In the invisible state, Bailiyuan got off the rooftop and got into the elevator. Fortunately, there was no one in the elevator.

"Caroline, are you sure the surveillance cameras can't see me?"

"That's right, I really can't see it."

"What about thermal imaging?"

"Even thermal imaging with clothes on can see through you."

"All right."

Bailiyuan communicated with Caroline through the in-ear device, reconfirming that she would not be easily seen by others.

After all, Bailiyuan is running naked now, and Bailiyuan has also removed Ezreal's appearance and returned to the child's appearance.

Soon, Bailiyuan went down to the target floor.

The elevator door opened, and Bailiyuan stepped out of the elevator, but at this time, the elevator next to the elevator that Bailiyuan came out of also opened its door at the same time.

A man and a woman who came out of the elevator looked at the elevator where Bailiyuan was.

Baili Yuan's heart tightened, and he subconsciously covered the key parts of his body with his hands, but soon realized that the other party couldn't see him.

However, Baili Yuan still slowed down his breathing and did not make any movement.

Although Bailiyuan became invisible, the invisibility potion did not eliminate his existence. If Bailiyuan made a sound, it would still be perceived by the other party.

"Why does the elevator next to it open?" Dilauris asked suspiciously.

"I don't know, but it's better not to cause extra problems at this time." Lauren said with a frown.

Deloris nodded.

"Quick battle!"

Lauren took a deep breath and her face became serious.

And Deloris is also looking ready to go.

However, there was no trace of strength leaked from the two of them.

Bailiyuan narrowed his eyes.

"These two people look familiar, but what are they going to do? Could it be that their target is also Abbot?"

There was a bad premonition in Bailiyuan's heart, and then, under his gaze, Dilauris and Lauren came to the room where Dilauris was lurking.

Bailiyuan didn't know what to say anymore.

Bailiyuan also has new guesses about their identities.

These two people are likely to be from the church mentioned in Andy's information!

However, soon, Bailiyuan frowned and stared at Dilauris.

This woman's breath... I seem to have seen it somewhere.

Bailiyuan suddenly thought of the cotton triangle that he had stored away.

Could it be such a coincidence?

"Why does it feel like someone is staring at us?" Dilauris looked around suspiciously, but saw nothing.

Baili Yuan shifted his gaze, women's senses are really keen.

"Sister Deloris, please concentrate, our enemies are very cunning." Lauren reminded.

Deloris could only nod helplessly.

The dare to be watched just now disappeared, could it be an illusion? Are you too nervous?

If it weren't for the situation, Dilauris would definitely test the surroundings.

That feeling of being stared at is really bad.

Deloris and Lauren looked at each other, then nodded at each other.

Lauren knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" A voice came from the room.

"Sir, please open the door, and the community will send warmth."


Bailiyuan almost sprayed, but fortunately he quickly covered his mouth.

There was no answer in the room, but a moment of silence.

Lauren and Deloris looked at each other suspiciously, then knocked on the door again.


"Do you think I look like a monkey?" A voice came from the room.

"What?" Lauren was taken aback, but did not respond.

But Dilauris reacted and immediately pulled Laren aside.


The explosion burst out of the room, destroying half of the wall.

The alarm in the room also sounded immediately.

Fortunately, Dilauris pulled Lauren away in time, otherwise Lauren would have been injured at this time.

Dilauris and Lauren were on guard for the first time, and then looked into the dust from the explosion in the room.

"Although I don't know how you found me, don't treat me like a monkey!"

Abt walked out of the dust with a sullen face.

A white light lit up on Deloris and Lauren.

Abbot narrowed his eyes.

"Are you people from the Holy Church? Hehe, the one in the daytime is also yours, but I don't know if he is still alive or not."


Deloris and Lauren are at a loss.

They didn't do anything during the day, and they had no way to determine Abt's location until they encountered the chase during the day.

Originally, the two wondered why Abbott would come out suddenly and be chased by the guards, but now it seems that someone must have found Abbott in advance!

Deloris and Lauren's eyes became more serious.

This means that there are other people who are eyeing Abbott. No matter what the other party's purpose is, the feeling of being snatched by others will always make people very uncomfortable.

Moreover, if Abt cannot be caught today, once Abt falls into the hands of others, then their mission this time may end in failure.

Whether it is the church or them, they will lose a lot.

Not to mention whether you can get a promotion or raise your salary, the Holy Church may not reimburse you for this activity.

Blood loss!

The two immediately decided that no matter what the price was this time, they must catch Abbott!

"If you have the guts, let's chase after him!" After leaving a sentence, Abt returned to the room again.

Dilauris and Lauren chased after her, and Bailiyuan also followed behind.

Abbott jumped out of the window, followed by Dilauris and Lauren, and Bailiyuan naturally rushed out with them.

The three parties appeared on the street chasing each other like this.

Fortunately, there were no people on the street at this time, and the sound of the siren made the nearby people evacuate immediately, but the guards were rushing here.

Because of the chaos during the day, the guards have not been idle, so the guards arrived very quickly this time, and Baili Yuan has already seen several figures approaching.

Abt raised the corners of his mouth, stopped suddenly, and tapped his toes on the manhole cover of the sewer.

The manhole cover vibrated violently, and then bounced up violently. Abbott rushed into the sewer immediately and disappeared.

Dilauris, who was faster, also followed the sewer for the first time, and when Lauren wanted to enter the sewer, her face changed suddenly, she stopped in a hurry, and then her body flashed.

Bailiyuan, who was following Lauren, also suddenly felt a sense of crisis, and subconsciously took two steps back.

A bullet passed between Bailiyuan's legs and landed behind Bailiyuan, kicking up some gravel.

Although Bailiyuan was not injured, the sudden change gave him a chill down his spine.

If he had just evaded later, he would definitely be injured, and the location of the injury was hard to say.

"Aren't you still here? It's the second time today! Do you really think I can't do anything to you if you hide so far away?"

Bailiyuan immediately made a pose.

Steal Pangci from a distance is activated!

Target locked!

Theft was successful!

An object with temperature appeared in Baili Yuan's hands.

Purple, hollow, silk, T-shaped...

oh yeah~

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