I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3872 Clues to the second backup location

Explorer's Sonic Dragon is obviously an old runner.

The Sonic Dragon instantly released its downwind move, and then took the explorer into the sky. With a whoosh, it was submerged in the flying energy above the basin, and disappeared in an instant.

Although the flying energy above the basin can block the extension and detection of mental power, it is a rare help for flying elves. If it were not for the disordered magnetic field here, a large number of flying elves would have been attracted long ago. .

At this time, those flying energy strengthened Sonic Dragon's flying skills, making Sonic Dragon run faster.

The explorer just ran away, leaving behind none of the nine toucans below.

Bailiyuan: "..."

Angela: “…”

Both men and women were silent.

That's it?

"I guess he didn't take back the Big-billed Bird and Spearow that we defeated before, so he doesn't know about the Hell Reincarnation move." Baili Yuan couldn't help but say.

Among the large-billed birds that were fighting against the Bi Diao, there were indeed no two large-billed birds that had been defeated before.

Don't ask how Baili Yuan recognized them. Their strengths were different, so naturally they couldn't be the same one.

The two big-billed sparrows and the other sparrows from before should be regarded as reconnaissance units, with average strength.

These nine big-billed birds are considered a fighting group, which can be said to be elite.

The three big-billed birds headed by them already have the strength of kings.

If they join forces to fight against the enemy, the average King of Heaven elves will be hated, and even the ordinary Champion elves will find it troublesome.

It's a pity that I met the unreasonable little monster like Bi Diao and the cheating trainer Bailiyuan.

The explorer was also a man who cherished his life. After realizing that something was wrong, he immediately chose to escape.

There was no hesitation at all.

However, Bailiyuan was a little interested in the sonic dragon under the explorer.

The sonic dragon was well cultivated and had a good rapport with the explorer.

Obviously, the sonic dragon is the real partner of the explorer, and the toucans are just tools used by the explorer for consumption.

Even if it includes three king-level large-billed birds.

Although the King-level elves are rare and powerful, Spearow and Big-billed Elves are not rare elves. As long as they are cultivated carefully, many powerful individuals can be easily cultivated with a huge base.

Besides, the trading of elves is not prohibited in this world.

The elves under the champion can all be measured by money.

No surprise, all nine toucans were shot down by the eagle in no time.

Although the explorer abandoned the nine large-billed birds, he did not throw away the pokeballs of the nine large-billed birds. If these nine large-billed birds were not killed, ordinary people would no longer be able to conquer them.

Unfortunately Bailiyuan is not an ordinary person.

With a sweep of mental power, Baili Yuan waved, and nine micro-locators were wrapped in mental power and flew out from the bodies of the nine big-billed birds.

"No wonder he gave up so easily. It turned out that he still had a back-up plan." Angela suddenly realized.

If the nine toucans survive, future explorers can use these locators to find them again and recover them.

Baili Yuan raised his hand and pinched it, and the nine locators were completely scrapped.

"Unfortunately, his ideas don't apply to me."

After saying that, Bailiyuan decisively threw nine black elf balls.

"Come on, Mewtwo Ball!"

Nine black elf balls hit the nine big-billed sparrows, and they subdued the nine already-conquered sparrows again.

The prototype of the Mewtwo Ball is a special elf ball developed by Mewtwo. It can forcibly capture and snatch other trainers' elf, and even set the ball on the ball. However, it can only be forcibly captured and imprisoned, and it is a one-time use.

Later, Caroline obtained the relevant data, modified and upgraded it, and finally named it Mewtwo Ball.

The new Mewtwo Ball can snatch the ownership of other people's elves, cut off the elves' connection with the original elf ball, and conquer them permanently.

It can be said to be quite domineering.

But this is not the most domineering thing.

Caroline also developed the "Super Mewtwo Ball". The effect is that based on the Mewtwo Ball, it adds the effect of hypnotic brainwashing, so that the snatched elves can be hypnotized and brainwashed into elves that can be commanded, at the cost of being The elves brainwashed by hypnosis have less autonomy.

Whether it is a Mewtwo Ball or a Super Mewtwo Ball, they are both big treasures for evil organizations, and they are enough to impact the stability of the Pokémon League.

It's a pity that Bailiyuan is not a tauren, he doesn't have any special quirks, and it is impossible to reveal the technology of Chaomeng Sphere.

In the past, the elves confiscated by Bailiyuan were all collected together with the elf balls. The captured elves were also handed over to the Alliance by Angela, who would handle them.

Bailiyuan would only use the ordinary Mewtwo Ball when encountering the situation at hand.

As for the Super Mewtwo Ball, Baili Yuan has never used it.

The Super Mewtwo Ball is not the end of Caroline's research and development. Caroline developed the Super Mewtwo Ball just to develop an advanced version of the Monster Ball - the Super Monster Ball.

Monster balls are used to capture and imprison monsters and aliens.

Caroline wants to develop a super monster ball that can make violent monsters obedient.

But as Caroline began to dabble in research on monster cultivation, she was no longer as enthusiastic about the development of super monster balls.

How can the ferocious wild monsters in the universe be as useful as the big baby you cultivated yourself?

"Bidiao, thank you for your hard work. Come back."

Bailiyuan recalls Bi Diao.

After subduing the nine big-billed birds, Bailiyuan was ready to take others to where he found clues about the next data backup location.

Tan Xiaoshi and Juan Juan'er have not calmed down from the battle just now.

Although they were just watching, they all had a strong desire for the Cosmic Beast Fist.

Juan Juan'er hadn't been too impressed by Baili Yuan's use of the Cosmic Beast Fist before.

After all, the Big-billed Birds and Spearows that were defeated before were not very strong, and Baili Yuan was the one who used boxing skills.

Juan Juan'er only thinks Baili Yuan is special.

But just now Bi Diao used the Cosmic Beast Fist to cleanly defeat nine big-billed sparrows, making Juan Juan'er's blood boil.

This is what she wants!

Tan Xiaoshi thought more directly. He just fell in love with the powerful power brought by the Cosmic Fantasy Beast Fist.

"If I can master that kind of boxing technique and become that powerful, then I can definitely avenge Karen and everyone else!"

Once upon a time, Tan Xiaoshi could only stand at the end, like a follower.

Now, Tan Xiaoshi wants to become stronger and protect everyone!

While Juan Juan'er and Tan Xiaoshi were thinking wildly, Baili Yuan had already led them to the waterfall in the basin.

The waterfall is rapid and the water mist rises.

"The clue is in the cave behind the waterfall!" Bailiyuan pointed in the direction of the waterfall.

"Water Curtain Cave?" Angela's mouth twitched.

But Angela did not hesitate and called Absol directly, asking Absol to take turns carrying the group behind the waterfall.

The rapid waterfall could not stop Absol at all.

Entering the cave behind the waterfall, Angela discovered that the cave had obvious traces of man-made digging.

Although it is also a building within a rock, the cave is not as exquisite as the library, and it does not have any devices or layouts.

It's just a cave.

The cave is very humid.

Bailiyuan led everyone deep into the cave and turned on the lighting equipment.

The light illuminates the stone wall at the end of the cave, and a map is carved on the stone wall!

"Tan!" Waiter Tan exclaimed.

Bailiyuan understood what he meant, "Is this the map of the Howling Alliance?"

Find the Tianlan Peak on the map, and then see a triangular mark in the mountains near the Tianlan Peak, which obviously represents the location of Baili Yuan and others.

There is another special mark on the map. To the south of the Howling Alliance, on a mountain peak on an isolated island, there is a circular mark with the name of the data backup location engraved on the side -

Fireball Cave!

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