I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3883 Fireball Cave

After walking through the long maze-like passage, Bailiyuan and his party finally arrived at the Fireball Cave.

The distance is not short.

This maze passage is the best barrier for the fireball cave!

If you don’t know the exact path, it will not only be difficult to find the fireball cave, but you will also be in danger and will never be able to get out of the maze passage.

Because this maze passage is the same as the underground maze in the game, full of monsters and traps.

Monsters are naturally wild elves living in the passages of the maze.

Powerful fire elves occupy different parts of the maze passages.

This maze passage was actually dug out by these elves.

However, these elves do not always stay in one place. They also move around, and occasionally go out to get some fresh air, or even go to the elf city for entertainment.

It is also because Ahua often goes to the elf city for entertainment. Most of the elves here are familiar with Ahua, so the elves will not stop Ahua. Instead, they will come out to greet Ahua and exchange greetings.

As for traps, they are naturally occurring magma and fire traps.

Yanshen Mountain has not been extinguished. The interior of Yanshen Mountain is still active, and occasionally magma and flames will spurt out from the gaps in the maze passage.

However, in fact, the people in Tan Xiaoshi's research institute who wanted to enter the fireball cave did not take the same route as Ahua took Bailiyuan and his party.

Who knows that the people in the institute are not familiar with the elves here? They have their own way to avoid all dangers.

The road that Ahua took with Bailiyuan and his group was purely a local route.

Just like some tourist attractions, outsiders must buy tickets to enter in a disciplined manner, but locals often have a mysterious path to enter directly.

Even if there is a guard blocking the way, you only need to show your local ID card and you will be let through.

Isn't it normal for local people to enjoy preferential treatment after building their homes for generations?

The difficulties in the maze passage are not only the elves and natural traps blocking the way, but also the high temperature in the maze passage, which is not something ordinary people can endure.

Fortunately, Baili Yuan and others are not ordinary people.

Baili Yuan and Uchiha Shisui are not simple humans, and they have a lot of tolerance for high temperatures.

As for Ava, he has the power of Bolkenion's waveguide to protect him from a distance.

Bolkenion, a phantom beast that has lived for who knows how many years, has already developed its waveguide power to be quite powerful.

Generally speaking, Bailiyuan and his party were traveling downward.

Bailiyuan estimated that they might have arrived under the surface of the island.

The starting point of this maze is at the top of Yanshen Mountain, but the end point is the underground of the island.

Ahua led Bailiyuan and his group to a rock wall, "This is the entrance to the Fireball Cave."

After saying that, Ahua released an elf.

A flame-exploding turtle beast appeared.

"Exploding Flame Turtle Beast, please open the door." Ahua said to the Exploding Flame Turtle Beast.

The Explosive Flame Turtle nodded, then stepped forward and moved the two huge rocks away with force, revealing a cave entrance as high as a person.

"Let's go in."

Ah Hua took the lead and walked into the cave entrance, followed closely by Baili Yuan and others.

The Explosive Flame Turtle was squatting at the entrance of the cave to guard the door. Obviously, this was not the first time that the turtle was guarding the door.

After passing through the cave entrance, Bailiyuan was surprised to find that they had actually entered a cave.

"I thought the caves in the Fireball Cave were just terrain similar to caves. I didn't expect that there were actually caves! But how could there be caves in a volcano?" Baili Yuan was a little surprised.

The formation of caves is the result of long-term dissolution of groundwater in limestone areas.

Bailiyuan spirit extends out.

Don't tell me, don't tell me. Bailiyuan actually discovered groundwater outside the cave. The source of groundwater is the ocean.

The real entrance to the Fireball Cave is in the opposite direction to the entrance where Baili Yuan and others entered. The entrance there is not only not hot, but also very cool.

When Bailiyuan and his party entered the Fireball Cave, they were no longer affected by the high temperature in the maze passage, and each of them had a refreshing feeling.

"It turns out that this is the place where flames and water flow intertwined, so such a cave was born. The nature is really amazing." Bailiyuan sighed.

But he didn't expect that Bolkenion's voice suddenly sounded in Bailiyuan's mind.

Its voice was somewhat dismissive.

"What are you marveling at? This was originally the place where I slept! The fire and water flow gathered here because they were affected by my power."

"The entrance passage to the Fireball Cave was actually dug upwards after I woke up! It's just that my size later became larger and I couldn't go back the way I came."

"Later, someone discovered this place, named it Fireball Cave, and built a library inside. I asked Ahua's grandfather to open a secret door on the other side of the Fireball Cave, and bring it to me when nothing happened. Come here with some books to relieve your boredom.”

Bailiyuan: "Ah this..."

Suddenly speechless.

It turns out that the people from the institute took over Bolkenion's hometown.

It’s no wonder that Bolkenian asked someone to come and get a few books to read when he had nothing to do.

Bolkenion was being generous by not destroying everything directly.

Bailiyuan began to take stock of the situation inside the fireball cave.

There are also a large number of bookshelves placed in the fireball cave, and there are many books in each bookshelf.

However, these bookshelves have well-sealed glass windows and dehumidification devices inside to protect the books.

Ah Hua looked at this and suddenly sighed, "Everyone who built this library got into trouble. No one will come to take care of this library in the future. The job of protecting the books can only fall on me."

Bailiyuan: "..."

Bailiyuan also told Ahua and Bolkenion about the research institute before, and now the Fireball Cave Library is completely theirs.

Bailiyuan ignored the books on the other bookshelves, because the books on them were not much different from the books he got in the Land of Blue Sky. They were all ordinary books.

There are also precious books, but they are not the most precious, nor are they what Bailiyuan needs now.

Of course, there are also enlightenment equipment and discs placed outside.

Soon, Bailiyuan found two special filing cabinets among the bookshelves.

Similar to the filing cabinet found in the Land of Blue Sky, it contains the most core information of the institute.

Opening the two filing cabinets, Bailiyuan found that the information in the filing cabinets was not much similar to the information in the two filing cabinets he had discovered before.

Same as before.

One of them holds a lot of scientific and technological information.

The other one holds a lot of information related to elves.

Bailiyuan did not pack it up and take it away this time, but chose to copy it.

Uchiha Shisui took out the input device and made an electronic copy of all the data.

Still no legendary map found.

But I discovered a new elf training guide.

What caught Bailiyuan's attention the most were two of the strategies.

"Ugly Fish - Menas: Champion Training Strategy"

"Fireball Rat-Fire Rock Rat-Fire Beast: Champion Training Strategy"

As it happens, Nicole has a Shining Menas, and both Lizi and Chengcheng have a Fire Beast.

At this time, Ahua passed by with a bunch of things in his arms. Bailiyuan suddenly thought of something and couldn't help but ask.

"Mr. Ahua, your main force shouldn't be the fire beast, right?"

Ahua looked at the information in Bailiyuan's hand and suddenly smiled mysteriously.

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