not easy to mess with! Crush them for me! Let you see the Pava I obtained in [Growth]!

Goldras: Are you bullying us because there are so few of us? Come, my parallel world peers! [Alien] ability, activate!

Sai Gang: Nothing more to say, [derivative] starts! The ultra-limited series of robots is here! Bitter flesh and blood, mechanical soaring!

Then, Dekai and others suddenly discovered that the desolate star occupied by Sphia suddenly blossomed from the center.

[Derivative] ability, can derive summoned objects, which can be summoned through different-dimensional channels.

[Alien]: Summon parallel world peers and alien monsters. There are strong and weak.

[Growth]: Continuously growing, with the greatest potential. After growing up, the strength will leap forward.

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