Chapter 4091 Dagon takes action!

"Qi Jielan is my Lulu?!" Manaka Kengo fell into huge guilt and shock.

Fortunately, Sheng Zhangren hurriedly shook Manaka Kengo's unconscious mind, shook Manaka Kengo's brains evenly, and allowed Manaka Kengo to regain his composure.

"Are you awake? As mentioned in the name, Qijielan is the seed that is resurrected by the eternal core, not your Luluye!"

Shizama Yumei also nodded and hurriedly ran upstairs. After a while, he came down with a pot of flowers, raised it in front of Manaka Kengo, and said loudly, "This is your Luluye!"

When Kengo Manaka left the earth, the blooming Luluye was left behind by Kengo Manaka as a souvenir for his friends and a symbol of friendship and peace.

"That's great..." Manaka Kengo breathed a sigh of relief and hugged his Luluye tightly.

Calumila realized that Manaka Kengo should have recovered a little memory, but not completely.

"Speaking of which, I met Qijielan in the super ancient times." Calumila suddenly said, attracting everyone's attention. Then she curled her lips and said mischievously, "It's just in the super ancient textbooks. superior!"


In order to investigate clues about the eternal core, Calumila did read a lot of books about super ancient civilizations.

Others thought that Calumila had experience fighting Qijielan.

At this time, You Lian also appeared and explained, "Qijielan is a plant that existed in the super ancient period. It is very dangerous. In order to eliminate all Qijielan flowers, super ancient humans made great efforts. and the price.”

"It's just that there are still many Qijielan seeds hidden all over the earth. The one that grew this time is one of them. And there is no guarantee that there will not be other Qijielan seeds."

Dagon hammered his fist, "It's just a flower. Seeing how nervous you are, leave it to me and I'll crush that flower directly!"

"Let's find all the open Qijielan first!" Shengzhang was dissatisfied with Dagon's brainless appearance.

Immediately afterwards, they began to take action, and Shizama Yumei also informed Shizama Mitsukuni of the information obtained by his prophet, who then passed it on to the top management of TPU.

TPU attached great importance to this information and shared it with the New Elite Victory Team immediately.

Then TPU started the large-scale task of weeding.

Following Luluye's appearance, traces of Qijie orchids were quickly discovered, and they discovered that there were actually a large number of Qijie orchids.

Fortunately, Qijie Orchid will not affect the robot.

So, according to the new instructions, the robots in the city began to eliminate the Qijie Orchids. As expected, the chaos in the city was alleviated, and a large number of Qijie Orchids were eliminated in a short period of time.

Then, new problems emerged.

Qijie orchids seem to be endless. Not to mention those flowers hidden in hidden corners, even if they are flowers on the surface, if a batch is eliminated, another batch will soon grow.

There is no end at all.

At this time, it's time for Manaka Kengo to show off his professional abilities. Don't forget, he is a botanist!

When it comes to plants, no one from Sho Akira can match Manaka Kengo.

Manaka Kengo quickly realized the problem.

"It's the root! We must destroy Qijielan's roots! Only in this way can all Qijielan be eradicated!"

"But the problem is, judging from the distribution of Qijie orchids, the roots of Qijie orchids have spread to several cities and extend deep into the ground. It is simply unrealistic to clean out all the roots." St. Akira frowned and said.

"Perhaps we can develop targeted herbicides and inject them into Qijielan's roots, so that Qijielan's circulatory system can carry all the medicine to all parts of the root network on its own." Manaka Kengo's eyes showed wisdom. of light.

You Lian expressed his approval of this plan and offered help, telling about his super-ancient coping experience, "According to the book, Qijielan usually has one main root, and that main root is the most important!"

In fact, Youlian has never dealt with Qi Jielan, she only read the records in books.

In this way, the group of people split into two groups.

Manaka Kengo and Sheng Zhangren rushed into the laboratory to analyze the components of the collected Qijie orchids, and then developed special herbicides.

Karumila said that she would be where Manaka Kengo is.

Jingjian Yumei led Dagon and TPU operatives to find Qijielan's taproot across the map.

Bailiyuan and others naturally received the mission notification.

"It seems that they are already prepared."

"Are we going to give them a chance to perform?" the distinguished man asked.

"You can just fight normally." Bailiyuan shook his head, "If it was a normal Qi Jielan, this method might still be useful, but Qi Jielan's situation this time is obviously abnormal. Pride, if you go Fighting is likely to become a bait and be targeted by enemies from deeper levels."

"It doesn't matter, I'm not afraid of any challenge. Besides, aren't you still here?" The proud man looked at Baili Yuan with burning eyes.

Bailiyuan immediately blushed and turned his head, "I'll go and reply to the message."

After making an excuse, Bailiyuan ran away.

How many men can withstand this straight shot?

However, Bailiyuan did not hide the idea, and directly informed TPU of the location of the main root, allowing TPU to regain its confidence.

Dagon directly stated that he would take action to show mankind what power is!

Angxing Disi and Haijie Wuhe drove the combat boat to the location of the main root.

Bailiyuan and Youyoujiaozi are also in the command room.

The three adults were all injected with sedatives and sent to their rooms to rest.

A burst of dark power surged, and then a red dark giant appeared on the earth.

It's Dagon!

"Dark giant." Angxing Disi sighed as he looked at this scene.

Kaizaki Itsuwa said seriously what he knew, "This dark giant is a dark giant who is good at strength. His name is Dagon. After the war ten years ago, he disappeared. Unexpectedly, he is still alive and willing to Help humanity.”

Ang Xingdis showed a gentle smile, "Dark giants can help humans, which further represents that humans and monsters are not unable to coexist."

Hearing Aung Hsing's words, Kaijie Wuhe was stunned for a moment, then showed a smile, a little touched, and softly replied, "Thank you."

The original ideological dispute between Kaizaki Itsuwa and his mentor ended with the other party being sent to prison, but this incident still left Kaizaki Itsuwa a little confused.

It also made Kaizaki Itsuwa feel the pressure.

Now Angxing Disi spoke out, obviously to encourage her.

The proud man also had to sigh with emotion, Ang Xing Disi was indeed a good captain.

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