Chapter 3959 Sister Destiny: Who doesn’t have a side job?

"Nosy guy, this is not the place for you to seek justice!" Sister Doom shouted dissatisfied.

Cheng Yaojin came out halfway, which really hurt her.

The girl laughed.

"It's not like you are nosy. We are our own people, right? Xiao Yuan." The girl said without looking back.

Bailiyuan also smiled after being surprised, "Yes, pride, long time no see. Let's talk about old times later, I'm sorry to trouble you now."

The girl who arrived turned out to be a proud woman from another world!

"Leave her to me. I want to try the strength of a trainer from this other world."

"Stop looking down on me, you little brat!" Sister Doom said dissatisfied.

"I'm already an adult." The proud man said dissatisfiedly.

"Haha~" Sister Doom pushed up her two huge breasts, "Did you see, this is a sign of maturity! You? No!"

The elegant lady lowered her head and saw her toes. Her elegance suddenly disappeared, and the dangerous aura belonging to a martial artist emanated.

"Almost baby, flatten that sow's chest!"

"Mega evolution!"

Almost Doll evolves into Super Almost Doll.

The pink and white super cute doll showed a cute smile, but started with a powerful magic flash.

Let the Sister of Doom and the super-powerful ostrich understand what it means that the pinker the color, the harder the beating.

"It's time to end this battle." Bailiyuan raised his head and said to the super giant long-haired troll.

The super-giant long-haired troll felt something in his heart, and directly gathered a large amount of evil energy, and used his own super-giant move——

The super giant Sandman is coming!

The dark power of evil hangs over everyone's heads.

"Super Charem!" Sister Destiny shouted, about to give command.

However, the next second, Sister Destiny felt her head sink, and an uncontrollable sleeping desire emerged from the depths of her mind.

She bit her lip and allowed herself to stay awake for a second, and then she saw Sister Doom and the Super Powerful Owl falling to the ground.

Super Charem wants to back her up.

However, what greeted Charem was a two-sided attack from the super giant long-haired troll and the super giant doll.

"Can we only... come here...?"

Sister Fate also fell into darkness.


A basin of cold water was poured on Sister Destiny's face to wake up the sleeping Sister Destiny.

When Sister Destiny woke up, she used the fastest speed to explore the situation around herself and her surroundings.

She found herself tied to a chair, as was the Sister of Doom, and Charem and the Powerful Owl were nowhere to be seen. The surrounding area is no longer a forest, but a small wooden house. From the items and decorations in the wooden house, it can be judged that no one has lived in this wooden house for a long time.

Sister Destiny recalled the scene where she was sent to sleep by a move from the giant hairy troll.

Bailiyuan and Youyoujiaozi stood in front of her.

In the hand of the distinguished man, there was a wooden basin with water droplets remaining.

"You're awake~" Bailiyuan showed a big smile, "How did you sleep?"

"I won't say anything." Sister Fate said in a deep voice, and then closed her lips tightly.

Bailiyuan's smile remained unchanged, and he didn't care whether Sister Destiny would cooperate.

Because while Sister Destiny and Sister Doom were sleeping, Bailiyuan had already read their memories.

Baili Yuan learned a lot about them, including whether they were tampon or cotton pad sect.

To Bailiyuan's surprise, Sister Doom and Sister Fate were both from bad backgrounds.

Sister Doom was originally a noblewoman from a wealthy family. Since childhood, she has been taught by aristocratic ladies and attended aristocratic girls' schools, which are isolated from the outside world. All they learn are etiquette and art. Strive to become a noble and elegant lady in the future.

Until, Sister Doom was involved in the chaos caused by the Totem Team on her way home from vacation, and became the Totem Team's hostage.

Although Sister Doom finally returned home safely, during the abduction experience, Sister Doom came into contact with some secrets of the Totem Team and was attracted by the secrets of the Totem Team.

As a result, Sister Doom ran away from home and found the Totem Team to seek the truth about the world.

When it comes to seeking the truth about the world, the Totem Team directly regards Sister Doom as one of their own.

In this way, Sister Doom successfully joined the Totem Team and was even appreciated by the leader of the Totem Team.

Then, the noble and elegant noble lady disappeared, and a nun of doom appeared in the totem team, and she worked hard for her dream every day.

As for Sister Fate, the situation is similar.

Sister Fate, also known as Dr. Xena, is indeed a real doctor, and her parents are also doctor-level figures.

Coming from a family with a strong academic atmosphere, Sister Destiny has been exposed to a lot of high-end knowledge and secrets since she was a child.

Moreover, Sister Destiny has been different from ordinary people since she was a child. Under her obedient and nerdy appearance, there is a heart full of curiosity about the world.

Later, Sister Destiny became a doctor. Not only did Sister Destiny not get the answers she wanted, her wild thoughts in her heart also became increasingly crazy.

Until Sister Destiny came into contact with the Totem Team, she suddenly discovered that there was a group of "family members" in the world who had the same purpose as her.

In this way, Sister Destiny joined the Totem Team and soon became one of the cadres.

As for the institute, Sister Destiny did not sneak in, but followed her parents and joined the institute.

However, her parents mysteriously disappeared after an investigation.

Sister Destiny doesn't have any deep feelings for the institute, but she doesn't have any ill intentions either.

Sister Destiny is like this, working part-time at a research institute and doing a side job as a cadre of an evil force.

The dual identity brings many conveniences to Sister Destiny.

Charem's training method is what Sister Destiny got from the research. The key stone and super evolution stone were given by the leader of the totem team.

As for the appointment of Sisters of Destiny and Sisters of Doom as cadres of the Totem Team, the leader of the Totem Team.

In fact, Sister Fate and Sister Doom are not familiar either.

They have indeed seen each other, but the other person has always been wearing a robe, covering his whole body. It is not clear whether he is a man or a woman, old or young.

He is an extremely mysterious person.

As for the destruction of the research institute, it really had nothing to do with Sister Destiny.

Sister Destiny came to the White Flag Alliance to do a side job under the guise of going out to work.

As a result, when I turned around, I heard that the research institute had been destroyed.

Speaking of sadness, it is not that sad for Sister Destiny.

Not happy at all.

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