Chapter 3988 Golden Energy Cube! Kirby transforms!

The trainer troops of the White Flag Alliance had to pay a certain price to break through the temple.

Under the leadership of the members of the Red Inquisition, the members of the Totem Team, who were already fearless of death, became more capable of fighting.

Of course, there are other reasons for playing so hard.

On the one hand, alliance trainers mainly focus on capturing animals alive.

On the other hand, the Totem team has a geographical advantage.

The last aspect is that the members of the Red Inquisition have special powers!

Shancha squatted on the ground, picked up a dark elf ball-like prop, and asked doubtfully, "What prop is this?"

Previously, the members of the Red Inquisition used this item to make their elves stronger and block the alliance's troops.

However, Shancha did not remember that he had heard of similar props.

"Could it be Totem Team's black technology?" Shancha wondered.


It has happened before that an evil organization used black technology to allow a large number of elves to start super evolution together.

Han Chun stood aside, squinting his eyes and changing the topic instead of answering.

"Okay, let's go deeper."

"Oh, okay~" Shancha didn't have any objection. He hurriedly threw down the black elf ball-like prop, then stood up, followed Han Chun, and said at the same time, "Chengcheng and the others just sent me a message. They are going deep." ”

"Well, I understand..."

No one noticed.

The props Shancha had just thrown down quietly disappeared.

Angela, who used the snake charm to become invisible, picked up the props on the ground.

"This is not black technology, there are some special powers in it." Angela smiled.

They had also seen the previous battle.

However, it is unclear what these are, overt destruction and dark destruction.

If you don't count the fact that the Sister of Destruction is one of the three leaders of the Totem Team, she is a proper high-level person. They almost suspected that Sister Destruction was being squeezed out by others.

[Everyone knows this secret. Only one person doesn’t know it. Who are you? It's you, Sister of Destruction! 】

Behind Angela are the Honorable One, Amiao, Ming Destruction, Dark Destruction, Bloody Doll, Tan Xiaoshi, Thief K and Uchiha Shisui. Two curly ears squatted on the shoulders of Youyouzi and Amiao.

They held each other one by one, sharing the power of Angela's spell and becoming invisible together.

As for Ah Rou, she stayed outside and was responsible for taking care of a few people.

Both Youyouzi and A Miao looked at the props in Angela's hands curiously.

The thief K muttered a little, "Why do you want me to walk behind? I feel very insecure. There is no elf in me now."

Uchiha Shisui walked last, and he was responsible for guarding the back. As for the reason why Thief K was assigned to the last~

"After all, Amiao doesn't want to have too much contact with you, the prisoner. If you are dishonest, I will stab you." Uchiha Shisui said with a smile.

"..." Thief K.

Where is the trust?

Most of the roads into the mountain church have been cleared by Chengcheng and Xiaoyu.

The trainer team of the White Flag Alliance only needs to follow behind and clean up some fish that have slipped through the net.

As for Chengcheng, Xiaoyu, Xiaowu, Daming and Erming, they advanced all the way and soon reached the place where the Flame of Reshiram was.

It's not that they were fierce, but the Totem team's resistance was not fierce.

"Hmph, not worth mentioning!" Er Ming mocked without thinking.

Xiaoyu even felt that Erming's brain was not enough.

Xiao Wu and Da Ming silently distanced themselves from Er Ming.

Chengcheng had a serious look on his face, "The Totem Team may have concentrated all their forces near the Flame of Reshiram. It will be very dangerous ahead. Please be careful."

During this journey, Xiao Wu had already shared the information with Cheng Cheng and Xiao Yu.

The others nodded after hearing Chengcheng's analysis.

Er Ming scratched his head in embarrassment, and then wanted to protect Xiao Wu behind him.

But he found that Daming was already one step ahead of him.

Da Ming smiled slightly, and Er Ming snorted coldly.

I don’t know how the rabbit, dragon, and orangutan created a love triangle.

The five people move forward, Kirbymon opens the way.

