Chapter 4138: Undecided in trouble, Simailu!

The mother's combat power exceeded Bailiyuan's expectations.

powerful! Very strong! Extremely strong!

Because he wore armor to enhance his defense and strength, Bailiyuan chose to fight in close combat with the mother body, supplementing it with light attacks.

However, after a set of boxing techniques, the mother body easily resisted the attack. Various types of bird-shaped fists, as well as the strong force breaking cow boxing, failed to penetrate the mother body's defense.

In turn, the matrix left traces on Galatron's armor.

Fortunately, Galatron armor can repair itself.

Not only that, when the mother body is on the battlefield, the combat performance of the Sphia synthetic beasts and the Sphia vanguards has also been improved.

It made the battle for the ground troops seem a bit difficult.

But the truth is there.

Regardless of consumption, Truth Trigga quickly destroyed all the Sfiyazavols.

Then the remaining Sphia vanguard soldiers were eliminated by the superior heroes and the new elite victory team.

Mariteliga, who destroyed most of the monsters, supported Baili Yuan in the battle.

Baili Yuan crossed his arms, and under the armor, golden light lit up.

Brilliant form!

The regular form cannot penetrate the mother's defense, so use stronger power!

The style of Galatron armor has also changed due to the influence of Baili Yuan's brilliant form. It looks more fitted and strengthens Baili Yuan even more.

Afterwards, Baili Yuan and Triga looked at each other, and both of them used their strongest attacks to attack the mother body.

Finally, with the cooperation of Baili Yuan and Telika, the mother body took a step back!

And its defenses began to break down.

But like other Sphia fusion beasts, Sphia's vanguards can recover from their mother's injuries.

Moreover, this step back made the mother body aware of the situation, but it did not choose to continue fighting. Instead, it closed its hands together, and a wave of time and space energy emerged from its hands and then spread.

In the blink of an eye, a space-time realm was released from the matrix, enveloping itself within it.

Bailiyuan hurriedly gathered the light, and Teliga followed closely behind.

Then the two of them released their kill together, and the kill rays converged together, even forming a combined ray.

Want to stop the mother body.

However, when the two people's fatal combination light hit the time and space realm, it was teleported and disappeared, failing to harm the mother body at all, so Baili Yuan and Triga had to stop their attack.

Conventional attacks had no effect. Bailiyuan tried to use his time and space ability to travel through time and space to attack the mother body.

However, they discovered that the mother body was actually at the node of two time-spaces, and could exist in this time-space or another time-space.

Cannot be locked directly.

And if you want to attack the target in both worlds, you also need the cooperation of the other world, and there is no guarantee of success.

Because the matrix still has the ability to connect to more time and space and put itself in a superposition state.

If you want to attack it, you can only wait for it to move in a certain time and space and confirm its existence.

However, the mother body chose to remain motionless, waiting for the connection and fusion of time and space, as if it was holding back its ultimate move.

Without thinking too much, it is easy to guess that in another connected time and space, there must be help from the mother body, which can either make the power of the mother body stronger, or it is an elite monster hidden in a trouser pocket.

Bailiyuan was sweating a little.

"I compared the laws of time and space with you, but you came to talk to me about quantum mechanics, right?"

Although the scientific side and the mysterious side ultimately lead to the same goal through different paths, it is obvious that Bailiyuan cannot achieve the flexible conversion of the two paths.

Moreover, Bailiyuan is still on the mystical side and is almost the only theological Ultraman in the Kingdom of Light.

It is too late to learn science now.

Although Caroline understands science, Caroline's combat ability is limited and she cannot solve the situation at this time.


Helpless, Baili Yuan could only take Teliga to destroy the remaining Sphia soldiers. After destroying all the Sphia soldiers, Baili Yuan quit the combination and transformation.

The same is true for the Excellent Prince and Telika.

Galatron chose to go to the Jingma Consortium for maintenance.

The battles on other battlefields have also ended.

But not a single Sphia crystal pillar was destroyed. Even if it was about to succeed, it was because the arrival of the mother body made the Sphia synthetic beast stronger and blocked the incoming enemy.

The only good thing is that the mother body is no longer active.

The Sphia synthetic beasts also stopped moving and quietly guarded beside the crystal pillar.

The first all-out war with Sphia ended with the helplessness of the Earth side.

But everyone knows that this is not a long-term solution.

According to Bailiyuan's judgment, if left alone, the earth will be sucked dry in at most two days, and another world will be completely connected to this world, causing uncontrollable changes.

Bailiyuan did not meet with Manaka Kengo, but temporarily left the New Elite Victory Team with his superiors and came to the Jingjian Consortium.

"Lao Deng, lend me Shengzhangren's research laboratory! To save the world!"

Jingjian Guangguo: "Yuanjun, please come this way!"

Time was limited, so after entering the research room, Bailiyuan took Caroline to study.

I want to combine the power of the mysterious side and the scientific side to develop an awesome device that can target the mother body, and then kill the mother body.

It is feasible in theory, but actual research is not simple.

Bailiyuan also placed four Easter eggs on the table.

Three supreme Easter eggs and one sacred Easter egg are what Baili Yuan has accumulated so far, and the ones on his mother's body were also taken away by Bai Li Yuan.

"Let's open an Easter egg first, just in case we can find a treasure that can target the mother's body." Bailiyuan took out the hammer.

The Honorable One went to the training room alone to adjust her condition. She was limited in what she could do to help Baili Yuan. All she could do was to improve herself and... pray to God.

The proud man: Destiny, push hard, Xiao Yuan will have no strength!

God of Destiny:? ? ?

TPU is also busy and needs to deal with monster disasters that appear around the world. Many monsters appear in awkward locations, inevitably affecting cities and even causing casualties.

The New Elite Victory Team is even busier, and they can no longer even pay attention to the disappearance of Bailiyuan and Youyoujiazi.

Now Angxing Disi and Haijie Wuhe are formulating a plan to eliminate the mother body with the staff group.

Manaka Kengo also sneaked into the battle boat, trying to find Soda, but found that Soda was already lying in the emergency room.

Ryumen and Yui Chinatsu were waiting outside, Yui Qianxia was still holding Hanojiro in her arms.

At this time, Ryumon and Yui Chinatsu were questioning Hanojiro, "Why did Kanada, who was supposed to fight in the Victory Falcon, appear on the ground and be seriously injured?"

Hanojiro: If I didn't know how to sweat, I would be sweating now.

When Manaka Kengo, who had just arrived, heard the questions from Longmen and Yui Qianxia, ​​he was suddenly shocked and realized that Suoda was facing a crisis of exposure.

An idea struck him, and he hurriedly came up and tentatively explained, "Maybe it was Zhao Da who wanted to go to the toilet? So he got off the plane."

Ryumen and Yui Qianxia both looked at Manaka Kengo. They even forgot to ask why Manaka Kengo was here because they were all silenced.

I have never been so speechless.

Is Manaka Kengo really a former member of the Elite Victory Team? Oh, he's never flown a plane, and he's a botanist, so that's okay.

Hanojiro panicked.

Where did this friendly force come from? Fork it out!

Manaka Kengo also realized that something was wrong, and he could only use his own kill.

"Don't be so serious. If I say something wrong, just pretend I didn't say it, Simailu~Smailu~"

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