I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 4060 Dekai? NO! DekaiX? YES!

Sphiagomora was hit by Dekai's attack, but was not repulsed. Instead, he was inspired with greater ferocity, and once again released Sphija's super vibration wave at Dekai.

This cutting skill is less powerful.

Dekai opened his arms and activated his defense.

All attacks are blocked.

Dekai circular barrier!

Then Dekai seemed to have no backswing or CD, and released the light attack again.

A large number of high-speed wedge-shaped shuriken light bombs are released from Dekai's hands and fired continuously, with powerful penetration and blasting capabilities.

Sphiagomora, who was caught in the backswing of his skill and was recovering his breath, was unable to dodge.

All the attacks accurately hit Sphiagomora's huge horn, and then exploded violently, directly breaking off the horn and making Sphiagomora's head buzz.

"So strong!"

Zuoda, who saw this scene at close range, let out an exclamation of surprise.

As for others, they all had the same emotion.

And they discovered that whenever Dekai showed up, he would hit him, which was quite violent.

Of course, they are indeed very brave.

This light is used as if it does not consume energy.

There is "X" style.

Dekai: Unlimited firepower, cool!

Having the horn cut off was a serious injury to Sphiagomora.

Dekai did not give Sphiagomora a chance to breathe.

He saw Dekai clasping his hands in front of his chest, pushing out his palms like releasing Qigong, and firing colorful explosive light bombs.

Shining light bomb!

Boom boom boom——

The bombardment and explosion submerged Sphiagomora, and completely suppressed Sphiagomora's blood line to the killing line.

Dekai: Your life is like a candle in the wind!

The next second, without hesitation, Dekai directly released the killing light.

Serjet light!


Sphiagomora exploded, ending a crazy day and, incidentally, this life.

When the aftermath of the battle subsided, Kanada piloted the Victory Falcon and tentatively flew to Dekai's side.

Everyone else's hearts were in their throats.

If Dekai suddenly takes action, Zuoda will definitely die.

Fortunately, Dekai didn't mean any harm, and instead nodded to Zuoda in the Victory Falcon.

Zuoda was suddenly stunned. He didn't know if it was an illusion. He always felt that Dekai had an inexplicable sense of familiarity, and Dekai seemed to be calling him.

But the Bailiyuan in Dekai knew that the feeling of playing big was not an illusion.

Because when he came into close contact with Zuoda, the flashing sword in Bailiyuan's hand flickered for a moment, and then... seemed to be in a panic.

Dekai seemed to realize at this moment that he had found the wrong person.

"I see. Is the chosen one Zuo Da? That's somewhat understandable." Baili Yuan smiled slightly.

And Zuoda didn't know what happened.

So he followed his heart and shouted loudly, "I am Tomorrow Kansouda! I am a member of the elite victory team! My family owns a pancake shop..."

The faint sound also reached Xu Da's ears, and Xu Da unexpectedly understood the meaning of the sound and repeated it.

"Dekai, Ultraman Dekai?"

"Is this your name?" Zuo Da reacted belatedly and said in great surprise.

Dekai nodded.

Then Dekay took off into the sky.

Zuoda hurriedly drove the Victory Falcon, chased Dekai curiously, and continued to ask loudly, "Dekai, are you a friend? Are you here to protect the earth? You..."

However, Dekai did not respond, and even accelerated his flight speed, disappearing into the sky in the blink of an eye.

Reluctantly, Zuoda had to give up.

On the ground, only Qianxia and Longmen looked at each other.

They all had to admit that Zuo Da was really brave.

In a combat boat.

"Ultraman Decai, is this his name?"

Angxing Disi murmured to himself.

After the battle, the team summarized and found that everyone performed well, and Zuoda also brought back important information, which was Dekai's name.

Bailiyuan and Youyoujiaozi were also in the conference room.

The summary of the battle is not complicated, but very simple, and it ends quickly.

After all, they had just experienced a big battle and everyone was very tired.

Kaizaki Itsuwa smiled and said, "To celebrate your first successful battle, I'll treat you to a meal!"

"Okay!" Zuoda cheered.

Wei Qianxia and Longmen were also very happy.

"I actually want to go out to eat. I even cooked the rice specially." Bailiyuan said suddenly.

Then everyone saw that Bailiyuan opened Hanai 2's head again, and inside Hanai 2's body was fragrant white rice.

"This time it's not a refrigerator, but a rice cooker?" Longmen murmured to himself.

Yuichiro Asakage, who was responsible for debugging Hanai 2, almost stared out of his eyes. He didn't even know when Hanai 2 was modified.

Hanai 2: "No data record! Suspected illegal modification!"

"Then bring Hano 2 with you!" Misaki Itsuwa didn't care so much and said with a smile.

"It's always Hanai 2, Hanai 2. It's not intimate enough, and it's a bit strange to always call him by number. Isn't Hanai 2 also our comrade? Why don't we give Hanai 2 a name." Da suddenly said that in this battle, Hanai 2's contribution is obvious to all, and people can feel that it is very worthy of reliance.

"Okay!" Wei Qianxia was very supportive.

"Then let's call it, Hanai 2, 2, 2...Jiro? Hanai Jiro? How about that?" Suoda suggested.

Jiro means second.

This naming is very good and has been unanimously recognized by everyone.

Hanai 2: "No problem, there is no information indicating that this name cannot be used."

Hanai 2 officially changed its name to Hanai Jiro.

Zuoda suggested again, "Then we can talk more intimately without using honorifics."

"Received." Hanojiro changed the chat method, then he looked at Baili Yuan and said loudly, "You are really hungry! Don't change me casually anymore! Otherwise, you won't be able to drink juice next time! "

Everyone else burst out laughing.

The proud man covered his mouth and chuckled.

Bailiyuan: "..."

He felt that he had upgraded Hanojiro's system too high.

After a pleasant dinner.


The proud man entered Bailiyuan's room.

"Hey, it's a night attack!"

Baili Yuan turned back into a child, hiding under the covers with a shy look on his face.

The arrogant man was speechless. He sat on his chair and poured himself a glass of water.

"You asked me to come! And I hope you can maintain your adult attitude next time!"

At such an age where one cannot be hardened, there is no room for manipulation.

Even if you are sixteen.

Bailiyuan then sat up from the bed and got down to business, "Ahem, pride, do you want a monster or not? As long as you ask, I will give it to you."

"Ah?" The proud man put down his cup, a little confused, "What do I need a monster for?"

"Maybe it can strengthen your combat power~ And in the world of Ultraman, although there are no trainers, there are monster users and Leonix who are similar to trainers!" Bailiyuan said with a smile and jumped out of bed. , ran into the arms of the proud man, "It's best not to become a human Leonix, because the power of Leonix will affect your reason and character. But there is no problem with being a monster, but you need to be able to control it. Monster."

The proud man agreed directly without thinking, "Then bring the monster."

A superior person would never refuse a power without any hidden dangers.

Bailiyuan didn't hold back anymore, but directly took out a ball of light from his arms.

And in the light ball, the soul of Sphiago Mora is sealed!

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