I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3874 Fire-breathing camel caravan, platypus bridge maintenance fee

The two molten ant beasts had not completely lost their fighting ability and were still conscious, staring angrily at Baili Yuan and his party.

The fire-spotted cat was still unconvinced when he saw the two molten ant beasts. He gently raised his claws, and the sharp nails popped out instantly, reflecting the cold light.

The two molten ant beasts immediately shrank their necks.

However, the two molten ant beasts still stared angrily at Fire Spot Meow with stubborn eyes.

Molten Ant Beast: We can't defeat you, but we just don't accept it!

Fire Spot Meow: I think you are looking for death!

Baili Yuan hurriedly grabbed Huoban Miao.

"Fire spot meow, calm down, it won't be, it won't be..."

In the end, Bailiyuan took Huobanmao away and left a large box of energy cubes for the two molten ant beasts as an apology.

After all, it was Baili Yuan and his party who broke into the home of two molten ant beasts.

After Baili Yuan and his companions had walked far away, the two molten ant beasts dared to come down from the stone wall. They carefully squatted near the energy cube and took a sniff.

The scent of the energy cubes is very tempting.

In the end, the two molten ant beasts could not resist the temptation and quickly opened the box and feasted on the energy cube.

“It smells so good!”

"Yeah yeah."

"But even if you give me delicious food, I still won't accept it!"

"Me too!"

The passage inside Yanshen Mountain is not just one road, but has bifurcations, seemingly extending in all directions.

Uchiha Shisui carefully explored the remaining traces in the passage and determined a route where elves often moved, which was the road leading to the depths of Flame God Mountain.

The two molten ant beasts were just the beginning. As they continued deeper into the Yanshen Mountain, Baili Yuan and his party also encountered more fire elves.

Fire beasts, lava bugs, coal turtles... there are many kinds.

These fire elves occupy different stages of the passage and divide their own territory in the passage.

The deeper they go into Yanshen Mountain, the higher the temperature in the passage becomes, the richer the fire attribute energy becomes, and the stronger the fire elves Baili Yuan and his party encounter.

Fortunately, although most fire elves have bad tempers, it does not mean that fire elves have no brains.

As long as Baili Yuan and his party do not show hostility and do not provoke those fire elves, most of the fire elves will not attack Baili Yuan and his party.

Bailiyuan is more curious, what do these fire elves eat?

The elves living outside the passage can go outside to forage, but what about the elves living deep in the passage?

You know, you can't grow fruit inside a volcano.

Until, Bailiyuan saw two fire-breathing camels and a few fire-breathing camels, carrying a lot of fruit on their backs, passing in front of them.

The two fire-breathing camels headed by them actually have king-level strength!

"Did they pick enough fruits from the outside and bring them back for storage? But the temperature inside the volcano is not suitable for storing fruits." Uchiha Shisui guessed.

Bailiyuan and the others followed the fire-breathing camel team curiously, because the direction the fire-breathing camel team was heading was also the direction they were heading.

Soon, the fire-breathing camel team was stopped by a lava snail, but no fight broke out.

I saw the lava snail throwing out two pieces of red ore first.

The leader of the fire-breathing camels stepped forward and bit into two pieces of red ore, as if inspecting the goods.

After confirming that there was no problem with the cargo, the fire-breathing camel put away the two pieces of ore, and then barked at the other fire-breathing camel behind him.

The other fire-breathing camel heard the sound, turned around and took out a few berries from the tree fruit carried by the fire-breathing hump, and carefully placed them on the ground.

Seal the deal.

The fire-breathing camel team continues to move forward.

After the fire-breathing camel team left, the lava snail stepped forward and slowly tasted the obtained tree fruits in place.

Uchiha Shisui was greatly shocked, "My lord, those fire-breathing camels formed a caravan?"

"It looks like this." Bailiyuan saw this kind of thing for the first time and couldn't help but sigh, "Elves are indeed not simple animals."

Nature is far more magical than humans imagine.

