I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 4079: Monster party?

King Red: Is your name Trafiza? He doesn't look like a good person! Gather your armor all over the floor!

Trafiza: Abba Abba...

Traphiza, who had almost zero combat intelligence, had no ability to resist and could only allow himself to be ravaged by King Red.

Just when King Red was extremely excited about the fight, the Sphia life form suddenly lost its martial ethics and sent a large number of Sphia's elite soldiers, surrounding King Red before King Red could react.

Then these Sphia soldiers enveloped King Red and slowly integrated into King Red's body, causing King Red to roar in pain.

"No, that's the assimilation of Sphia's life form!" Wei Qianxia exclaimed.

This scene is almost exactly the same as the previous situation where Gomora was assimilated into Sphia Gomora.

Sphia has the ability to fuse and assimilate monsters, and the monsters fused with Sphia will become rationally confused, recklessly causing damage to the surroundings, and completely losing control!

"King Red!" Shijo Ying broke free from Longmen's suppression and shouted King Red's name loudly, his voice was shrill and plaintive.

It's like being the victim of a minotaur in front of him.

"Take back King Red quickly!" Longmen hurriedly reminded Shijou Ying, and returned the Hypa gun and key to Shijou Ying.

"Yes!" Shijo Ying also came to his senses, picked up the Hypa gun and key, and wanted to take back King Red.

The recalling light hit King Red, but to Shijou's surprise, King Red couldn't be retrieved?

"Maybe it's because King Red has changed and no longer meets the recycling requirements." Bailiyuan was on the side and told the truth in a guessing way.

And King Red has been completely integrated with the Sphiar vanguard and transformed into a brand new appearance - King Sphiar Red!

King Sphiarede's body turned red, like a cooked prawn, and his appearance became more ferocious and terrifying. The fangs in his mouth protruded from his lips, becoming longer and sharper, and a large number of gray rocks grew on his body. The Sphia crystal contains the power from the Sphia life form.


King Sphiarede roared, and the power belonging to Sphiare's life form burst out from the Sphiear crystal on his body.

The crystals growing on King Sphiarede's body lit up with green energy, erupting into powerful energy fluctuations that swept everything around.

The spreading energy fluctuations interfered with radios and caused damage to everything around them.

Sphia fluctuates!

Fortunately, this test area is a wasteland, and everyone else is hiding in a farther and safer viewing area, so no casualties were caused, but a large amount of soil, sand and gravel were thrown away.

When Gomora merged into Sphia Gomora, she also had similar abilities, which were derived from the power of Sphia's life form, but this time King Sphia Red's ability seemed to be even more powerful.

After the fusion, King Sphiarede turned on the destruction mode, began to destroy the surrounding barren mountains indiscriminately, and then walked towards the experimental camp.

All the staff were so frightened that they turned around and ran away.

Bailiyuan's eyes flashed and he looked at Dr. Chaoying quietly.

Because at this time, Dr. Chaokage was actually happy, and what was worrying was that King Sfiyared did not take action against Trafiza who was closer.

Instead, they chose an experimental camp that was further away.

"How could this happen?" Shijo Ying knelt on the ground, as if he had seen his girlfriend raped, his eyes gradually losing their light.

One wave has not subsided, and another wave has arisen.

The wind howled, large dark clouds swept in, and black crows filled the sky.

Abnormal electromagnetic fluctuations appear.

Then two monsters appeared in Bailiyuan's perception.

One of the monsters fell to the ground first.

It was surprisingly Gazot who had escaped before.

It came back, and not only that, it brought its big brother with it.

Baili Yuan raised his head and looked at the dark clouds above his head. In the dark clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and the terrifying thunder light reflected the figure of a bird-shaped monster on the dark clouds.

Its name is - Lightning Monster, Rebasa!

Beyond the dark clouds, there are a large number of juvenile bodies of the same race, called Hubasa.


A bolt of thunder rang out and struck the ground, blocking the steps of the rampaging King Sphiarede.

Then Rebasa was wrapped with thunder and lightning, exuding a powerful aura, flew out of the dark clouds, and slowly landed on the ground.

Let's put it this way, Rebasa and the Wind Demon King Beast Magabasa are from the same race.

Lightning strikes and strong winds are both abilities it controls.

Even though there are a lot of baby Basas in their juvenile form, the ones that can truly grow up and become Rebasa are extremely rare.

Zuoda and others were not calm anymore.

It would be okay if there was only one King Sphiarede, but suddenly three monsters appeared, as well as many small hatchlings... Are the monsters going to have a party?

It's a good thing this isn't a city, otherwise the problem would be even bigger!

"Unable to contact the headquarters!" Wei Qianxia put down her arm, turned off the communication bracelet, and said seriously to the others.

Longmen looked at the Victory Falcon and Victory Falcon parked in the distance, thinking about the possibility of flying fighter planes to fight one against three, "Perhaps, we need to try to merge into a Victory Griffin."

"What should I do?" Zuoda asked the others, then looked at Dr. Chaoying anxiously, and asked loudly, "Doctor, is there really no way to make Traphiza fight?"

For large battle robots, Suoda was looking forward to it. He really wanted to make Trafiza move again.

Dr. Chaoying sighed, "I also want Traphiza to fight. Unfortunately, you have also seen Traphiza's combat intelligence. It cannot be said that it is useless at all. It can only be said that it is not very useful."

Hanojiro followed and analyzed.

"Although Trafiza was knocked down, there was no obvious damage. If Trafiza is to fight, it needs to be replaced with a more mature intelligent system."


Everyone fell silent, and then looked at Hanojiro.

A more mature intelligent system, isn’t it here? And it is one of the most mature intelligent systems on the planet!

Hanojiro: "Eh?"

Combat plan: Install Hanojiro on Traphiza and let Hanojiro drive Traphiza to face the monster!

The risk of this plan is that if you want to get close to Traphiza, you will also get close to the monster. You need to be careful about the aftermath of the monster battle.

Three members of the New Elite Victory Team, including Dr. Chaokage, all joined the escort team.

Bailiyuan was responsible for providing support from the rear.

But when it comes time to actually start executing the plan.

A new crisis has emerged.

Those young Basa were eyeing Zuo Da and others because they danced happily.

As a result, the Hinabasa swooped down, got close to the ground, and began to block and attack Suada and the others.

Although Basa is a baby, he is still two meters tall and can fly, so his fighting ability is not bad.

At least much stronger than most humans.

Unfortunately, they encountered the new elite victory team.

The new elite victory team not only has weapons, but also has undergone special training.

Longmen was flanked by two young Basas. He narrowed his eyes, raised a knife in one hand, and went up to attack in two consecutive attacks, knocking back the two Young Basas.

Another Hinabasa swooped down towards Suotai, but Chinatsu just flew up and kicked the swooping Hinabasa away, and then shouted loudly, "Suudai, hurry up and leave this place to us!"

Zuoda: "Okay!!"

Dr. Chaoying fell into silence at the end.

"Is this really something humans can do?" (End of Chapter)

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