I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 4074 Within seven steps, fists and feet are faster!

The New Elite Victory Team was dispatched and began to investigate the area where Shigeronaga Maki was suspected to be hiding.

Work in pairs.

Kajie Wuhe was present in person and was in a group with Kazuo. Because Zuoda has the lowest intelligence but is extremely resistant to beatings, he is a perfect match for Haikou Itsuwa and can protect Haikou Itsuwa's safety.

When it comes to his mentor, Kaizaki Itsuwa cannot ignore it.

She hopes to persuade Shigenaga Maki to take the right path.

But Shigenaga Maki didn’t think so.

Shigenaga Maki is hiding in the mountains searched by the New Elite Victory Team, and her research laboratory is also here.

As a hiding place, Shigenaga Maki is in the mountains, but there are many warning devices arranged.

As soon as the new elite victory team arrived, they were discovered by Maki Shigenaga.

Then after discovering the appearance of Misaki Itsuwa, Shigenaga Maki focused on Misaki Itsuwa and did not choose to escape, but chose to take action against Misaki Itsuwa.

Shigenaga Maki's mood is very complicated for her beloved disciple.

Not much hatred.

Just angry and not fighting.

Instead, she hoped that Misaki Itsuwa would understand her, identify with her, and preferably become her successor.

Because Maki Shigenaga admires Misaki Itsuwa's talents very much.

Unfortunately, Shigenaga Maki did not carry Kaizaki Itsuwa on her back, and Kaizaki Itsuwa stabbed her in the back, almost ruining her research career.

Now, Shigenaga Maki still does not hold a grudge against Misaki Itsuwa.

Shigenaga Maki just wants to prove one thing, especially one thing in front of her lover Misaki Itsuwa, that is - she is not wrong! Her choice was the right one!

The wild boy Ultraman who comes from nowhere is unreliable. Only big monsters that can be controlled are more reliable.

The only way humans can get along with monsters is to destroy or control them, not to understand them.

All love and understanding are evil ways. Do you think reality is a cartoon?

And didn’t the elite victory team back then also control monsters in battle?

This is no longer a question of right or wrong of three views, but a battle of research concepts.

Right or wrong itself is not important, nor is it important which method can make human beings stronger. What is important is which idea human beings will choose.

Longmen and Wei Qianxia searched in another direction, but found nothing.

However, Kaizaki Itsuwa and Souda gradually fell into Maki Shigenaga's trap.

Then they were caught.

After special training, Zuo Da did have good fighting ability, but faced with the dark muzzle and a large number of automatic locking attack firearms, Zuo Da could only raise his hands obediently.

However, Zuoda looked angry.

Zuoda: I can't beat him, but I don't accept it!

However, there is a third group involved in this search.

Bailiyuan and the outstanding princes came to Shigenaga Maki's secret research institute smoothly, and with the help of Caroline, they successfully sneaked in.

Bailiyuan: Old cousin, I’m coming in~

When she went out to catch Kaizaki Go and Shigenaga Maki, she didn't notice this at all, and she couldn't imagine that anyone could easily find her base camp.

Then Bailiyuan and Youyoujiaozi saw the mysterious monster hidden in the mountains.

Caroline hacked into the institute's database and discovered a lot of things.

The most important thing is the situation of the monsters and the purpose of research and development.

The monster was named - the newly created beast, Neomegas.

Created by cloning technology, it uses the remains of monsters discovered underground by Shigenaga Maki and Misaki Itsawa ten years ago as a carrier, and is born by integrating the cells of various other monsters through cloning technology, so it has overwhelming combat power.

It also makes him stronger than before.

A control system is implanted in his body.

It has turned into a mature monster weapon!

The purpose for which Neomegas was created was to serve as a monster weapon, and it was just the beginning.

Behind Maki Shigenaga, there are many people and forces with support, so that Maki Shigenaga can continue research and successfully develop Neomegas.

There are even high-level TPUs among them.

After all, only the top brass of TPU could get some monster cells for Maki Shigenaga.

Because these people and the forces they represent all want to control monster weapons.

Not only to protect the earth, but also to realize ambitions and expand externally.

For human beings who do not have strong strength themselves, many people are extremely eager for powerful power. If they cannot possess it themselves, they want to possess powerful monster weapons and hold this powerful power in their hands.

Isn’t it natural for the weak to pursue strength?

But if humans start selling monster weapons to the outside of the universe, instead of humans going to their own destruction, the handsome boys of light in the universe may be attracted to come to fight crime.

If you have monster weapons, you can protect yourself!

Selling monster weapons and invading, no!

The evil cosmonauts and criminals who sell monster weapons in the universe can never be eliminated because they have huge interests.

But many righteous warriors have never given up their crusade against these evil villains.

What's more, the earth has long been marked by the Kingdom of Light.

On Earth in this universe, other than Baili Yuan, Ultra Warriors from the Kingdom of Light have also arrived.

When Caroline was investigating the information, she discovered some bad news.

The technology used by Neomegas has been shared, and Maki Shigenaga has created several new monster production projects.

Named "New Creation Beast Series".

Much like the people of Ababa.

If Maki Shigenaga succeeds in research, I wonder if there will be a situation where "any creature that attacks others will have emotions of joy, pity or anger, but Neomons will not have such emotions. Neomons have no emotions." .

Such a famous line.

"What should we do?" The proud man asked Xiang Bailiyuan.

"Any evil will eventually be brought to justice!" Bailiyuan said coldly.


After Shigenaga Maki returned to her secret research institute with the captured Misaki Itsuwa and Soda, they saw the empty research institute.

And the Neomegas who was hidden in the mountains has disappeared.

"Ah?" Shigenaga Maki was dumbfounded, "Where is my new beast? Where is my new beast as big as me? Where is my masterpiece?"

Looking at Shigenaga Maki who fell into madness.

Kaizaki Itsuwa gave Kanada a look: Look at my eyes and act, don't act rashly!

Zuoda nodded vigorously: Seize the opportunity? Leave it all to me!

After ineffective eye contact.

Suoda rushed forward, leaving Misaki Itsuwa confused.

The crazy Shigenaga Maki was very radical. When she saw Kanada taking action, she took out her gun and shot him twice with bang bang.

Hearing the gunfire, Kaizaki Itsuwa's heart was in his throat, and he shouted in shock, "Soudai! No--"

However, Suada did not fall down in response. Instead, under the disbelieving gazes of Kaizaki Itsuwa and Shigenaga Maki, he slightly turned his head and dodged all the bullets.

Within a second, Suoda rushed in front of Shigenaga Maki, went up and grabbed him, disarmed Shigenaga Maki, and then pressed Shigenaga Maki to the ground.

"Shigenaga Maki, just go ahead and capture me!" Kanada shouted, with a righteous look on his face.

Shigenaga Maki wanted to struggle, but she was almost sixty years old, how could she withstand such a strong young man as Kanada?

Kaizaki Gowa walked over with his legs still a little weak and said in disbelief, "Soudai, who was that just now?"

Kanada turned his head and showed a healthy smile to Kaizaki Itsuwa, "That's what consultant Yuan taught - dodge bullets from seven steps away, and within seven steps, your fists and kicks will be faster!"

Kaizaki Itsuwa: "..."

Although I didn’t understand it, I was shocked!

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