Chapter 3942 Uchiha Shisui: Sweating profusely

The Shield Sword Monster looked down at the giant flash ace, and then struck it down with a sword.

"Flash Ace!" Rhine exclaimed.

Ace of Mega Flare instinctively closed his eyes.

However, the pain did not appear.

There was just a crisp sound.

When the Ace of Giant Flash opened his eyes tentatively, he was shocked to find that the sword of the Shield Sword Monster was actually blocked by a slender bee needle.

A large needle wasp flew quietly in front of the super giant Flare Ace. Its body was slender, but like an immovable rock, it withstood the powerful and heavy sword of the Strong Shield Sword Monster.

"Magearna is mine now, how about I fight you in her place?"

A child's tender voice sounded.

Everyone looked along the sound and saw Baili Yuan slowly walking out of the castle with his hands in his pockets.

The Strong Shield Sword Monster put away his sword and flew into the sky, looking down at Baili Yuan from above, and then suddenly looked like he was laughing.

The bloody robot actually found a new owner?

She actually betrayed the Bloody Queen!

She is no longer worthy of the Queen!

I am the Queen's most loyal elf!

Just let me execute the traitor of the bloody machine puppet!

Bailiyuan felt the joy and killing intent rising from the Shield Sword Monster, and understood what the Shield Sword Monster was thinking. He smiled slightly again, took out a Master Ball, and said softly: "Speaking of which, you It has been conquered by my master ball, and it can be regarded as my elf."


Even more terrifying murderous intent erupted from the body of the Shield Sword Monster.

Everyone felt the biting chill.

At this time, the Shield Sword Monster had only one idea - to kill Baili Yuan who dared to tarnish the friendship between him and the Queen!

The giant needle bee stood in front of Baili Yuan, its two needles flashing with cold light, unmoved by the killing intent.

The next second, the Strong Shield Sword Monster charged towards Baili Yuan.

The Needle Bee came forward.

Countless sword shadows were hacked down by the Strong Shield Sword Monster, and the Big Needle Bee also swung its double needles, receiving all the attacks accurately and gracefully without retreating at all.

Bailiyuan released the power of his heart and sensed the emotions of the Shield Sword Monster.

As expected, the Shield Sword Monster had only one thought in his mind at this time, and that was - kill! kill! kill!

Strong Shield Sword Monster: I'll kill you all!

At this time, the three castle guards walked down the castle and came to the castle gate, and they all took back the elves.

They looked at Uchiha Shisui and others in confusion, and then asked the butler, "Mr. Butler, what is going on with all this? Who are they? Who is that child?"

"This, that..." The housekeeper suddenly realized that he didn't know where to start, and he couldn't figure out the identities of Baili Yuan and others.

In the end, the butler could only say that Uchiha Shisui and the others were in the same group as Baili Yuan, and the awakening of the Shield Sword Monster was also related to Baili Yuan.

The battle in the courtyard is heating up.

The attack power of the Shield Sword Monster is rising steadily.

The killing intent inspired the power in the Shield Sword Monster's heart, and a layer of blood-red aura actually rose from its body.

There is no doubt that it is a symbol of the Shield Sword Monster killing countless powerful enemies, and it is also the unique ability of the Blood Queen Elf.

"Killing intent will make the attack more fierce and powerful, but madness will make the attack vulnerable." Bailiyuan said softly.

"Big Needle Bee, show your true strength!"

The giant needle bee's body lit up with the light of super evolution.

Autonomous super evolution!

"Super evolution?!" Rhine said in surprise.

"No, there is no connection between the Key Stone and the Mega Evolution Stone!" Lila said that this is not Mega Evolution, she will Mega Evolution. Can she not understand Mega Evolution?

Hanton looked at Uchiha Shisui and the others.

Uchiha Shisui was silent for a moment, then slowly said, "That is super evolution, but it is a special super evolution!"

"When the trainer and the spirit are connected, they can start evolution through the resonance of the soul without the help of key stones and super evolution stones! The Koga Ninja Frog has this special ability, and the bond it opens with the trainer Evolution is evolution in this way.”

Uchiha Shisui talked nonsense seriously.

Lila was shocked, "Koga Ninja Frog? Tie evolution? Is this the truth of that legend?!"

"What legend?" Hanton asked doubtfully.

"'When trainers and elves reach spiritual resonance, they can start a deeper evolution!' These are the words left by the ancient Koga Ninja Warrior. They are considered to be the earliest records of super evolution. Now it seems that ancient Koga The evolution that the Ninja Hero talks about is not simply super evolution.”

Lila said while looking at Uchiha Shisui.

Uchiha Shisui said expressionlessly.

"Yes, you are right, that is the so-called bond evolution!"

In the courtyard, the light on the giant needle bee shattered, revealing the new appearance of the giant needle bee.

However, it is quite different from the super giant sting wasp in common sense.

The biggest difference is that the giant needle bee has turned purple and looks even more strange.

"Why is it like this?" Lila wondered again.

"Special super evolutions will naturally have special appearances, just like Charizard has two super evolutions." Uchiha Shisui continued to lie seriously.

This is the independent mega evolution of the giant needle bee!

[Autonomous mega evolution·Stinger Bee: Breaking the genetic lock, you can independently start mega evolution. 】

A drop of venom dripped from the tip of one of the needle bee's stings and fell to the ground in the courtyard.

In the next second, with the dripping venom at the center, large areas of vegetation in the courtyard withered and died, devoid of life.

The scariest thing is that it all happened in an instant.

"What a terrifying poison!" Hanton was shocked and felt cold in his heart.

If such terrifying venom drips into the drinking water area, it will be enough to affect the life safety of residents in an entire city!

"Don't worry, it's controllable." Uchiha Shisui explained forcefully again.

In the area that turned into a dead ground, countless pitch-black substances slowly floated up, surrounding the giant needle bee, enveloping the Shield Sword Monster and turning it into a poisonous field.

Poisonous Fruit·Awakening·Poisonous Domain!

The giant needle bee can infect everything in nature with its own poison, turn an area into its own highly toxic domain, and can control all toxins in the area.

Then, an even more shocking scene appeared. A poisonous purple halo appeared on the body of the Strong Shield Sword Monster.

The steel elf was poisoned!

The trainers below felt that their world view was about to be shattered. In the end, everyone looked at Uchiha Shisui, wanting Uchiha Shisui to give another explanation that they could believe.

Uchiha Shisui didn't speak for a while.

A drop of cold sweat slipped from his forehead.

"This is a special super-evolved special ability. Anyone who understands it will understand it, but even if you don't understand it, you won't understand it either..."

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