I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3955 Dio Tia: Originally a trainer!

Bailiyuan felt that the situation in the world was more troublesome than what Diou described.

The problem now is not only that the stone slab cannot support the world, but also that someone has directly buckled the stone slab, greatly accelerating the progress of the world towards its end.

Bailiyuan felt that the fighting orb in his pocket was getting hotter and hotter.

Bailiyuan: Celebi, when you choose a reward, you should investigate the truth first! What's the difference between giving me a fighting orb and giving me a bomb detonator? !

Celebi: Hey~

This is like if you go to buy iron and someone sells you missiles.

Anyway, just tell me whether there is iron on the missile and whether the iron on the missile is good!

Moreover, missiles are still sold at iron prices.

Lula, who was sitting aside and listened to everything, couldn't sit still anymore, so she stood up directly.

"Are you saying that our world is going to end?!"

Diou: "Yes!"

Tia: "That's right~"

"What will happen to us humans and Pokémon?"

Diou: "The world is destroyed, returns to dust, and returns to its origins."

Tia: "I am in you, you are in me, there is no difference between us."

"Your sweet..."

Lula glared at Tia.

At this time, stop playing tricks on me!

Bailiyuan added: "Actually, the most likely possibility is that when the world was destroyed, the unknown force Diou mentioned swallowed up everything in the world. There is no possibility for the world to recover."

Diou thought for a moment, but his expression remained indifferent, "So that's it, that unknown power hasn't given up yet, right? But, what does it matter? You're going to die anyway, so why is death not death?"

"Yes, what does it matter~" Tia raised her scissor hands to show that she was not worried at all.

"It's the end of the world, and you won't survive!" Lula glared at Tia angrily.

Tia: "Ah, yes, yes..."

Lula: "..."

It’s hard, the fist is hard!

Bailiyuan raised his hand and spoke, "Now I have good news and bad news. Does anyone want to hear it?"

"If there's something important, just say it directly!" Lula felt dizzy.

"Tell me the bad news first, let me hear the excitement." Tia said.

Diou also nodded.

Bailiyuan: "The bad news is that there are still six days until the end of the world. This is Celebi's inference."

"Yeah, if that's the case, then I have to eat the vegetables in my vegetable cellar and the snacks in the bedroom as soon as possible." Tia said hurriedly.

"Well, are there still six days left? Then I'll spend five days traveling around the world and playing what I like to play again." Diou also thought seriously.

Lula was shocked, her lips trembled, and she sat down on the chair, receiving a huge blow.

"Only, six days?!"

Although she didn't know who Celebi was, she knew that Bailiyuan's words were probably true.

Bailiyuan continued, "The good news is that I was brought in by Celebi to save the world, and I don't belong to this world. If I fail to save the world, Celebi can take me to other safe worlds. Maybe we can bring some people with us then.”

There is no other way.

Bailiyuan has decided that if he cannot save the world, he will fill his home space with people and Pokémon.

Then he left with Celebi.

Every one can be saved.

The rescued people and Pokémon can be sent to the world of Bailiyuan to live.

However, things are not yet at their worst.

When he learned the truth about the end of the world from Diou, Bailiyuan came up with an immature plan to save the world.

But because the plan was immature, Bailiyuan didn't plan to say it directly.

But Dio, Tia and Lula didn't know this.

They all fell silent after hearing that Bailiyuan could take them out of this world.

A tangled expression appeared on Lula's face.

Who wants to die if he can live?

Dio and Tia are much more straightforward.

Diou asked Baili Yuan, "Xiao Yuan, you seem to be a trainer, right?"

"That's right, my human identity is a trainer or a gym leader in a region." Bailiyuan didn't hide it.

Dio and Tia looked at each other.

Then they suddenly all knelt down in front of Baili Yuan.

Diou and Dia: "Di/Di has been wandering for half his life, only regretting that he has never met his master. If you don't give up, Di/Di is willing to become your trainer!"

Lula was immediately stunned by the actions of the siblings.

If her analysis is correct, these siblings are also legends.

What about your style?

Where is your dignity?

Diou and Tia: Sincerity is valuable, dignity is more valuable. If it’s for life, both can be thrown away!

Baili Yuan hurriedly jumped off the chair and helped the two of them up, "Diou, Tia, I...ahem, my dear, get up quickly. Don't worry, I won't treat you badly."

Although Diou and Tia were in bad shape, they had lived for who knows how many years. They had transformed into human forms, and they were all of adult size.

The strength is very guaranteed.

Diou and Tia guaranteed their lives, and they were very happy. Even Diou, who had always been calm, smiled.

The happy atmosphere did not last long.

Gardevoir suddenly noticed something and stood in front of Lula, staring nervously in the direction of the church door.

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud explosion outside the church.

"Someone attacked the church!" Diou said in a deep voice.

"But I used my superpower to stop him." Tia smiled slightly.

"When?!" Lula and Gardevoir both looked at Tia in shock.

They didn't realize when Tia used her superpower.

"Is this the legendary existence?" Lula thought secretly in her heart.

Someone outside is trying to break into the church.

It was obvious that the other party was not doing well.

"Who is it?" Bailiyuan asked.

"It's the Totem Team." Diou said. After living in the White Flag Alliance for such a long time, Diou naturally knew about the Totem Team. He even knew more. "There are two cadres of the Totem Team outside. One of them is someone you encountered before. Sisters of Doom. They are guarding outside with members of the Totem Team and some trainers from the alliance. I think they are here for you."

"The Totem Team is quite interesting. The founder of the Totem Team once witnessed a mysterious totem repairing the world, so he began to doubt the nature of the world. In order to do research, he founded the Totem Team. He felt that as long as he could study the mysterious totem, he could control the world."

"Do you want me to take action and send them away?"

Diou asked Bailiyuan.

"Then let me see your strength." Bailiyuan said to Diou.

Diou nodded, and then...

He took out a Poke Ball from his pocket.

"Eh?" Bailiyuan and Lula were both stunned.

They thought Diou was going to take action personally, but they didn't expect... to take action personally like this? !

"Aren't you also a trainer? What's so strange?" Diou was puzzled.

"Oh, it's nothing." Bailiyuan waved his hand hurriedly.

Diou then threw out the elf in his hand.

An elegant figure appeared in the church.

"Frozen Bird, go out and kill them!"

The Galar Freeze Bird nodded, moved gracefully, and disappeared into the church.

Lula looked shocked, "What kind of elf is that?"

Bailiyuan: "..."

Not only is he a trainer, but his starting hand is a mythical beast, right? (End of chapter)

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