Chapter 4016 The time is up, it’s time to rush into the tower!

The Void Paper Sword that confronted Tan Xiaoshi was not particularly strong, but it was stronger than the current Tan Xiaoshi. Fortunately, Tan Xiaoshi still had an attribute advantage.

However, after a battle, Tan Xiaoshi showed flaws due to lack of physical strength.

Void·Zhi Yujian seized the opportunity, rushed in front of Tan Xiaoshi, and slashed out with one move.

Taking action is the ultimate move.

Leaf blade!

Tan Xiaoshi instinctively closed his eyes and crossed his arms in front of him, trying to defend himself.

However, the Void Paper Sword's attack failed to land successfully.

There were exclamations from the sky.


Then, a child fell from the sky and sat the paper sword on the ground.


Majiana covered her mouth in surprise.

Tan Xiaoshi hurriedly opened his eyes and looked in front of him, and saw Baili Yuan sitting on Void Zhi Yujian.

"Hey, Mr. Tan, Majiana, long time no see~" Bailiyuan greeted with a smile, with a sunny and cheerful face.

Immediately afterwards, Baili Yuan was pushed up by the Void Paper Sword on his body and flung away.

Tan Xiaoshi was startled and wanted to pick up Baili Yuan, but heard Bai Liyuan's command.

"Tan-chan, use sparks!"

Baili Yuan's instructions came clearly to Tan Xiaoshi's ears. Tan Xiaoshi chose to believe Baili Yuan, stopped his actions instantly, released sparks, and hit the paper sword in the void.

The Void Paper Sword, who was gesturing towards Baili Yuan, did not expect Tan Xiaoshi's sudden attack, and was directly hit by the sparks, and then the remaining health bar was taken away.


The Void Paper Sword exploded, and a treasure box burst out.

Bailiyuan, who was thrown away, was gently held in Majiana's arms.

"To be honest, I would be happier if you were softer here." Bailiyuan rubbed his fat face against Majiana's chest, "But thank you anyway."

Magearna didn't pay attention, but narrowed her eyes happily.

When Tan Xiaoshi saw that he had defeated his opponent, he couldn't help but cheered, then hurriedly turned around and ran towards Bailiyuan, wanting to see if Bailiyuan was injured.

On the other side, the two Juanjuan Er also defeated their opponents, and then the two Juanjuan Er high-fived happily. When they looked for Majiana and Tan Xiaoshi, they discovered Baili Yuan's return.

Several small ones surrounded Bailiyuan.

The place left for them to fight was a place without danger, and the only void elves here had also been cleared away.

Bailiyuan looked at a few small ones.

Tan Xiaoshi is already level 30!

It can be seen that he worked hard to defeat monsters.

The two curly ears have also been upgraded to level 20.

As for Magearna, her level has not changed.

"Very good, everyone has made progress!" Bailiyuan praised the little ones and then said, "Okay, let's head towards the BOSS!"

Baili Yuan pointed in the direction of the TV tower.

The little guys cheered in unison.

Only Tan Xiaoshi slowly raised a question mark.

No, you have to challenge the BOSS just after leaving the Novice Village?

Chengcheng flew up and kicked an explosive mosquito to death.

Break it into a treasure chest.

The local trainers on the side were shocked.

It’s too late, the trainer is going to hit someone!

The void elves on the street have been cleared away by Chengcheng and her friends.

The elves gathered behind Chengcheng.

Xiaoyu, who was hiding far away, hurriedly ran over to take a photo with her, even posing in a punching pose.

"Xiaoyu defeated the Void Elf!"


The clawed lobster gave Xiaoyu's little butt a pair of pincers, which almost made Xiaoyu jump up.

Because Xiaoyu’s butt blocked Uncle Lobster’s handsome face!

Although Xiaoyu couldn't go up to fight hand-to-hand, Xiaoyu's elves also tried their best.

Kirbymon lay down directly on the ground, saying that he would never get up to fight again.

Today's battle ends here, Kirbymon has exhausted all its energy.

After all, Kirbymon has gone to Gigantamax for several battles.

"Come back, Kirby." Xiaoyu took back Kirby, but she was a little unhappy.

Because she wants Kirby to regain her energy, she has to treat Kirby to a good meal when she goes back. It’s her little treasury!

Chengcheng collects the power and calms down the internal force.

"All the void elves in this area have been cleaned up." Chengcheng was sure that he would never feel the breath of the void elves in this area again.

"Chengcheng, where are we going next?" Xiaoyu said eagerly.

Kirbymon can't fight anymore, but she still has Crayfish and other companions.

Then, Chengcheng looked towards the TV tower.

Xiaoyu was dumbfounded: "Huh?"

"Hey, girls over there, do you want to form a team to attack the tower?" A handsome guy passed by riding a Kentero.

On Kentero's back, Magearna, two curly ears and a charcoal servant were also carried.

There is also a Victini on the handsome boy's head.

The victory Pokémon has appeared, symbolizing that this is a team heading for victory.

Chengcheng and Xiaoyu were stunned when they saw the handsome boy, and then Chengcheng smiled, "Haha, that's exactly what I meant!"

Xiaoyu: ┓(`)┏

Li Zi and Si Ji chose to fight in the legion, and the two men, who were quite leadership qualities, also organized a local legion of trainers.

The previous scene of the two fighting against Akuri was broadcast live on the TV station. Therefore, most trainers are still convinced of the strength of the two.

In front of their team were a large number of conquered void elves to clear the way, and in the middle were trainers such as Li Zi and Si Ji, as well as the civilians they had rescued.

On the sides and rear are the trainers' elves. Different elves are combined and matched to form a more reasonable square formation.

This team transformed into battlefield tanks and swept away all the void elves they saw.

It is also the largest team in the city.

Their model was also recognized by other trainers and followed suit.

Gym leaders in the city all said that he did not have such appeal.

"No, this is not a rallying point, but the instinct to follow the strong in a crisis!" Si Ji analyzed with a smile.

Lizi looked in one direction, and she saw a child riding a Kentero, taking Chengcheng and Xiaoyu in one direction.

When she looked up in that direction, she saw the TV Tower!

Li Zi narrowed his eyes and said, "Si Ji, it's time for us to get down to business."

"What's serious?" Si Ji was confused.

"Leave some of the elves to protect the civilians, and the remaining trainers will go to the TV tower with us to end it all!" Lizi said seriously.

Si Ji's lips curled up, "As expected of you, okay, let's do this!"

Lurina took a sip of water and sat tiredly on the roadside. She and Nicole were resting.

The Red Lotus Armored Cavalry and the Mastiff, on the other hand, are still very energetic.

Suddenly, Nicole stood up.

Lurina looked at Nicole in confusion, "Nico, what's wrong?"

Nicole said seriously, "I feel it!"


"Papa's call!"

"???" (End of chapter)

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