Chapter 4011 New World Barrier!

Void·Eating King——

Health bar ×500! →Health bar×0!

Kill the void man with three punches!

What's there to say?

Supreme Easter Egg +1

The huge King of Void and Evil Eater exploded directly, and a huge treasure box, blooming with colorful brilliance, fell in front of Baili Yuan.

But Bailiyuan's Eye of God saw something different.

After the explosion of King Void and Evil Eater, countless data flew out of the explosion, turned into independent individuals, and ascended to the data network.

These are the data of all the ultimate beasts devoured by the Void and Evil Eater King!

The data of the ultimate beasts are separated and cannot be resurrected in the original world, but their data has been received by the virtual world's network and downloaded to the virtual world.

This is not only the case for King Void·Evil Eater, but also for other defeated void elves. After they die, the elves they absorbed will turn into data and fly to the virtual world.

As nourishment for the growth of the virtual world.

Whether the virtual world is powerful or not depends on how much data it has.

virtual reality.

Fu Zhu, Xie Jia and Han Chan appeared in a special area.

"Is this the extra continent that will be created after connecting to another world?" Fu Zhu asked in surprise.

In front of the three people is a new continent floating on the sea. There are volcanoes, forests, glaciers, etc. on the continent, a variety of landforms.

And various virtual lives and Pokémon born from the data of the Pokémon world are exploring this continent and want to make their home on this continent.

Nowadays, there are two continents in the virtual world.

One is a game continent that connects the EA world and the game world.

The other side is the continent that appears now and connects the parallel world of Pokémon. It can be called the Pokémon Continent.

The area of ​​the Pokémon Continent is growing rapidly, catching up with the area of ​​the game continent.

"This kind of different landforms merge together unreasonably, that is, in this world." Xie Jia said with a smile.

At this moment, Han Chan suddenly noticed something, raised his head slightly and looked at the sky, "A lot of new data has arrived."

Massive amounts of data are falling like meteors.

These data fell into the Pokémon Continent and turned into ultimate beasts.

The dead ultimate beast is resurrected in the virtual world in the form of a virtual life!

The resurrected ultimate beasts were also very surprised, but they quickly adapted to the situation and began to move.

Some dangerous ultimate beasts even instinctively began to destroy the continent.

"It seems that we are going to be busy again." Xie Jia threw away the bottle of wine in his hand.

It is their duty to protect the virtual world from destruction, and the stronger the virtual world, the stronger their power will be, and vice versa.

"It seems that not only those strange biological data have arrived, but also...human data?" Fu Zhu pointed in one direction.

Then, they saw several trainers sitting near the crater with confused expressions. Next to these trainers were their elf partners.

These trainers were those who unfortunately died in the battle against the void.

Some of the dead trainers and elves temporarily believed in the Moon God, so they were promoted to the Moon God Realm and joined the Pokémon Alliance of the Moon God Realm.

Some have no faith and cannot go to the divine world, so their data is downloaded by the virtual world and reincarnated into virtual lives in the virtual world.

Like the elves, they were randomly scattered across the continent, and the craters were the ones closest to the Fu Zhus.

However, these trainers and elves have not yet recovered from the "resurrection from the dead" incident.

"I'll go take a look!" Han Chan took the initiative to take over the task, and without waiting for anyone else to answer, he flew directly in the direction of several trainers.

Fu Zhu and Xie Jia can't control Han Chan either.

"This little girl is not big, her breasts are not big, and her butt is not big, but her ambition is quite big!" Xie Jia commented mercilessly.

Fu Zhu looked confused, "Huh?"

Ambition? What ambition? Didn't see it!

Only Xie Jia saw it. Han Chan wanted to be the first to contact these humans, learn about things in another world, and then try to benefit from this incident and become stronger.

The cake in the world has grown bigger, and Han Chan hopes to eat the biggest piece.

She wants to become stronger and become the strongest god under the Creator God in the virtual world!

This is Han Chan's ambition, she doesn't want to stay depressed for a long time!

Unless that person is a real daddy.

However, Xie Jia didn't really care about this.

No matter how hard Han Chan tries, no matter how strong she is, as long as the God of Creation is unhappy, isn't she just going to have to kneel down?

It’s better to enjoy it than to work hard~

Young people always like to make progress, which can also be said to be the second grade, and feel that they are born to be extraordinary.

But adults have discovered that it is better to lie flat than to work hard.

You have food, drink, fun, and status, and you don’t have to worry about killing yourself. What should you work hard for?

"Go home early today. Your mother has introduced a blind date to that brat Yongmeng. As a father, I always have to be there to meet him."

Then, Xie Jia, who wanted to get off work early, found that Fu Zhu was already preparing to skip work.

"Fu Zhu, what are you going to do?" Xie Jia asked in a deep voice.

"Ah? Mr. Baosheng, it's useless for me to stay here, and I don't know how to fight. So, I think I won't stay here to affect you. And you and your family are not here to see me tonight. Want to eat in the restaurant? I plan to go back and prepare in advance.

Baosheng Yongmeng’s blind date party was arranged at Fu Zhu’s restaurant.

For no other reason, Xie Jia took the internal price and broke his bones.

After listening to Fu Zhu's words, Xie Jia fell silent for a moment and had nothing to say.

"There are still big bastards here!"

Pokémon Parallel World.

Bailiyuan looked at the colorful treasure box in front of him, raised his hand, and the treasure box opened automatically. An ultimate ball the size of a fist flew out of it and fell into Bailiyuan's hand.

Bailiyuan also took advantage of the situation and returned to normal size.

The treasure chest disappears.

Then Bailiyuan did not return to the city.

Because, there are more important things to do.

Outside the world.

The elves in Bailiyuan exploded one after another, eventually killing a large number of void elves.

These are the summoned clones of the elves, and the elves' true bodies are still in Baili Yuan's body.

After these clones self-destructed, the elves' consciousness returned to their original bodies and they woke up one after another, but they were all tired.

After all, they fought to the death for three days and three nights!

Some of the weaker elves fell asleep again on the spot.

There are not many elves who can wake up.

The robots in the home space began to take care of the elves.

And without the interception of the elves on the outside of the world, the void elves want to enter the inside of the world.

Unexpectedly, the data network covering the entire world has turned into a new barrier in the world, blocking the void elves from outside.

Some void elves who wanted to break through wanted to break the data network, but found that they could not shake the data network at all.

Because this data network is connected to the virtual world and the parallel world of Pokémon.

If you want to destroy the data network, you must at least have the power to destroy two worlds with one blow!

However, even among void monsters, there are not many existences with such power, and those powerful monsters will not go out of their way to visit just two worlds. (End of chapter)

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