At this time, Kirbymon has stacked up its defenses and is ready to defend at any time.

Then take a step and walk around the corner.

Before Kirbymon could clearly see the scene ahead, the sound of an attack suddenly sounded, and Kirbymon immediately stood up and defended.

Kirbymon: I was prepared!

However, within two seconds, Kirbymon's defense was broken. Immediately afterwards, dense shooting skills, such as poisonous needles, ice picks, etc., fell like raindrops.

"Take Kirby back quickly!" Chengcheng shouted loudly.

Xiaoyu hurriedly used the elf ball to take back Kirbymon.

Immediately afterwards, more attacks fell to the ground.

If Xiaoyu didn't take Kirby back in time, Kirby might be beaten into a sieve.

But even so, Kirby was seriously injured and its health bar was almost emptied.

Xiaoyu was so angry that she shouted repeatedly, "You don't have martial ethics!"

Chengcheng and others hid behind the corner, not daring to show their faces again.

Chengcheng tried and threw a stone.

As soon as the stone rolled out of the corner, it was beaten into powder by successive attacks.

Obviously, the Totem Team was going to use firepower to suppress and block the entrance passage.

Fortunately, the Totem Team, which was in a favorable position, did not rush forward and broke into the passage to chase Chengcheng and the others.

This gave Chengcheng and others a chance to breathe.

Xiao Wu asked Xiao Yu to release the seriously injured Kirby, and she released a happy egg herself and summoned a soul ring.

"The fourth contract, immortal wave treatment!"

Xiao Wu's fourth soul skill, the Immortal Golden Body. Through the power of the Pact, used in conjunction with the healing wave of the Happy Egg.

In an instant, Kirbymon's injuries were completely restored, allowing Kirbymon to return to its normal state.

Then, Happy Egg handed an egg to Kirbymon.

Xiao Wu explained, "Although Immortal Wave Treatment can instantly restore all injuries to the target, it can only be used on the same target once a day, and the target needs to replenish a lot of nutrients and food. Otherwise, even if the injuries are restored, it will be difficult to fight. Ability. After all, this is just a life-saving skill."

"But my auspicious eggs are specially cultured. Her eggs are more nutritious and can give Kirby... a tummy pad."

Xiao Wu's expression was a little strange.

If it was a small elf, dropping one of the Geely Eggs would be enough to restore all the required nutrition and physical strength, but what was in front of him was a Kirby beast, and it was also a specially trained Kirby beast.

It can be seen from the fact that Kirby is much larger than its peers that its food and nutrition needs are far greater than those of its peers.

"Thank you, Xiao Wu!" Xiaoyu gratefully took the egg from the Happy Egg and fed it to the Kirby lying on the ground.

Kirby chirped, then opened his mouth with a loud sound, then closed it.

Said he still wanted it.

Xiaoyu could only flip through her backpack, take out a box, and then feed a golden energy cube in the box to Kirby reluctantly.

The box storing the energy cubes is empty.

"Kabimon, this is the last golden energy cube!" Xiaoyu said seriously.

Kirbymon swallowed the golden energy cube in one gulp.

This is Bailiyuan's special gold energy cube specially made to consume huge elves and monsters. One piece is worth a hundred.

Even monsters can last a whole day with one energy cube.

Not to mention Kirbymon.

On normal days, Xiaoyu would not feed the golden energy cubes to the Kirby beasts.

Because it’s expensive!

Yes, Xiaoyu costs money.

But correspondingly, you get what you pay for!

Whenever Xiaoyu feeds the golden energy cube to Kirbymon, Kirbymon will explode with strength beyond its own limits in the following battle!

Now Xiaoyu feeds the golden energy cube to Kirbymon, just to make Kirbymon give it a try!

Sure enough, the next second.

The Kirby beast that swallowed the golden energy cube jumped up from the ground, a powerful aura erupted from its body, and its hair was actually dyed with a layer of gold.

Kirbymon turned into a Super Saiyan? !

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