Chapter 4028 Return

Bailiyuan also returned to the Pokémon world with others.

Only in the parallel universe, traces of the void, the moon god, the elves of light and the virtual world are left.

The future of the world will ultimately depend on the human beings in the world to choose and develop on their own.

Chengcheng and Xiaoyu continued their vacation trip in the Alola region, but Chengcheng began special training for Xiaoyu.

Learn some special skills at the resort, and your proficiency may be doubled~

They also have two more door keys to the virtual world in their hands. This is their certificate to save the world and the ticket to a new journey.

Li Zi and Si Ji also obtained the door key. However, they need to contact the family who has regarded them as missing persons in the Padia area.

It is worth mentioning that after saving the world, Gutton and Milton seemed to have completed their mission and ran away directly.

He released his trainer with a backhand.

Li Zi and Si Ji were dumbfounded for a long time, and even wanted to curse.

However, they will not forget this experience.

Moreover, since it is a parallel world, it means that the two elves Gullton and Milton should also exist in their original world.

They decided to conquer these two elves in their world.

Before subduing these two elves, they had no other plans.

This is the persistence of a trainer.

Galar region.

In the water boat arena, Lurina sat on the edge of the pool, putting her shoes aside, stirring the water with her feet, looking up at the door key on the back of her hand.

Everything before was like a dream.

At this time, someone broke into the water boat arena.

It was Xiao Wu, Da Ming, Er Ming and Arou.

Xiao Wu put her hands on her hips and said, "Lulina, we are here to challenge you!"

Lurina smiled slightly, stood up with bare feet, "Then come, it's our battle!"

The Devouring Turtle came behind Lurina, Menas poked his head out of the pool, and the Great-billed Gull flapped its wings and flew over.

The battle is about to break out.

Nicole, on the other hand, chose to go to the virtual world and start a new adventure.

She was riding a bicycle and carrying a backpack, walking in the colorful city of the virtual world.

Hanchan looked at Nicole who was passing by forcefully with a strange expression, but she ignored Nicole and went to busy managing the order of the virtual world.

Recently in the EA world, there were rumors that Tan Li Dou was resurrected. She had to be vigilant to deal with the storm that Tan Li Dou might bring.

That is a big BOSS that can only be solved by the Creator God himself!

Bailiyuan took the remaining people back to the old coastal port.

Uchiha Shisui sat outside the dojo, watching the training of his disciples, and occasionally reminded him.

Bailiyuan, Angela, and Youyoujiaozi began to talk openly and honestly at the shrine.

Now that he has been discovered by the proud man, there is no need to hide it.

Originally, the superior man thought that Baili Yuan was just a light elf with a special identity. Unexpectedly, Baili Yuan was not an elf in this world!

Angela isn't even a real person!

No wonder their painting style is different from others.

Angela: “Are you scolding me?”

The proud man: "How is that possible~"

Finally, at the request of the distinguished prince, Baili Yuan brought the distinguished prince to the big world.

That's right, the distinguished and proud man also followed Baili Yuan to the big world.

Moreover, as soon as the distinguished and proud man arrived, the world stamped him with a stamp of approval.

It is the same type of coat of arms as Baili Yuan's God's Spokesperson coat of arms.

Moreover, the heraldry level of a distinguished person is that of a senior heraldry user.

[Spokesperson of God·Apostle of Destiny (Fate Authority)——

Innate Ability: Prayer of Destiny

Branch skills: summoning of protector gods, fortune telling, divine grace

Halo: Halo of Fate’s Protection, Halo of Fate’s Blessing

Domain: Fateful Shrine Domain]

"Xiao Yuan, is this the power of heraldry that you said belongs to this world?"

"That's right." Bailiyuan nodded, and then Bailiyuan showed his God's spokesperson emblem, "We have the same style of emblem~"

Looking at Baili Yuan's lifted clothes, the arrogant man hesitated to speak, hesitated to speak, and finally chose to shut up.

After losing all the blessings of her identity, the elegant and proud girl suddenly discovered that the perfect Mr. Izawa in her heart actually had his own preferences.

But this did not shake the feelings of the proud man.

The firmness and seriousness in Bailiyuan's eyes at the beginning could not be faked.

Moreover, the farthest distance is longing, so the best and proud should pursue it and then make their own judgment.

The fact that she can stay in the dojo for several years for a pursuit is enough to show what kind of persistence she has deep in her heart.

Moreover, Baili Yuan also had the identity of a light elf, which made her even more excited.

If possible, most trainers' first choice of mate would be the elf they like.

Do you think the alliance law that does not allow marriage to elves really has no effect?

Not only is it useful, it’s very versatile!

"Let's go, pride, let's go to the college and have a look. Yuncheng College is one of the best colleges here!"

When Andy and others saw Bailiyuan bringing another girl back, they... suddenly felt that there seemed to be nothing strange at all.

To be honest, the relationship between Bailiyuan and Andy, Caroline, Junko Shirakawa, Shirley, Shazi, Huahua... and others are not so much special relationships, they are more like members of a family.

Bonds and family affection, on the contrary, took the first place. Sexual feelings also existed, but they did not cause conflict.

Moreover, now that everyone has completed the evolution of life, even Huahua has become an earth god whose life limit is unknown.

Therefore, no one is in a hurry and is even willing to wait for Bailiyuan to grow up.

On the other hand, the new and proud man had a strange expression, but he soon became firm.

Because in the circle of trainers, there are situations where multiple trainers like an elf. At this time, competition will break out among trainers.

Whether you can capture the elves depends on your own methods.

Bailiyuan introduced everyone to each other.

Andy noticed that this time Bailiyuan came back and behaved much more seriously. Obviously, Bailiyuan has a certain weight in Bailiyuan's heart.

But no one cares about the arrogant person's imagination.

Everyone expressed their welcome to the distinguished and proud man.

Junko Shirakawa was a proud student and had a specially arranged room in the research institute.

"Since friends are coming, let's go out and celebrate tonight." Andy said with a smile.

"Then I will be disrespectful." The proud man said.

Then the distinguished people saw what high-end was.

Top students think that the so-called celebration is either a meal in a restaurant in the city or a family dinner in the institute.

As a result, Andy took everyone directly to another world full of delicious food, and started eating, eating, and eating...

A proud man can only express.

"This other world is so wonderful! I love it here so much!"

Then the proud man took a big bite of the ice cream, which is said to bring happiness.

This ice cream actually lights up!

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