I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 413 Fly Higher

When Bailiyuan stopped the man in the windbreaker, Caroline also quickly scanned the man in the windbreaker.

"No jug-like items were found, but a cup-shaped object was found in the man's left pocket."

Bailiyuan also looked at the man in the windbreaker.

The man in the windbreaker looked a little handsome, in his twenties, he looked more like a company employee.

If it wasn't for Andy's information, Bailiyuan would never have thought that the seemingly ordinary man was a criminal.

That's right, the information Andy gave indicated that this man was a criminal.

Caroline also found some information about this man on the Internet.

"About, male, 25 years old, a first-class wanted criminal, a senior coat of arms. He was originally a company employee. Half a year ago, for unknown reasons, he killed his co-tenant's co-worker, and then fled, causing many robberies..."

"Now we need to add two pieces of information: holding a pot in his hand and being targeted by the Holy Church." Baili Yuan thought to himself, but his eyes never moved away from the man.

The other party was a murderer, and Baili Yuan didn't have much resistance to the next thing about robbing the other party's things.

Seeing the confrontation between Bailiyuan and Aibut, some daring onlookers wanted to join in. After all, in the world of heraldic envoys, even passers-by are not without fighting power.

But Bailiyuan spoke out.

"Everyone back up, the other party is a first-class wanted criminal, a murderer!" Baili Yuan shouted, and then the person who wanted to come over retreated again, and left the position of the two of them far away.

It's true that they have no fighting power, but facing murderers, ordinary people still feel a little scared, and ordinary people's fighting power is also limited.

"It seems that you understand me." Abt smiled, and looked at Bailiyuan without any worry, because he felt that Bailiyuan only had the strength of an intermediate coat of arms.

This wave is very stable.

"Who are you? A guard? No, but it doesn't matter, I just want to know, who gave you the courage, a mid-level heraldry to face me, a high-level heraldry?" Abt said with a smile , but the tone is a bit harsh.

Bailiyuan opened his mouth.

"Ah, sorry, I forgot that you are a high-level coat of arms."


Abt's smile became a little stiff, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Why do you feel like you've been tricked?

And Bailiyuan took the opportunity to shoot again.

Abt dodged in time, but the anger on Abt's face became more intense.


With an angry shout, Abt rushed towards Bailiyuan.

At this time, the security guards had already arrived, and it was obviously impossible for Bailiyuan to get out of the way, so Abt chose to use Bailiyuan, a middle-level heraldry envoy who seemed easier to deal with, as a breakthrough.

Seeing Abbott rushing over, Bailiyuan's expression became serious, and he started shooting while Abbott was rushing over.

As for the battle-oriented heraldic envoys, there is a big gap in the strength of each class.

Bailiyuan was silent. Indeed, in his normal form, he only had the strength of an intermediate heraldic envoy. Even if he cooperated with the elves, he could only deal with some enemies who had just stepped into the high-level heraldic envoy. Of course, there were also bosses. A high-level heraldry envoy, but bullying the elderly is really disgusting.

Except for the Mandrill I met last time, Mandrill is not an ordinary old man.

It is almost impossible to deal with a full-fledged high-level heraldist like Abt, unless Bailiyuan transforms.

But once transformed, Baili Yuan's identity could not be hidden.

However, Bailiyuan had already prepared for this.

Although the technology side and the mysterious side are not on the same line, there is no difference in strength.

Today's Caroline is fully fired, and she is no weaker than a high-level coat of arms. What's more, Bailiyuan is not completely powerless.

Bailiyuan's design did not pose any threat to Abet, it just delayed Abt's speed, but Abt was in front of Bailiyuan in the blink of an eye.

Because of the exposure of his identity, Abt obviously did not intend to hide anything, and in order to get out as soon as possible, Abt used all his strength on Baili Yuan!

"Let you see the power of the high-level heraldry! Domain and sound range!"

Seeing Abbott rushing towards him, Bailiyuan wanted to dodge, but he suddenly felt his body tense.

It is the domain power of a senior heraldry envoy!

Bailiyuan made a judgment in an instant.

An intermediate heraldist is born with a halo, and what she cultivates is the power of the halo, while a high-level heraldist will have her own domain power!

When Bailiyuan wanted to distance himself from Abt, a noisy voice rang in Bailiyuan's ears, which made Bailiyuan's mind swell, and a sense of nausea emerged from his mind.

The ground around Bailiyuan was slightly cracked.

"Sound attack detected, block!"

The ear structure of Bailiyuan's helmet changed twice, which made Bailiyuan's nausea subside quickly, but at this time, Abt's attack had arrived——

Bailiyuan was kicked by Abt and fell into the flower bed beside her.

Then Abt ignored Baili Yuan's life and death, and left quickly.

"Chasing!" Although Baili Yuan was in a trance, he still gritted his teeth and said this word.

Caroline controlled Baili Yuan's body and chased after Abt again, but this time she hung far behind Abt, and Baili Yuan also took advantage of this time to quickly recover.

The sound attack just now not only affected Baili Yuan's spirit, but also affected the energy in Baili Yuan's body.

Without Caroline's help, Bailiyuan would definitely have been hit hard, but even if he had responded in time, Bailiyuan's state would have been affected inevitably, not to mention Abt's full-strength kick at the end .

And if it was an ordinary mid-level heraldic envoy who just faced Abbott, then this mid-level heraldic envoy has already been instantly killed by Abet.

The strength gap between the high-level heraldry and the middle-level heraldry is huge.

If it was Bailiyuan himself, even if he didn't die in the attack just now, he wouldn't be in a state to continue the pursuit, but Bailiyuan is not alone!

After applying two recovery techniques to himself, Bailiyuan felt much better. The biggest impact was the physical problems caused by Abt's voice field.

Immediately afterwards, Bailiyuan cast two more magic spells on himself, and only then did he completely get rid of the dizziness and nausea.

As a summoner, all kinds of auxiliary skills are compulsory.

Bailiyuan has learned a lot of auxiliary skills in both the inheritance of the summoner and the teaching of Yuncheng College.

Bailiyuan, who had partially recovered, began to check the surrounding situation.

But the situation is not very good now, the guards have already started chasing him and Abbott.

Abt began to think of ways to hide himself and get rid of the guards' tracking, but Bailiyuan became the main target of the guards because of his conspicuous equipment.

Then, soon, Bailiyuan was surrounded by guards.

"It's a pity, it seems that we can only go here today." Baili Yuan said.

"Caroline, implement plan B."

Bailiyuan's figure rose high and went straight into the sky, and those members of the guard team surrounding Bailiyuan also hurriedly took off to chase Bailiyuan, but soon, the members of the guard team stopped and continued to go up, because they He has reached the limit altitude that he can fly.

Therefore, they could only raise their necks and watch Bailiyuan rise to a higher altitude, then drew a heart shape in the air with the sudden exhaust gas, and finally turned and left.


To be honest, this was the first time a member of the guard had encountered such an enemy who fled because they flew too high.

"Nimma, how can we chase after flying so high?"

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