Chapter 3983 The girl sneaks in!

Countless rocks crashed into the river below.

Akuri swung his cloak and said loudly, "Hanchun, if you have the ability, just come in! I'll be waiting for you inside the church!"

After saying that, Akuri turned around and left with the Galar Flame Horse.

And at the same time Akuri left.

On the rock wall, there was a dense sound of flapping wings, and dense black shadows took off from the rock wall.

Those turned out to be densely packed Eolup!

"How dare he provoke me!" Han Chun looked gloomy and frowned a little as he looked at the large number of Eolups swooping down from the rock wall.

Orup as an insect elf is relatively common and easier to cultivate, and it also has superpower attributes.

The Yiulupu who swooped down from the rock wall were actually not very strong. The strongest one was only over level 50. Naturally, it was nothing against the elite trainers of the alliance.

However, there are too many Eulupu!

Hanchun turned to look at Shancha, "Sister Shancha, as an insect expert, you should be able to help!"

Shancha was immediately startled and nodded hurriedly, "Yes! Yes! It must be possible!"

Shancha knows that this is a certificate of submission.

Shancha doesn't want to be involved in this chaos, but she also doesn't want the Totem Team to undermine the stability of the White Flag Alliance.

Therefore, Shancha temporarily took over the command from Hanchun, and still commanded the trainers on the front line to deal with the Iolups blocking the way.

Angela and others who were secretly observing could not help but nod secretly as they watched the battle between the White Flag Alliance and the Totem Team.

"I hope the teams from the White Flag Alliance can give us some help."

Inside the mountain church.

At an unguarded stone wall, cracks suddenly appeared on the stone wall. Then the crack gradually expanded.


Finally, with a crash, the stone wall shattered, revealing a cave entrance.

A dragon-headed gopher spun out from the stone wall and punched through the stone wall.

Immediately afterwards, a girl rushed out of the stone wall in embarrassment, breathing heavily.

"I'm almost suffocating!" the girl said while gasping.

"It's not because you lost the oxygen tank!" Another girl, Shanshan, walked out of the cave, but her face was not red and she was out of breath.

The girl who was talking about suffocation just now suddenly changed the subject, "Ahem, we successfully sneaked into the enemy. Well done, dragon-headed gopher!"

The dragon-headed gopher immediately scratched his head shyly.

If Angela were here, she would be able to recognize that these two girls are Chengcheng and Xiaoyu!

Chengcheng rolled his eyes, then took out the energy cube from his backpack and fed it to the dragon-headed gopher to replenish his energy.

The dragon-headed gopher started eating happily.

"There may be a battle next, so don't go hungry!" Chengcheng warned.

The dragon-headed gopher nodded repeatedly and patted his chest muscles with his paws, indicating that he would definitely protect the two of them.

Xiaoyu, who had lost her oxygen tank, looked at Chengcheng with envy, "The inner strength is so useful."

"Huh, let me teach you. If you don't work hard yourself! Go ahead and envy me!"

"Hehe~" Xiaoyu scratched his head in embarrassment and decided to go back this time and practice hard.

Don't blame her for feeling suffocated.

The orange-colored dragon-headed gopher dug almost through the entire shell of the mountain before successfully sneaking into the interior of the mountain. In mountains, the concentration of oxygen is very low.

In fact, they brought oxygen bottles, but they accidentally dug into a bat cave and were chased by a group of big-mouthed bats.

In caves with limited space, large-mouthed bats that can emit ultrasonic waves can become quite dangerous.

After some embarrassment, they escaped successfully.

However, the oxygen tanks he carried were lost.

If it weren't for Chengcheng's current internal strength cultivation, which could allow her to hold her breath for a long time, it was still a question whether the remaining oxygen in the cave could support them to reach the inside of the mountain.

Chengcheng resumed breathing and felt much more comfortable.

After all, holding one's breath goes against biological instinct and will make Chengcheng feel a little uncomfortable.

After Xiaoyu recovered a little, Chengcheng pulled Xiaoyu up from the ground, "Okay, there is no time to waste, we should start taking action! Sister Shancha is still waiting for our news outside!"

When they came to this world, they were trapped in the deep mountains and old forests. Shancha rescued them, so they were willing to help Shancha and fight against the evil organization.

A person with a righteous heart will protect what he believes to be justice, no matter what world he is in.

"Yeah!" Xiaoyu nodded repeatedly, and then threw an elf ball.

"Iron-clawed lobster, please!"

Xiaoyu's initial partner has evolved from a lobster soldier to an iron-clawed lobster.

Like Ash's Pikachu, it's very rare for an initial Pokémon to never evolve.

After all, it's not just the strength of elves that most trainers pursue.

The elves themselves will also pursue strength.

The iron-clawed lobster made a ready-to-fight gesture.

Then, when Chengcheng and Xiaoyu, with the dragon-headed gopher and iron-clawed lobster, turned around and prepared to sneak in.

I saw a group of single egg cells, led by a double egg cell, looking at the two girls and two elves with eagerness.

Xiaoyu: "Oh ho~"

As soon as I sneaked in, I was discovered!

"Come on!" Chengcheng shouted, flying up and kicking him.

Before the leader of the two-egg ball could react, he was kicked in the face by Chengcheng. Then he was kicked out, hit the rock wall, and fell into a coma.

Chengcheng: Can you handle this two-and-a-half-year-old kick?

The dragon-headed gopher also rushed out, dancing like a tiger with a pair of metal claws.

Iron-clawed lobster follows closely behind.

"See what I learned from my elder brother, the breath of evil!"

All episodes·The Breath of Evil·Shape of Seven·Evil Ripples!

That's right, I learned it from the iron-clawed lobster in Bailiyuan.

Then the useless trainer of the Iron Claw Lobster shouted loudly from behind, "Come on! ヾ(°°)"

A group of single egg cells couldn't stop the two girls at all.

Soon all the single egg cells were eliminated.

However, there seems to be some means of communication between single egg cells.

A large number of single egg cells and double egg cells were killing the two girls.

It's like white blood cells hunting down viruses that invade the body.

What can Chengcheng and Xiaoyu do?

"Fight~" Chengcheng said helplessly.

In order not to be exposed, I had to defeat them all.

For this reason, Chengcheng released his main force of evil spirits. To deal with the superpower elves, it was indeed better to use evil spirits.

Then, Chengcheng released a Salud.

Don't ask where Chengcheng caught Salud.

When they were traveling, they encountered a group of saluds. One salud jumped out and wanted to spar with Chengcheng, but was knocked unconscious and taken away by Chengcheng.

None of the remaining Salud dared to say a word.

And Salud appeared wearing the clothes of a martial artist.

That's right, this Salud has already become a disciple of Chengcheng.

"Xiao Sa, the time has come to test your cultivation achievements!" Chengcheng raised his hand and shouted.

Salude raised his fists high, roared, and rushed out.

"Please watch my fight, Master Chengcheng!"

Flow Cutting Technique·Evil Wave!

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