I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3917 Ackerman

A black market was destroyed violently, and Bailiyuan gained a lot.

"All the smuggled elves will be handed over to you, the local gym leader, and all the prisoners will be left to you to take credit for. I will suffer a small loss, and the rest of the loot will be mine." Baili Yuan and A Miao finished dividing the spoils.

The corners of Amiao's mouth twitched, and now she really wanted to curse.

Uchiha Shisui and Vulcan Moth destroyed the black market together. They were indeed very cool and powerful.

But it left her with chicken feathers all over the floor, a complete mess.

Such a large black market has existed here for who knows how long. The chain of interests behind it can be imagined. It is definitely not small. It is even possible that the top leaders of the alliance have invested in it.

After all, Thief K had just bitten out several unclean alliance high-level officials, and Amiao now had huge doubts about the alliance high-level officials.

Amiao did not completely trust the words of the thief K, but he could no longer completely trust the alliance.

Once the seeds of doubt are planted, they take root and sprout.

The existence of such a black market in her territory represented a dereliction of duty on her part, and it also frightened her.

If there was no cover-up from the top management, how could such a large black market completely hide it from her?

Even though this black market is facing hunters and evil organizations, the intelligence confidentiality work is done well.

Amiao also wants to wipe out the black market, but definitely not by such violent means.

Not to mention how troublesome it will be in the end, annihilating the black market in this way is simply a warning, and may lead to a lot of trouble.

The most important thing is that she just watched, but she had to take the blame.

And no substantial benefits were obtained!

Those smuggled elves and prisoners handed over to her would indeed allow her to gain credit, but could the credit be used as food?

She also has to be targeted by stakeholders behind the scenes, but she has no reason to refuse to take action.

Just like Baili Yuan said, who made her the local gym leader.

"Forget it, never mind, let Miss Junsha handle it first. Anyway, I don't plan to go back to the gym in a short time." Amiao chose to show off.

She believes that there are still many good people in the alliance after all.

Even if something goes wrong later, there are still companions who can stand with her.

If it really can't be done, then Run will go to other alliances. As a master of the grass attribute, where are there no friends who can accept her?

Therefore, Miss Junsha felt like she was going to die from overwork tonight.

Bailiyuan destroyed the black market and gained a lot.

But the harvest that concerned Bailiyuan the most was the map about the hidden location in this desert dug out from the black market.

On the surface, the mysterious passage has never been visited by anyone, but in fact, it has been frequently entered and exited by countless people.

In this kind of black market, there are some mysterious mini-maps.

It points to some special places that are difficult for ordinary people to find and reach.

The map Bailiyuan obtained included several other black market locations in the Gale Desert, as well as some illegal locations.

There’s even a secret base for the Stars!

Not to mention, there is a secret base of the Stars team hidden in this oasis.

It was a place that Amiao had not discovered before.

Baili Yuan turned around and took Amiao and others to the secret base of the Star Team.

The Stars' secret base is in a wind power plant on the edge of the oasis.

The wind power plant was still operating at night, but it was pitch black, as if no one was here.

But there is no shortage of electric elves living in the power plant.

"Xiao Yuan, what are we doing here? Do you want to help me destroy the Star Team's stronghold?" Amiao was a little confused.

But Baili Yuan said, "Say, a person who has lost his elf, there are still people outside who are chasing him. There is an endless desert outside the oasis. Where will he flee first?"

Amiao was stunned for a moment, then realized what he was doing, and his expression changed drastically, "You mean, the escaped Kuang Xing is hiding here?!"

"Hmm~ It's very possible. If you encounter danger, of course you have to escape back to the stronghold first." Bailiyuan replied.

Actually, it's not very likely, but it's just that.

There is no special effect in the power plant that blocks mental perception. Bailiyuan has already sensed the location of Kuangxing.

I came to find Kuangxing because Kuangxing is the first cadre of an evil organization that Bailiyuan has encountered in this world so far.

Maybe you can learn something about twenty years ago from him.

The Sun Team and the Moon Team disappeared, but the Star Team appeared. It is possible that there is some kind of special relationship between them.

Just when Bailiyuan and his party were about to enter the power plant.

But someone stopped them from behind.

"Amiao? Is that Amiao Gym Leader in front?!"

Amiao heard someone calling her and turned around quickly.

Baili Yuan and Uchiha Shisui also turned to look.

Then he saw a figure riding a one-horned rhinoceros, running from the desert covered in dust.

The figure riding on the one-horned rhinoceros was wrapped in gray cloth, but from its voice and reminder, it could be judged that the other person was a male.

After seeing the other person, Amiao was stunned for a moment, then recognized the other person and said in surprise: "Are you Ackerman? Why are you here?"

"Do you know him?" Bailiyuan asked curiously.

"Of course, Ackerman is the gym leader of Kuangyan Gym!" A Miao replied.

There are two gyms in the Gale Desert, the Fengcao Gym where Amiao is, and the Kuangyan Gym where Ackerman is.

What puzzled Amiao was that he would meet Ackerman who was out here at this time.

The one-horned rhinoceros stopped in front of several people, and Ackerman, who was wrapped tightly all over, jumped off the one-horned rhinoceros.

It can be seen that Ackerman is the opposite of Amiao, a package party.

"Sure enough, it's you, Amiao, why are you here?" Ackerman asked curiously.

It can be felt that Ackerman and Amiao have a pretty good relationship. After all, they are colleagues and there is no conflict of interest.

Amiao didn't hide anything, "I'm chasing Kuang Xing, a cadre of the Star Team. He may be hiding in the power plant."

"What? A cadre of the Star Team?!" Ackerman was shocked, and then said seriously, "Now that we have encountered it, I can't turn a blind eye. Please allow me to help."

"Of course it doesn't matter." Amiao didn't refuse, but still asked in confusion, "But, Ackerman, why are you here at this time?"

"Haha, this..." Ackerman scratched his head in embarrassment, then lifted up his robe, revealing an incubator hanging on his waist. There was an earthy yellow elf egg placed in the incubator, "I did it for this. brat."

Bailiyuan was shocked: Someone actually walked out to hatch eggs in the middle of the night? !

However, it is not.

"This is the child of my main Elf Mane Rock Werewolf. This little guy will hatch in the next two days. I plan to go to the nearby breeding house to wait for the birth of this little guy. You know, there are some of the best places in the desert nearby. The breeding house." Ackerman explained, but he looked shy.

Bailiyuan: Why are you so shy? Those who don’t know better think that the egg was born between you and the maned rock wolf!

"So that's it, haha, I hatched this child there too." Amiao patted Tiremiao's head next to her.

Tiremiao opened A Miao's hand unhappily, saying that A Miao had messed up her hair.

Then Ackerman looked at Baili Yuan, Uchiha Shisui, the miserable-looking thief K, and the few little guys following them, and wondered: "They are..."

"They are the helpers I found. They are very powerful." Amiao said.

"Since it is the person you found, there is no problem. Without further ado, let's start taking action. Ahead is the power plant where the electric elves live. Let my rock elves open the way." Ackerman took the initiative Please take a tassel.

"That would be perfect..."

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