Bailiyuan subdued Majiana.

To be precise, Magearna is also a fantasy beast, but an artificial elf.

Bailiyuan needs to study how to cultivate Majiana.

Fortunately, the Blood Queen and the Bloody Machine Puppet left a lot of legacy for Magearna, so Baili Yuan does not have to start from scratch.

It can indeed be seen that the Bloody Queen has trained the bloody robots to be very powerful, and the Bloody Queen is also an extremely excellent trainer.

In ancient times when the trainer system was not yet perfect, and elves were still in an exploratory stage, the Bloody Queen could let the Bloody Machine Puppet master the power of the law.

It means that the bloody machine puppet once had at least level 90 strength.

At that time, the Bloody Queen was just a teenage girl.

Such ability is difficult for children to achieve in modern times.

Bailiyuan suddenly wanted to go back in time and fight the Bloody Queen.

Ahua couldn't understand how Majiana was "resurrected", but he was greatly shocked.

However, Ah Hua did not forget his gift.

He gave Magearna a beautiful doll as a gift.

Majiana was very happy and gave Ahua a bouquet of flowers, which made Ahua smile.

That exquisite doll was lovingly held in Magearna's arms and carried with her.

If you don't look at Magearna's mechanical body, Magearna's thinking and behavior are indeed not much different from ordinary little girls.

If I have to say it, Magearna is more like a little princess. Because she seems to have inherited aristocratic etiquette and turned it into instinct. She really behaves like a noble princess in ancient times.

Later, after Uchiha Shisui copied all the information, Baili Yuan's exploration of the fireball cave came to an end.

Next, Bailiyuan needs to find clues leading to the next library.

There is no need for Bailiyuan to search for it personally, just ask Bolkenion directly. Bolkenion is very familiar with the situation on Hongyan Island.

Bolkenion did have the clue.

The clue lies within the confines of the groundwater.

Hidden in the space of the underground water that created the cave is a metal map soaked in water.

To find this clue, you need to observe the difference in the whereabouts of water droplets in the cave, in order to detect the abnormality, and then determine the location of the metal map.

But Bailiyuan didn't need to dig up the map. Bolkenion directly used the power of the waveguide to project the patterns on the metal map into everyone's minds.

On the metal map, the location of the Fireball Cave and the location of the next library are marked.

The location of the next library is not in the Howling Alliance, but in the Radiant Alliance near the Howling Alliance!

In a lake.

It's called the Water Drop Ruins.

"That location is the Five-Pointed Star Lake of the Radiance Alliance. It is a scenic spot connected by five lakes, and its shape is similar to a five-pointed star." Of course, Ah Hua also saw the map, and he recognized the location on the map, "I remember, There are five lakes connected to the ocean, five saltwater lakes, and you can see many elves living in the sea. Each lake has its own ocean elves. "

"As for other special clues, I don't know."

"But I know the gym leader of the Xingmang City Gym near Pentagram Lake. He should be familiar with it. I'll write a letter for you and you can ask for his help."

Although Ahua was not sure about the end of the world, the mythical beast was so angry that he had no choice but to believe that it existed and contribute as much as possible.

Ah Hua didn’t want to be happily warming himself up to the fire, and then suddenly the world would end.

"Really? That's great, thank you very much!" Bailiyuan said in surprise.

Sure enough, there is a circle of friends among the gym leaders.

Ahua showed a bright smile and said, "Don't worry, if there is any need later, I will try my best to help!"

Bailiyuan was moved by Ahua's enthusiasm.

"Mr. Ahua, after saving the world, I will introduce you to two fire beasts!"

"Is there such a good thing? Xiaoyuan, you are really a good... mythical beast!"

This time it was Ahua's turn to be surprised.

Bolkenion: "..."

After getting Ahua's letter of introduction, Bailiyuan said goodbye to Ahua and Bolkenion without stopping, and left Yanshen Mountain.

Also leaving with Baili Yuan was Majiana, who was holding a baby.

the next day.

The sun shines down.

Juan Juan Er felt the warmth of the sun, shook his tail, woke up from his deep sleep, raised his buttocks, and stretched out.

This time, Juan Juan Er slept very comfortably.

As soon as he woke up, Juan Juan could smell the salty smell of sea water and the fragrance of green grass.

Is this at the beach?

Juan Juan'er was a little confused.

When Juan Juan Er woke up, he found that he was sleeping on a piece of grass, with blue water in the distance and several fishing figures sitting on the shore.

This includes Bailiyuan.

Huobanmao squatted at Bailiyuan's feet, staring straight at the water.

Looking back, Juan Juan'er saw that Tan Xiaoshi, who was sleeping beside him, had just woken up and was looking around in confusion.

Juan Juan'er and Tan Xiaoshi fell into memories at the same time.

Juan Juan Er: Traveled through time, met mythical beasts, saved the world, the land of blue sky, the fireball cave...

Tan Xiaoshi: Killed, saved again, saving the world, the land of blue sky, fireball cave...

The two elves suddenly realized at the same time.

They have arrived at the island where the fireball cave is located!

Tan Xiaoshi suddenly felt a little annoyed: he blamed himself for being too tired and oversleeping, delaying the exploration of the Fireball Cave. You know, there are less than ten days until the end of the world!

Juan Juan Er didn't think too much, she started looking for Angela.

Angela was nowhere to be seen.

Instead, behind them, there was a huge mechanical elf ball.

"What is this?" Juan Juan Er came to the elf ball and raised his hand to poke it.

Suddenly, the elf ball transformed!

From the elf ball, she became a mechanical princess.

It was Magearna.

Juan Juan Er was startled.

Tan Xiaoshi also stopped thinking in a hurry and stood in front of Juan Juan Er, staring at Majiana warily.

Majiana smiled slightly, raised her hand to the two little guys, and with a bang, a large bouquet of flowers popped out of her arm.

Tan Xiaoshi didn't know why.

That's it?

Are you going to attack me with flowers?

After being stunned for a moment, Juan Juan Er hurriedly jumped over Tan Xiaoshi's head and happily took the flowers from Majiana.

Curly Curly Er likes flowers very much. After all, she is also a girl and a rabbit.

"Hey, you guys get along very well." Bailiyuan walked towards the three elves, carrying the fishing rod and bucket, and leading the fire-spotted cat.

Juan Juan'er and Tan Xiaoshi both looked at Baili Yuan in confusion.

Then Baili Yuan introduced each other to Juan Juan Er, Tan Xiao Shi, Huoban Miao and Majiana.

"Charcoal, charcoal..."

After getting familiar with their new teammates, Tan Xiaoshi said that they could start the Fireball Cave dungeon.

But Baili Yuan smiled slightly, "No, what we are going to open next is the copy of Water Drop Ruins!"

Tan Xiaoshi: "???"

When did I skip the plot? (End of chapter)

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