I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3903 Water Drop Ruins

"Take it!" Angela clapped her hands, declaring victory in the battle.

The marks of the dog and horse charms slowly faded from her eyes.

All the injuries on the Abo monster have also recovered.

After a big battle, the enemy was dead, but the Abo monster was still in full strength, but mentally exhausted.

Can it be beaten without cutting?

Baili Yuanba chirped twice and praised: "This spell allows you to understand it clearly."

"I also accidentally discovered this method of use while studying Z moves." Angela said with a smile.

This ability to apply the power of spells to elves was discovered by Angela during her research. The point is not that any special device is needed, but the connection between hearts.

This is exactly how the Z-move is used.

Angela directly implanted the twelve talismans into her body, allowing the twelve talismans to turn into her power. She can then use the heart-to-heart connection to exert the power of the twelve talismans on the elves who are in tune with her soul.

Of course, just like the Z-move, not all elves can use it casually with the trainer. If you want to apply the power of the twelve talismans to the elves, the conditions are even more stringent.

So far, only Absol and Absol can do it.

When the conditions are met, in terms of data, the intimacy level is already at full value.

Reality is not a game, and it is not easy to maximize intimacy.

As for Angela, who has integrated the twelve talismans, except that she does not know black energy magic, she is equivalent to the youth version of the sex-transforming Holy Lord.

At least that's what the panel looks like.

Arbor returned to Angela and surrounded her affectionately.

Angela raised her hand and brushed Abo's body, and the mark of the dog spell appeared in her eyes. The effect of Abo's demon makeup gradually disappeared, and finally returned to its original appearance.

"The enemy has disappeared, what should we do next?" Angela looked at Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan looked at Manafei.

Manafei: (* ̄︶ ̄)

When Angela asked Bailiyuan, the audience on the lake also complained.

Because...the live broadcast is over.

"I haven't seen enough yet!"

"It's not enough! Who can watch one battle? Another one! One for each person!"

"I've decided, I'm going to train the Arbor monster too!"

"Ten minutes, I want all the information on that Arbo monster trainer!"

However, no matter what the audience thought, no scene appeared on the lake.

Because Manafei unplugged the network cable.

The ball above Manafei's head no longer glows.

After Angela and Baili Yuan looked at Manafei, Manafei smiled slightly and showed her clear eyes.

Ten seconds later, a light bulb lit up above Manafei's head.

Mana Fei, I understand!

Trainer, just watch!

He saw Mana Fei floating up, his body lighting up with his special power.

All the water-attribute energy that enveloped the surroundings was affected by Manafei's ability and began to gather in one place.

Gradually, a bead forms.

The water attribute energy that enveloped the surroundings was gradually weakening.

Finally, when the water-attribute energy covering the surrounding area completely disappeared, only a water-blue orb remained in the space.

Bailiyuan and Angela's feet also landed.

No longer floating.

Only then did they discover that this was a special space that should have been developed by the previous water-attribute energy.

As the water attribute energy was turned into orbs by Manafei, this space could not support it for much longer.

Manafei returned to Bailiyuan with the orb, and handed it to Bailiyuan like a treasure.

Bailiyuan took the aqua blue orb, and the more he looked at it, the more familiar it seemed.

Then Bailiyuan took out the fighting orb that Celebi gave him.

"Isn't this the same prop?"

What is this aqua blue orb called?

Orb of water?

Bailiyuan, I understand!

The blue sky land and fireball cave that we encountered before were the gathering places of flight attribute energy and fire attribute energy respectively.

Not surprisingly, those energies can also be condensed into orbs with corresponding attributes.

"Doesn't it mean that these places are related to Arceus?"

At this moment, Angela raised her hand and held down Bailiyuan's head, twisting Bailiyuan's head in the direction of the gap she encountered before.

"Xiaoyuan, now is not the time to play ball, something is going to happen." Angela said seriously.

Bailiyuan looked.

That side is the direction from which Xuwuide comes, and also the direction from which Void is.

At this time, countless cracks appeared in the space over there, and then all the cracks shattered.

The deep void outside the space was exposed.

There is no light over there, but it seems to be swallowing everything.

Faintly, there seemed to be a terrifying roar.

Someone has noticed a loophole in the world!

The next second, a huge eyeball appeared in the gap, blocking the entire gap and staring into the world.

That eyeball has densely packed golden pupils. Each pupil can look in different directions. Looking at any pupil will seem to be captured and distracted.

And among those pupils, Baili Yuan saw the figures of different elves, as if each pupil came from a different elf.

Void monster!

Baili Yuan instantly understood the identity of the other party, and his Ultra thought barely resisted the gaze of his pupils.

Angela, Abo, and even Mana Fei lost consciousness at some point, staring straight into their pupils like dolls.

Bailiyuan subconsciously smashed out the water orb in his hand.

The water orb lit up brightly, as if it sensed the arrival of the void monster.

The next second, the water orb exploded again, and the force of the explosion severely injured the owner of the pupil.

A strange roar came from behind the passage.

However, the water attribute power that then spread repaired the space, isolating the sound from the void.

The entire space is once again filled with water attribute energy.

"So, is the power of this orb used to block gaps? Then this..." Bailiyuan looked at the fighting orb in his hand.

Suddenly the fighting orb started to feel hot to the touch.

Celebi, what on earth did you give me? !

The fighting orb is here, what about the corresponding gap?

Baili Yuan could only comfort himself. These orbs were just like the colorful stones used by Nuwa to mend the sky. There were some leftovers, and the fighting orbs were one of the remaining ones.

Thoughts were swirling, but Bailiyuan opened his arms at the same time and caught Angela who fell.

Angela and Arbor lost consciousness at the same time.

Although Mana Fei could barely stay awake, she appeared to be listless.

Bailiyuan didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Why does this kid dare to touch anything?"

Mana Fei obviously lost interest in this place and wanted to get away from it as soon as possible, so he opened a passage.

Bailiyuan sent Angela and Abo Monster into the home space, and took Manafei through the space.

His eyes were dazzled. When Bailiyuan landed again, he was surprised to find that he was in an underwater ruins, and there were many huge bookshelves around him.

Obviously, this is the water droplet ruins Bailiyuan is looking for!

Spiritual power spreads out.

Bailiyuan did not notice the trace of the space just now, but instead discovered a road leading to this ruins. The road connected to the central public area of ​​Pentagram Lake.

The water droplet ruins were shrouded by a special force, isolating the sea water, but not isolating the entry and exit of living creatures.

Creatures that enter the water droplet ruins can swim out of thin air, just like the space they entered in Bailiyuan before.

Obviously, the water drop ruins are related to that space, but under normal circumstances, no one can enter that special space. Baili Yuan and Angela only entered there by mistake because of Manafei.

And there is the deepest secret of the world.

Bailiyuan looked at Manafei sleeping in his arms and shrugged helplessly.

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