I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3848 That year, I also turned into light!


Calumila was saved and the evil god was defeated.

Seemingly victorious.

However, none of the clones controlling the evil god were destroyed.

The body is just the carrier, the mask is the core!

Calumila is the core of the evil god, but the clones do not belong to the evil god.

But it belongs to Bailiyuan.

The outermost shell where the clones are located is transformed from Baili Yuan's body, and can also be regarded as a cage that binds the seven clones.

Only by compromising each other can the seven clones control the evil god together.

Now the evil god exploded, the outermost cage was shattered, and the seven clones were freed.

Bailiyuan, who was watching everything secretly, had to say: It has to be you!

The evil god was defeated, but the seven clones were liberated.

Just separate.

At the same time, the power belonging to the seven clones was released, covering the world, bringing seven kinds of despair to humans and creatures around the world.

If it is said that Qijela's pollen can make people all over the world feel extremely happy, indulge in the most beautiful fantasies, and live in intoxication.

Then the power released by the seven clones is to make people all over the world fall into seven negative emotions, suffer pain and torture, and feel despair.

Pride, wrath, greed, gluttony, envy, sloth, lust!

The seven negative emotions representing the seven deadly sins will not drive humans into madness, but will cause humans to be tortured and tortured by the seven negative emotions.

Let human beings be completely distorted among the seven negative emotions.

Finally become a monster!

The power that causes this effect also comes from the abilities of the clones.

Part of it is the spread effect of the gluttony clone's [Plague Death] ability. But it is not the virus that is spreading, but the breath of the Seven Deadly Sins.

It is a fusion of the part of the ability of the desire clone [Charming Sheep] that allows people to change. But it doesn't turn people into sheep, it twists people into monsters.

Bailiyuan was still wondering before why the evil god showed the abilities of the other five clones but did not show the parts related to these two abilities.

It turns out that some of the effects of these two abilities were merged and became the evil god's deathrattle skill.

Truth Teliga and Truth Calumila, as well as everyone in the Elite Victory Team, faced the direction of the explosion.

Seven rays of light of different colors were seen flying out of the explosion, like the colors of a rainbow, but darker and more ominous.

Seven five to sixty meter tall monsters appeared.

Compared to the previous Hundred Meter Evil God, his size has become smaller and his strength seems to have decreased, but he has become more troublesome.

Because there are seven enemies this time!

The strength of each one is no weaker than the evil god before!

The monsters transformed by the seven clones are clearly their monster forms.

But what is different from the past is that they all wear golden masks on their faces, covering their faces.

"What is that mask?" Bailiyuan was a little curious, so he pulled out the system and let it scan it.

Oh, I forgot to mention it.

The evil god was defeated, the seven clones were free, and Baili Yuan, the wandering soul, was also free.

Because the outer shell of the evil god is Baili Yuan’s body!

If it weren't for Bailiyuan's soul and spirit, he would be able to exist independently. This time, Bailiyuan can GG.

As for Bailiyuan's resurrection ability...don't forget that the clone of Sorrow has just been killed by Bailiyuan himself, and the resurrection skill is still cooling down.

Now Bailiyuan can only float on the heads of seven monsters.

The system quickly gave the scan results——

"Mask of the Evil God: A mask made from the residual power of the Eternal Core. The wearer will gain increased strength. But if he cannot resist the influence of the Eternal Core, his will will be distorted and he will eventually degenerate into an Evil God. Note: Alien If the mask of the Ghost Army cannot resist the influence, it will be twisted into a god of death."

"I said these clones feel stronger. It turns out they are props..." Baili Yuan couldn't help but sigh.

When Bailiyuan sighed.

New conflicts have broken out again.

"Are these seven guys the seven masks?" Calumila Truth saw the origins of the clones, then sneered and whipped out the light whip, "Then destroy them all!"

Truth Calumila has been unhappy with these seven guys for a long time!

Now there are grievances and grievances, and there are grievances and vengeance!

Without any hesitation, Truth Calumila killed one of the clones directly.

Truth Telika naturally followed closely, "No matter how many enemies there are, I will protect the earth!"

The clones naturally fought against it. After they were separated, their abilities were completely liberated.

As a result, Truth Telika and Truth Kalumila felt tremendous pressure as they fought two against seven.

And the pressure doesn't stop there.

With the protection of Truth Teliga, everyone in the Elite Victory Team survived. They wanted to call TPU for support, and then they realized a problem.

TPU actually lost contact!

After some operations, Malulu connected to surveillance cameras around the world and viewed the situation around the world.

Then they saw each and every human being tortured by the seven deadly sins, all falling to the ground in pain.

Even the monsters hidden on the earth are not immune.

"Damn it, what happened?!" Zuoma Tiexin shouted anxiously.

Jingjian Yuming's voice sounded over the communication, "You Lian has made a new discovery!"

"Now there is a special power that affects all mankind. The source of that special power is the seven new monsters. If they are not eliminated as soon as possible, this special power will cause irreparable harm to mankind! "

Sheng Zhangren, who was still very tired, understood clearly and said with a heavy expression, "In other words, if these seven monsters are not eliminated in time, even if they are eliminated later, mankind will perish!"

Upon hearing this, everyone immediately clenched their fists.

At this time everyone was silent.

Because as humans, they have exhausted all the ammunition they carry.

Without TPU support, within a short period of time, they would have no time to mount another attack.

If you want to attack again, you can only drive the combat boat to hit the monster.

But does that really work?

Despair arose in everyone.

Ignis looked around at everyone with heavy eyes.

He has also experienced this feeling of his hometown being destroyed but being unable to do anything about it.

However, Jingjian Guangguo stood up at this moment.

"What's that expression on your face?" Mitsukuni Shizuma criticized seriously, "As human beings, we cannot give up hope as long as everything is not over yet!"

The situation at this time reminded Mitsukuni Shizama of the battle he experienced that year.

That battle was equally hopeless.

Human beings have no power to fight back.

Despair spreads among humanity.

However, thanks to the miracles brought by countless children who believe in the light, mankind has successfully overcome the darkness!

"Even if you are going to die in the next second, you must never give up hope!" Mitsukuni Shizama said seriously, putting on the remote control device and summoning his Victory Feiyan.

That year, mankind faced a desperate situation!

That year, he was also a child!

That year, he also became light!

"Victory Feiyan, fly one more circle with me!"

Shizama Mitsukuni's fiery heart ignited the hope remaining in his body.

It also illuminates the hearts of others. (End of chapter)

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