Chapter 397 But the frog doesn't know anything

Although Bailiyuan didn't get Gio's core technology, he gained a lot of money. In the end, Dakong Dadi also privately provided Bailiyuan with a copy of his own research materials as a friend.

Gio's technology is also researched by Dakong Dadi, so the information that Dakong Dadi gave Bailiyuan is actually the initial data of Gio's core technology, but it is really very initial!

It just provided research ideas and some data. As for how to research in the future, whether it can research the same technology as Gio's technology depends on Bailiyuan himself.

The instruments and technological breakthroughs needed in the research process need to be solved by Bailiyuan himself.

Moreover, if there is an error in the research process, Bailiyuan's final research results may be very different from Gio's results.

Therefore, Dakongdadi is not considered a leak, but just sharing some of my own research ideas and data with my friends.

But Bailiyuan still feels very happy. Whether he can research it in the end is one thing, but at least he has got something.

Bailiyuan always thought that he would continue to be so happy until he got shot in the knee...


In the space-time channel.

There is no concept of time in the space-time channel, only the concept of existence.

Transfer your own existence to another location through the time-space channel to complete the time-space shuttle. This is the general concept of time-space shuttle.

For example, a certain figure's weapon was charged, and then aimed and fired, completing a set of actions.

And her target may have traveled through time and space many times.

"It's right in my arms." Seeing his attack hit accurately, a rare smile appeared on the cold face of the figure.

However, when the figure was about to catch up, she found her target reappeared in the space-time channel.

The smile of the figure disappeared, and the weapon in his hand turned into a motorcycle with a strong sense of science fiction.

Then the figure raised its slender legs and straddled the motorcycle, catching up with its target.

The genuine Ezreal has been lurking for a long time, guessing that Catherine might have let down her vigilance, so she tried to travel through time and space.

But he didn't expect that Catherine would stare at him as soon as he entered the space-time tunnel!

Nima, why is it so fast this time? As if prepared for a long time?

Although he didn't know the reason, Ezreal knew that Catherine was so close to him, and he was in danger this time!

Seeing Catherine catching up behind him, Ezreal ran faster, and at the same time shouted behind him.

"Don't come here!!!"

Catherine's speed increased by one section again.


To be honest, Bailiyuan never dreamed that he would be attacked while traveling through time and space.

Who is the boss who can't get along with me?

But at least for the time being, Bailiyuan didn't have the courage to find trouble with the other party. The key was that Bailiyuan didn't know where to look, because he didn't see clearly who attacked him.

And there is one more thing, the sudden attack encountered by the time travel not only made Bailiyuan have some psychological shadows on the time travel, but also made his time travel problem!

After being kicked out in the space-time passage, the place where Bailiyuan landed was not the world of the heraldic envoy at all!

Fortunately, there is a coat of arms on the recorder of the future fighter to position the world.

The reason why Bailiyuan was able to survive the opponent's attack was also thanks to the defensive equipment on the skin of the future warrior, but it was very energy-consuming.

Bailiyuan would have to wait at least a month before he wanted to travel through time and space again.


The place where Bailiyuan landed was a forest. Bailiyuan didn't know what this world was, but he knew that this world was not simple!

Because there are powerful creatures living in the forest where he landed!

The strength of creatures in the wild can often reflect the strength of a world.

This world... is not weak!

Fortunately, the place where Bailiyuan landed was the outskirts of the forest, and the strength of the beasts here was not too strong, so they were safe and sound all the way when they explored the situation.

Bailiyuan also tried to leave the forest, but found that there was a boundless wilderness outside the forest, so in the end, Bailiyuan decided to live on the edge of the forest and wait a month before leaving this world.

If you want to live in the jungle, you must have the ability to survive in the wild.

Speaking of this, Bailiyuan thanked Shedu a little, because Shedu had taught him all these years ago.

Bailiyuan chose a place near the river to build a residence. In order to prevent being attacked by passing wild animals, Bailiyuan built the residence on a tree.

Fortunately, the trees in the forest were thick and tall enough, and Bailiyuan built a big wooden house on the branches.

Although Bailiyuan doesn't have the skills to build a house, but with Caroline around, building a house becomes very easy.

Finally, Bailiyuan decorated the wooden house with leaves, so that the passing creatures could not easily find the existence of the wooden house.

In fact, only need to solve the problem of residence, Bailiyuan survival in the wild is not a big problem.

Food and living supplies are available in Bailiyuan's coat of arms space, and there are some wild beasts nearby, but they are not strong, so Bailiyuan is not worried.

But Bailiyuan just waited so obediently.

The beasts in this world are not ordinary creatures, Bailiyuan is going to explore, maybe this world can also become a new resource point.

Bailiyuan still remembered that after he formally started school, he had to pay for the resources and expenses for his cultivation.

And there was only half a year left before Bailiyuan officially started school, with a large family to support, Bailiyuan had to make preparations in advance.


In this way, Bailiyuan spent three days in the forest.

And soon, Bailiyuan found his first target - a frog near the river from his residence!

This is no ordinary frog!

Because, this frog is poisonous!

Literally, this frog is poisonous!

Although the forest where Bailiyuan is located is not hot, it is very humid. It is naturally humid and full of insects and some creatures that love humidity. There are also many aquatic creatures near the river.

For example, frog.

The frog Bailiyuan was staring at was about 1.5 meters tall. It looked very fat and round. It was khaki-yellow overall, with a smooth and flat back, but it had dark purple streaks.

He squatted under the shade of a tree by the river all day, staring into a pair of big eyes in a daze.

But this frog is not easy to mess with. Bailiyuan has seen it with his own eyes. It was just a frog poisoning a wild boar who came to drink by the river.

That's why Bailiyuan stared at the frog.

After all, poison is also one of the resources Baili Yuan needs.

Because of the slate that year, the big needle wasp mutated itself and became a highly poisonous big needle wasp, and the toxin was just what she needed for growth.

However, until the slate lost its function and turned into an ordinary slate, Baili Yuan didn't figure out what the slate was.

However, according to the researcher of the research institute, after sampling and analyzing the stone slab that turned into an ordinary stone slab, it was found that this stone slab should be a technological creation. Although the traces are not obvious, it is indeed so.

Moreover, the poison power in this stone slab should have been injected into it.

Not much else to discover.

Bailiyuan could only put aside the issue of the slate for the time being.

However, although the big needle bee has mutated, it cannot absorb toxins without limit due to its own quality. Therefore, if you want to increase the toxicity of the big needle bee, you can only choose toxins that are within the toxicity range that the big needle bee can bear.

According to Caroline's analysis of the toxins left in the wild boar carcass, the frog's poison is a great tonic for the big needle bee!

Therefore, Bailiyuan set his sights on this frog!

But the frog knew nothing about it.

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