Many things are not exclusive to humans, but don’t forget that humans are also just living creatures.

Elves do not lack the same wisdom as humans.

Bailiyuan and his party also continued to move forward. When they passed near the lava snail, the lava snail suddenly stopped eating, raised his head, and stared at Bailiyuan and his party warily.

It wasn't until Baili Yuan and his party were gone that the lava snail looked away, but he still changed places and continued to cook with peace of mind.

Following the fire-breathing camel caravan all the way, I did not encounter any trouble. Instead, I witnessed the transactions between the fire-breathing camel caravan and other elves.

Baili Yuan and Uchiha Shisui discovered that the things the elves used to trade were not ordinary.

The type of ore that lava snails used before, with fire energy, is the most common.

There are also rich elves who can use fire stones to trade and get a lot of tree fruits.

With the transaction, there are fewer and fewer tree fruits behind the fire-breathing camel caravan, and there are more and more fire-attribute resources.

"Ordinary volcanoes do not have such rich resource reserves. Sure enough, it is because of the concentration of fire attribute energy that so many resources and powerful fire attribute elves are derived." Baili Yuan said secretly.

Finally, Bailiyuan and his party followed the fire-breathing camel caravan and arrived inside the volcano.

Inside the volcano, there is a huge space.

Below is the magma river, with only a stone bridge made of rocks connecting the passage on the other side.

It can be seen that the stone bridge is not naturally formed, but built, but the architectural style and method are obviously not human.

The fire-breathing camel caravan stopped and waited at the edge of the stone bridge.

Soon, the owner of the stone bridge appeared.

The magma below broke open, and several duck-billed fire beasts jumped out of the magma. They used their strength on the rocks several times to easily jump onto the stone bridge.

A king-level platypus boss came to the leader of the fire-breathing camel and waved.

The leader of the fire-breathing camel remained calm and barked a few times in a familiar manner.

Another fire-breathing camel took the fruit from the dead-fire camel and placed it on the ground.

The boss of the duck-billed fire beast sent two younger duck-billed fire beasts up to collect the fruits.

Then the remaining duck-billed fire beast boys began to check the stability of the stone bridge and repair possible hidden dangers on the stone bridge.

"That's the bridge toll?!" Uchiha Shisui's eyes widened.

"It's obviously the bridge maintenance fee, right?" Bailiyuan said.

At this time, the boss of the duck-billed fire beast came to Bailiyuan and his party again.

After all, Bailiyuan and his party did not hide themselves, but followed the fire-breathing camel caravan openly.

"Fire, fire..." The boss of the duck-billed fire beast waved to Baili Yuan and his party, exactly the same as when he faced the fire-breathing camel caravan before.


Baili Yuan and Uchiha Shisui looked at each other. Apparently they were also charged "bridge maintenance fees".

Huobanmao looked at Bailiyuan and licked his paws.

As long as Baili Yuan gives the order, Huobanmao will immediately rush up and rush the boss of the duck-billed fire beast.

Unfortunately, Bailiyuan is not here to clear copies.

Bailiyuan thought for a while and took out a box of energy cubes suitable for fire-attribute elves.

The boss of the platypus obviously recognized the energy cube. After taking the energy cube, he opened the box directly and checked the quality of the energy cube.

The boss of the platypus opened his eyes in shock.

The quality of the energy cubes made by Bailiyuan himself is not comparable to those sold outside.

The boss of the platypus who received the high-quality energy cube was obviously more enthusiastic than before. Not only did he provide services with a smile, he also gave many instructions to the two elves, Fire Spot Meow and Vulcan Moth, to ensure that they could take good care of themselves. trainer.

Bailiyuan naturally listened to everything, and two black lines couldn't help but appear on his forehead, "What's going on with the elves in this mountain? Let them really learn what it means to be human and sophisticated."

"It is said that money can make ghosts go around. This sentence also applies to elves." Uchiha Shisui sighed at the side. (End of chapter)

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