Chapter 4122 If you don’t seek death, you won’t die!

In response to Zuoda's inquiry, Angxing Disi and others were silent. The future that Zuoda told was not what they wanted to see.

Although they put humans first, they are not humans supreme. They are all people with light in their hearts. They also want humans to live in peace with other people in the universe.

Humans must not become demons that bring destruction!

However, Agamus showed that such a thing would indeed happen in the future.


Bailiyuan suddenly clapped his hands, attracting everyone's attention.

"What are you thinking? Don't be led in a strange direction! And what Agamus said is not entirely correct!"

"First of all, it needs to be clear that the source of everything is not humans, but Sphia!"

"Whether it is now or in the future, it can be seen that Sphia is a thing that brings destruction and is the enemy of almost all races in the universe! Even in the future, humans will have to fight against Sphia together with the cosmic people!"

Angxing Disi nodded.

Cape Gowa also echoed: "That's true."

"Secondly." Bailiyuan continued, "How can we be sure that the universe Agamus came to must be the past of his universe?"

"What do you mean?" Zuo Da looked like he didn't understand.

"You mean, parallel universe?" Kaizaki Itsuwa reacted.

Hanojiro thoughtfully started popular science, "Parallel universes refer to other universes that are separated from a certain universe and exist parallel to the original universe that are similar but different. There may be the same history or people, or there may be different organisms or environments.”

Both Longmen and Wei Qianxia understood.

"Is there any evidence?" Ang Xingdisi suddenly asked, "Parallel universes should still exist in theory."

"No, there really is a parallel universe. Moreover, someone has already traveled through the parallel universe. As for who that person is~" Bailiyuan said with a mysterious face, attracting everyone's attention, but suddenly smiled evilly. For a moment, "But I won't tell you~"

Everyone almost fell over.

Only Angxing Disi was thoughtful. He thought of Jingjian Guangguo who established the elite victory team. After reading some information, he had already noticed something was wrong with Jingjian Guangguo.

Could it really be him?

"Anyway, I won't lie to you." Bailiyuan said at last.

Hanojiro: "Who believes you..."

"I believe what Advisor Yuan said!" Longmen said seriously.

"Me too." Wei Qianxia said the same.

Zuoda hesitated.

If it is really a parallel universe, is Dekai his descendant?

As if seeing his hesitation, Bailiyuan said with a smile, "In a parallel universe, the same kinship will also exist."

"Uh." Zuo Da was suddenly startled, his eyes wandering, but he still said, "I believe it, I just believe it!"

Hanojiro: "..."

So will love disappear?

Kaizaki Itsuwa finally concluded, "So what Consultant Yuan means is that our world and Agamus' world are parallel worlds, not the same world, right?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out." Bailiyuan did not give an accurate answer.

But it made everyone sigh in relief.

"I believe that humans in our world will definitely live in peace with other planets in the universe in the future!" Aung Star Disi said seriously.

Because of this matter, if it is really a parallel universe, then Agamus will die even more.

I haven’t found the right person for revenge!

It has also brought so much suffering to the earth and mankind in this world!

"at last!"

Bailiyuan suddenly spoke again, looked around everyone, and said seriously, "What the future will be like is not decided by others. The future of mankind should be controlled by mankind itself! Rather than deciding the future of mankind because of what others see. ending!"

It's impossible to go back in time and kill that young but innocent person just because he or she will cause a world war, right?

"Yes, the future of mankind should be left to its own devices. What Agamus did is wrong!" Suoda suddenly became excited, then stood up and said loudly, "I believe that we humans can create a brighter and more peaceful future. s future!"

Angxing Disi smiled, he thought so too.

Then he looked at Baili Yuan and bowed seriously to thank him, "Thank you, Consultant Yuan, for your guidance!"

Everyone else also hurriedly expressed their gratitude to Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan stood up in a hurry and waved his hand, "Okay, let's not talk about this between us. How to deal with Agamus is the focus of our next consideration!"

"That's right!"

Bailiyuan also began to consider whether to find a way to enter the different-dimensional space to hunt down Agamus, but entering the different-dimensional space was not an ability he was good at.

At this time, Bailiyuan suddenly found that the distinguished man was looking at him quietly, and it seemed that he had been looking at him for a while, with a smile on his lips.

"Jiaozi, what's wrong?" Bailiyuan asked curiously.

"It's nothing, I just think... you impress me even more."

Bailiyuan's fat face turned red and he turned his head hastily, "I've always been excellent, okay!"

"Yes, yes, yes~" The distinguished man smiled, his eyes narrowed into crescent moons.

Although Bailiyuan said a lot of inspiring words, everyone realized that the future was in their own hands, and Agamus deserved to die.

But facts have proven that when there are more people, there is no guarantee that some weird things will not happen.

There are always people who want to commit suicide.

After the meeting, the New Elite Victory Team stepped up its investigation of Sphia and Agamus. As a result, one day it was discovered that Sphia's fluctuations were detected in a certain research institute's factory.

Worried about Sphia's attack, the New Elite Victory Team took action and sent Kanada and Ryumen to investigate. As a result, they found that someone was studying Sphia's power!

And it’s already starting to take shape!

They extracted the energy from Sphia's remains and used Sphia's power to create a huge reactor.

He even said brazenly, "There are no legal provisions that prohibit the possession and use of Sphia's remains!... After humans are trapped on the earth, there are only two paths left for humans, either to defeat Sphia, Either use the power of Sphia and coexist with Sphia!... We humans have always used the power of science to challenge the ferocious nature, and finally conquered it. We have developed step by step to this day, and history has long proven that we are right!"

He also said that their management is very perfect and there is no problem at all!

After hearing the report, Emperor Angxing was speechless for a long time.

The distinguished man quietly asked Baili Yuan, "Xiao Yuan, is there really no problem at all?"

Don't think that the superior person is caring about those people, but that she is thinking about whether she can also give her a Sphia fusion material.

After all, Sphia Gomora's Soul Orb can only simply use Sphia's power. How can it be as powerful as the direct fusion with Sphia?

If possible, she would like to have it all!

"Proud son, your idea is very dangerous!" Baili Yuan reminded seriously, "Sphia is not a mine, but a special existence with wisdom and hostility. The essence of their power is not to promote the development of civilization! "

Monsters can barely be studied. After all, monsters are indeed considered a biological resource. After all, aren’t humans also biological resources?

But Sphia is different.

It's just lumps in the first place. No matter how much you lick it, it can't change its nature. It's not being smoked now simply because you haven't licked it enough.

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