I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3899 Void Monster


Level: 90

Attributes: Rock/Poison

Characteristics: Void·Alien Beast Improvement (When you defeat your opponent, all your abilities will be improved. After devouring your opponent, your size will quickly increase.)


Genetic Skills: None

Learn skills: All moves can be learned...

Carrying props: Void Core (the core of Void power and proof of the existence of Void)

Introduction: Born in the gap between time and space, it symbolizes the precursor of the world's return to nothingness. It is the natural enemy of all material existence and will be disgusted by all material existence. It absorbed everything from the ultimate alien beast Xuwuide and transformed into Xuwuide, but the core of the void is its true body!


Material transformation: Only by transforming into a material creature can it affect matter, but the body will also become material and turn into the core of the void, with the possibility of being destroyed.

Void precursor: The void will continue to swallow matter, and then become more terrifying, and finally the void will come completely.

Antimatter: Only the power with laws can cause damage and influence to it. 】

"Void..." Baili Yuan frowned.

In the power systems Bailiyuan has come into contact with and understands, void has two meanings.

One is the void space, which is a type of space that allows for space jumps and is also a very dangerous space.

The other is the end. Beyond the material world, beyond the cognition of consciousness, is the void, which is also the end of everything.

"Could the end of this world have something to do with the void, right? That would be troublesome..."

Bailiyuan suddenly started sweating profusely.

When the void arrives, it proves that the world is no longer able to resist the erosion of the void and has begun to move towards destruction.

This is equivalent to when humans reach old age, their organs fail, and they eventually die.

It belongs to the development law of the world.

Matter was born in the explosion of the void, then the world was born, and matter was destroyed in the erosion of the void, and then the end of the world came to an end.

Just like humans need oxygen to survive, oxygen oxidizes the human body all the time.

Similarly, just as humans want to fight against death, the world will also want to fight against the void and seek the possibility of continuing to exist.

There is a big boss in the Dimensional Health Room who knows the void very well. He once revealed a lot of things about fighting the void to the group of friends.

There is no consciousness in the void itself, or in other words, there is no independent consciousness.

The void is a whole.

And it will not directly interfere with the material world, just like the oxidation of the human body by oxygen. When the world grows, it will definitely come into contact with the void, and therefore be corroded by the power of the void.

But in the void, there is a situation where the chaotic consciousness breaks away from the whole and turns into individual consciousness. Then the power and consciousness from the void merge with matter and transform into a void monster.

Because void monsters merge with matter, they gain the ability to directly intervene in the material world, but they also have the possibility of being destroyed by the power of the material world.

The eliminated void monsters will feed back into the material world.

Theoretically, as long as enough void monsters are eliminated, the material world can exist and grow forever.

However, void monsters are not so easy to eliminate.

Attacks that fail to meet the laws cannot cause effective damage to void monsters, and the number of strong people who can control the laws in a world is limited.

And the more powerful the world is, the more void monsters it attracts. Even the strongest man in the world who has a pocket of trouser pockets cannot defeat him with only two fists.

In order to fight against the void, some lives in the material world choose to use the void to defeat the void - the lives in the material world actively merge with the power of the void.

The fusion failed, turned into a madman, and degenerated into a void monster.

After successful fusion, they were transformed into a void race, possessing the ability to survive in the void and gaining the power to fight against void monsters.

If you want to protect your world, in addition to destroying the incoming void monsters and delaying the arrival of the void indefinitely, you can also choose to hide the world and escape from the "void enemy".

Although running away is shameless, it works!

The price is that the world can no longer become stronger.

But if you can establish a connection with a more powerful world, it doesn't matter if your own world cannot grow. When a strong person reaches the limit in his own world, he can go to a more powerful world and continue to practice.

To put it simply, it is ascension.

This is what the big boss did. After hiding his own world, he found a world administrator. Whenever a strong person reached the limit of the world, the administrator would issue a visa to a stronger world for the strong person. .

Generally speaking, it is not difficult for a strong person who is strong enough to hide an entire world to contact several higher worlds.

The higher worlds will not invade the lower worlds, there are also friendly higher worlds.

The big boss recommended a certain heaven world and a connected hell world.

If necessary, you can go to the boss to trade world coordinates.

Bailiyuan wiped the cold sweat from his head.

Pretend to be calm.

"It's okay, it's not a big problem. I have the power of the law. Hidden World... Maybe you can succeed even if you try hard. In fact, there is nothing to be afraid of in the void." Baili Yuan comforted himself.

Facing the void is more stressful than facing the legend!

Manafei looked at Bailiyuan in confusion, wondering why Bailiyuan's mood was between panic and calm.

Do emotions also have quantum entanglement?

However, in the short period of time Bailiyuan was thinking about it, Angela had already come into contact with Void Void.

A copy of the panel scanned by the system was also sent to Angela, so Angela naturally knew how to deal with the enemy.

"It seems like we're going to get serious this time."

Angela straightened up and showed a confident smile.

"Come on, Abo!"

"Unleash the power of poison and evil!"

"Use Crush!"

The Abo monster rushed out and took a bite at Void Xuwuide, crushing it and releasing the skill. But this time, the skill released contained the power of evil laws!

The huge phantom of the Arbor monster formed by the laws of evil appeared behind the Arbor monster, revealing its sharp fangs towards the Void Void.

Void Void's body secretes purple venom, which is extremely corrosive and releases white poisonous gas.

The venom, which was strengthened by the power of the void, was hit by the Void·Xuwuide towards the shadow of the giant Arbo monster.

Watching the fierce battle, the ball above Manafei's head suddenly lit up, as if it was releasing a spiritual connection to the outside world.

Pokémon world.

Chestnut, who was traveling in the Padia region, suddenly heard the sound of fighting.

"This voice? Why does it sound like sister Angela's voice?"

Si Ji, who was following Li Zi, also tilted his head, "I seem to have heard a voice too, and it does sound like Dr. Angela's voice."

So Li Zi and Si Ji looked for the sound, and finally the two of them were shocked to see a battle projected on the water in a nearby stream!

"Sister Angela?!"

"Dr. Angela?!"

Alola region.

Chengcheng and Xiaoyu were soaking in the sea, enjoying the sunshine and ocean.

At this time, a big wave came and knocked the two of them directly into the sea.

When the two of them cursed their bad luck secretly and swam ashore from the sea, they were shocked to find that the battle between the Abo monster and the Void Void was projected on the sea.

"What's going on?"×2

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