Chapter 3973 Sister of Destruction:

It turned out that back then, her parents broke into the secrets of a cross-alliance consortium that was conducting some kind of ecologically damaging experiment.

If this secret is exposed, it will have a huge impact on the consortium.

So, the consortium hired a gang of hunters to hunt down Sister Destruction's parents.

"Wait, sabotaging the ecological experiment? A cross-alliance consortium? That consortium, couldn't be the Skuder consortium back then, right?" the thief K said in surprise.

"Yes, that's the consortium." Ming Ruinye nodded and said, still a little sad, obviously thinking of the pain in the past.

Dark Destruction didn't feel any sadness, but was rather proud of his achievements.

Seeing Angela, the Honorable One, and Uchiha Shisui looked puzzled.

Amiao introduced the three of them, "I don't know much about it, but I've also heard about it. The Si Ku De Consortium is conducting some kind of experiment that will destroy the natural environment on a large scale. Many alliances are preparing to carry out attacks on the Si Ku De Consortium. During the sanctions, an evil organization destroyed the Si Ku De Foundation and seized the results of the Si Ku De Foundation's experiment and a large amount of funds to continue the experiment in secret. "

"These are written on the secret files of the Alliance of Radiance." Amiao added.

"I know about the same thing." Thief K nodded, and then looked at Ming Destruction and Dark Destruction strangely, "The evil organization at that time couldn't be the Totem Team, right?"

"It's generally correct, but the order needs to be changed." An Destruction said, "I only joined the Totem Team after the destruction of the Siku De Consortium. But when the Si Ku De Consortium was destroyed, the leader provided me with a lot of help. . Later, the Totem Team took over the blame for me and took over most of the assets of the Siku De Consortium. "

“This Hitram’s Flame was built with that funding.”

Everyone: "..."

"Also, that experiment has been destroyed by the leader and will not be continued. The leader is very concerned about the natural ecology." Ming Ruanrui followed, indicating that they would not bear the blame.

The story continues.

After discovering that the Skudel Consortium was the big boss behind the scenes, the Sister of Destruction did not back down and chose to continue.

Those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes!

But in order to destroy the Scudder Consortium, the Sisters of Destruction began a more detailed investigation.

While the Sister of Destruction was investigating the Treasurer Consortium, the Sister of Destruction unexpectedly met a mysterious man. The other party revealed many secrets of the Skudel Consortium to the Sister of Destruction, thus making the Sister of Destruction's revenge plan more complete.

Finally, after three months of preparation.

The Sisters of Destruction took revenge on the Scudder Consortium.

First, assassinate the main leaders of the Si Ku De consortium, and then destroy various important facilities of the Si Ku De consortium.

The mysterious man revealed a lot of useful information to the Sister of Destruction in the process.

For example, where is the leader of the Siku De Consortium going and what he is doing recently.

Another example is where the Skuder Consortium has established a secret facility.

The Scudder Consortium naturally responded and dispatched an army of private trainers to hunt down the Sisters of Destruction.

Fortunately, the Sister of Destruction was strong enough and survived tenaciously. And collected a lot of secrets about the Skuder Consortium.

This war between the Sisters of Destruction and the Siku De Consortium lasted for several months, resulting in many casualties and causing the Si Ku De Consortium to lose more than 100 billion alliance coins in property and shares.

In the end, the Scudder Foundation did not know what price it paid, and invited the former champion of the White Flag Alliance to help capture the Sister of Destruction.

The Sisters of Destruction at that time were naturally unable to fight against the former champion of the White Flag Alliance, and they lost quickly.

However, at the last moment, the Sister of Destruction chose to believe the champion and handed over the incriminating evidence of the Scudder Alliance she had collected to the champion.

The champion was shocked and expressed his willingness to protect the Sister of Destruction.

Sister Destruction was unwilling to accept protection because she knew that with blood on her hands, she could no longer turn back.

This is how her parents, who are white hunters, taught her.

Even though she was exonerated, she could no longer find peace of mind. And she already felt exhausted from her continuous revenge.

So at last she entrusted her companions to the champion.

Then he committed suicide by jumping off a cliff.

The former champion took care of the Sister of Destruction's former partners and sent the evidence to several other major alliances. Thanks to his efforts, the major alliances finally decided to jointly sanction the Treasurer Consortium.

Unexpectedly, before the Eight Alliances took action, someone took a step ahead and killed all the remaining leaders of the Si Ku De Consortium, and the mysterious evil organization took the opportunity to embezzle most of the Si Ku De Alliance's heritage.

The person who took action was the Sister of Destruction.

After jumping off a cliff, Sister Doom was unexpectedly saved from death.

The person who rescued her was the leader of the Totem Team!

The leader of the Totem Team has been secretly paying attention to the Sister of Destruction, and when the Sister of Destruction was in trouble, he took action to save the Sister of Destruction.

When the Sister of Destruction questioned the purpose of the leader of the Totem Team.

The leader of the Totem Team said many difficult words to the Sister of Destruction.

What is the reality of the world...a false artifact...use the world as an observatory, look up at the stars in the universe...kill the demons in your heart, only then can you realize the invisible realm...shatter reality, shatter the spirit...

In short, in the end, Sister Doom's hope of survival was rekindled.

The spirit has also been sublimated.

Then, the Sister of Destruction borrowed the spirit of the leader of the totem team to complete her final revenge.

After that, the Totem Team accepted the legacy of the Sisters of Destruction and the Scud Consortium.

If you have strong strength, you still need to bring capital into the group.

This directly gave the Sister of Destruction a status second only to the leader.

The injection of a large amount of capital has allowed the Totem Team in its initial stage to enter a period of rapid development and grow rapidly.

The Flame of Reshiram, which was originally only three meters high, has also been expanded to a height of 300 meters.

Since then, a top hunter has disappeared, and a Sister of Destruction has appeared in the Totem Team.

The title of Destruction comes from the destruction of the Skuder Financial Group.

The mission of the Sister of Destruction is to bring destruction to those people and things that destroy nature and the path forward of the Totem Team.

The Sister of Destruction is no longer confused. She chooses to dedicate her whole body to the Totem Team to pursue the truth.

When the Totem Team grew stronger and secretly controlled the White Flag Alliance, the Sister of Destruction used means to make the former champion retire early.

Because the future White Flag Alliance will collude with evil organizations, she does not want the champion of justice to fall into this muddy water.

This time, the Sisters of Destruction accepted the invitation of Ah Duan of the Glorious Alliance to perform a play together, because Ah Duan had something in his hands that could help them.

Thief K: "So, when you were fifteen years old, you single-handedly destroyed an inter-alliance consortium?"

Amiao: "Sister is so cool!"

Uchiha Shisui: "Have you ever thought about changing your profession to a ninja?"

The proud man: "This thing was originally three meters long? How did you change it to three hundred meters?"

Angela: "What is your leader's elf? Tell me."

Ming Rui looked panicked.

An Destruction crossed his arms and enjoyed the admiration of everyone.

Then, the elevator ends.

Everyone saw it, a huge...

"gas stove?"

The proud man looked dumbfounded

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