Chapter 3928 Majestic Mountains, Queen’s Palace

The next library is located in the White Flag Alliance next to the Radiant Alliance. It is located in a mountain range in the northeast of the White Flag Alliance. It is named - Monster Mansion.

"I'm leaving, Amiao, you must remember me, you must be happy, you must be happy..."

Baili Yuan lay down at the door of the aircraft and cried to Amiao below.

Uchiha Shisui sat in the driver's seat.

Under the care of Majiana, Juan Juan Er and Tan Xiaowei had fallen asleep on their seats.

The thief K was sitting on a seat and suddenly envied Ah Miao because he wanted to get off the aircraft!

Then, Amiao on the ground asked Dou Ligu to take her and jump onto the aircraft.

Bailiyuan: "Huh?"

What are you doing here?

Amiao smiled proudly, "I have decided, I will follow you and save the world together!"

"Do you want to think about it again?" Bailiyuan asked tentatively.

"I've already boarded the aircraft, do you still want me to jump off?"

"It's not impossible..."

"You guy!"

Amiao directly held Baili Yuan in her arms, sat on the seat, and then said to Uchiha Shisui: "Mr. Shisui, please set sail!"

Uchiha Shisui turned to look at Baili Yuan, and found that Baili Yuan had melted into Amiao's arms. He immediately understood, closed the door of the aircraft, and started the aircraft.

call out--

At dawn.

Bailiyuan and his party arrived at the mountains in the northeast of the Baizhi Alliance.

This is an ancient mountain range.

But it's not deserted.

Looking down from the sky, one can actually see a majestic castle sitting on the highest mountain.

Bailiyuan, who was in the sage state, kicked the thief K awake, "It's time for you to play your role!"

Thief K: "..."

The thief K was full of grievances, but Magearna's little hands were on his waist, so he had no choice but to tell what he knew honestly.

Don't tell me, don't tell me, the thief K has really been to this mountain range.

"This mountain range is called the Majestic Mountains. It is the largest mountain range in the White Flag Alliance. It was also an important pass in ancient times and is also a summer resort."

"Many ancient emperors built palaces, mansions and cemeteries in the majestic mountains. No one knows how many secrets are hidden in these mountains, and how much wealth is buried."

"The old castle on the highest peak is said to be the former palace of the Bloody Queen. Now it has been transformed into a training place for well-known trainers in the White Flag Alliance. It is called the majestic castle. There are three heavenly kings stationed inside all year round. Trainer."

"The gym leaders, kings, and even champions of the White Flag Alliance will occasionally appear in the majestic castle for training or vacation."

"My advice is, don't go anywhere near there."

Amiao rolled her eyes at the thief K, "You are afraid of those people, but we are not. We have not broken the law."

"But you are entering the country illegally," said the thief K speechlessly.

Amiao: "..."

Damn it, I almost forgot that this is not the Alliance of Radiance anymore.

Alliances in this world are not so friendly. Trainers at the gym leader level and above who want to go to other alliances need to inform the other alliance in advance, and even make an itinerary report, and it depends on the other party's approval.

Unlike the Pokémon world, no one cares if gym leaders, kings and even champions from different regional alliances go to the headquarters of other alliances to dance.

"Have you ever robbed a tomb here?" Uchiha Shisui suddenly asked the thief K.

Otherwise, why would the thief K have been here?

The thief K immediately became anxious.

"My adventure! Do you know adventure? Investigate ancient history, reveal the treasures buried in the soil to the world, and reveal the truth of history! How can it be called tomb robbing? The things of explorers should be said to be discovery and protection. !”

The aircraft was suddenly filled with a happy atmosphere.

Then Uchiha Shisui began to torture the thief K mercilessly.

Bailiyuan is focusing on the majestic castle.

"This castle is actually the former palace of the Bloody Queen?!"

After seeing the remaining memories of the bloody robot, Bailiyuan suddenly felt like history was shining into the present.

Then Bailiyuan looked at Majiana.

It was discovered that Magearna had no special behavior when facing the majestic castle.

"Yes, Magearna is not a bloody machine puppet after all. The bloody machine puppet has followed her queen. Magearna is a new life."

Bailiyuan continued to look at the majestic castle.

Although the majestic castle has been repaired, you can still see the grandeur of the majestic castle. It was not easy to build such a castle in ancient times. It is unknown how much manpower and material resources it would cost.

Even with the help of elves, it still takes a lot of effort.

And such a castle turned out to be just a palace of the Bloody Queen.

"So, the White Flag Alliance is already within the scope of the empire that the Bloody Queen once ruled?"

Bailiyuan thought that he might try to find the divine beast hidden in the Baizhi Alliance.

That is, what worries Bailiyuan is whether the hidden divine beasts within the Baizhi Alliance will be like Bo Dangshui, telling unclear rumors and having no clear information.

The aircraft landed quietly in a clearing in the mountains.

The group got off the aircraft.

Then the aircraft automatically turned invisible and disappeared from everyone's eyes.

The thief K shouted "f*ck".

"Damn it, this technological power! Camouflage invisibility? This technology has actually been researched? And it can already be applied to aircraft?!" Thief K said that if he had such an aircraft, he would definitely Evacuate any ruins you encounter.

At first, A Miao just thought it was magical. She didn't know much about technology, but from the performance of the thief K, she realized that the technology on this aircraft was definitely not simple.

"Who are Xiaoyuan and the others? What force do they belong to?" Amiao thought in his mind.

Choosing to follow Bailiyuan and his group, Amiao also wanted to find out Bailiyuan's true identity.

"Don't worry about such inconsequential things. Help us find the Youkai Mansion first, otherwise you will have juice to eat!" Uchiha Shisui held down the shoulder of the thief K.

Thief K felt the strength on his shoulders and immediately grinned.

"Hey, oh, your shoulder is about to break. Let go quickly. I'll just help..."

Next, is the opportunity for the thief K to perform.

As a thief K who once robbed tombs in this mountain range... ahem, he was an explorer, his understanding of this mountain range is naturally not as thin as what was introduced before.

Following the idea of ​​​​looking for a library in the windy desert, Thief K quickly targeted two special locations.

On the east side of the mountains, there is a mysterious cave called the Devil's Cave. It is said that no trainer who enters it can ever come out alive.

On the west side of the mountains, there is a mysterious forest area, where mysterious phenomena often occur. It is said that there is a vampire mansion hidden in it, and real vampires live in it.

"Go to that mysterious forest area first." Bailiyuan made his choice.

After all, it all has the word "mansion" in it.

As for the way to travel...

No more airplane rides.

They came here secretly and were too arrogant to do anything.

Bailiyuan released Kuailong and Fengsu Dog.

Baili Yuan and Amiao, together with several elves, rode a dog together.

Uchiha Shisui sat on Kuailyu's back.

The thief K was caught by Kuailong.

Thief K: “Eh???”

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