I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3779 The wind blows and jumps

Calumila obviously knows how to sneak in.

Seeing that she was being stopped, she raised her hand, drew out her whip, and whipped it towards the guard who was blocking her way.

Bailiyuan hurriedly swooped down and knocked down the guard, saving his life.

Manaka Kengo is the human body of Triga, so he can be whipped twice without any problem, but these guards are just ordinary humans, and they will suffer from old sins if they are whipped once. One bad life will be lost.

The light whip failed, and Calumila looked at Baili Yuan in surprise, then turned cold, "Bai Liyize, you destroyed me again..."

But he never thought that Baili Yuan would take the lead. With an angry look on his face, he shouted loudly to Calumila: "Why do you want to reward him? Why not me?!"

Calumila: "???"

Doorman: "???"

Calumila was simply puzzled.

The guard thought that this little yellow guy from the Elite Victory Team was out of his mind.

"Have you read too many magazines? There is too much waste in your mind? What are you thinking about at this time? That's called rewarding me? The reward is to send me to see my tits, right?!"

The above are the thoughts in the guard's mind.

However, there were three doormen present.

After Bailiyuan rescued the leading guard.

The remaining two guards also reacted, immediately drew their guns, pointed them at Calumila, and pressed the alarm at the same time.

"Don't move!"

"Alert! Someone is attacking!"

A piercing alarm sounded instantly in the institute.

The other guards inside rushed to the doorman's position immediately.

Everyone in the elite victory team in the research institute also temporarily put down their work and went to support.

When Calumila heard the siren, her eyes immediately turned colder towards Bai Liyuan, with undisguised murderous intent.

"Baili Yize, you are lucky this time."

Although she was unwilling to do so, Calumila knew that it was time to retreat.

No longer covering up, the dark passage opened, and Calumila disappeared.

The gatekeepers joined the guards, only to find that the attacker had left.

Finally, everyone looked at Bailiyuan.

The two guards held Baili Yuan's shoulders respectively, "This colleague from the Elite Victory Team, please come with us."

Bailiyuan: "Huh?"

Regardless of whether this matter has anything to do with Bailiyuan, Bailiyuan needs to be questioned.

In the end, it was Chen Sicheng who personally came forward to fish Baili Yuan out.

Then, everyone in the Elite Victory Team knew that Bailiyuan had peeked at the pornographic book at work.

Bailiyuan: "I want to make it clear that I just bought it and I haven't taken a fancy to it yet."

Nanase Hikari gave Baili Yuan a roll of her eyes and ignored Baili Yuan.

Malulu was very curious, "I don't think I have read that kind of book. I really want to study it..."

Zuoma Tiexin looked righteous, "Ize, how could you do this? Where is the professional ethics? Where is the heart for justice? Where are the other books hidden?"

Sheng Zhangren stopped Malulu who was going to buy books, and then looked at Baili Yuan with contempt, "You should stay away from Yu Ming in the future! The same goes for Jian Wu!"

Tatsumi Cheng also said to Baili Yuan with sincerity: "Member Izawa, I just hope it will not affect the next battle."

Bailiyuan: "..."

Manaka Kengo and Shizuma Yumei are still learning to dance from Libut.

Ignis watched curiously.

But Libut saw his obsession and invited Ignis to dance with him.

Ignis said that we Lithurians cannot learn from the corporate culture of your Kingdom of Light.

The Elite Victory Team begins the action.

Teliga's energy fluctuations were released in the suburbs.

Sure enough, Diavolo came after smelling the smell, but did not find Trigga's figure.

Diablo roared angrily, "Teliga, where are you?"

"Telika didn't show up." Tatsumi Cheng also looked seriously.

Manaka Kengo is still dancing...

"Start backup battle plan!"

On the ground, Bailiyuan received the order, took out the Origin Hypa Gun, and fired the ancient Vera on land.

The land Ancient Vira then evolved into the mechanical Ancient Vira.

"Haha, is this a human trick?" Diavolo seemed to understand something, but he knew that this special Guvira was a monster summoned by the Elite Victory Team.

But for Diavolo, the mechanical Guvira was not enough.

"Trapped you, use this key!" Bailiyuan took out a blue Key to Victory and Transcendence.

Hitram's Key to Dark Victory and Transcendence, activate!

Pull the trigger!

Black-blue light was emitted from the Origin Hypa Gun, and the sound effect of howling wind appeared at the same time.

【Dark Leap! 】

【The roaring wind brings power! 】

The mechanical Guvira was shrouded in a black and blue storm, and then started to evolve.

Guvira's body became slender and appeared more flexible. Blue wind spurted out from the air holes behind him, and the wind also condensed into crystals, and the shape was as wild as the wind. The fins on the limbs become larger, like the fins of a flying fish, and become sharper. The bit on the nose is sharper.

The strong wind dissipated, revealing the new appearance of Guvira.

With his sharp figure, the armor on his body has become thinner, with blue wind patterns, his back is made of blue wind crystals, the drill on his nose is more slender and sharp, and the flippers on his limbs have become larger, but thin and sharp.

"Wind blowing, Yuasheng Guvira, comes on stage!" Bailiyuan said. (Panel introduction in writer’s words)

"Guvira, trap him!"

Wind Blowing·Leaping Guvira directly stirred up strong winds. As he flew into the sky, he also stirred up a storm.

The storm was like a rope, trapping Diavolo in the middle.

This time it was Fengshuo·Leap Guvira who operated it himself. It had already learned the micro-manipulation skills from Bailiyuan.

And flying into the sky makes it very excited.

It turned out to be a rare and extraordinary performance.

During the storm, Diavolo had to cross his arms in front of him to resist the countless wind blades hidden in the storm.

In an instant, an attack like a thousand cuts fell on Diavolo.

However, it failed to break through Diavolo's defense.

But he also succeeded in trapping Diavolo.

Seeing this, Tatsumi Makoto's eyes lit up, "Zhangren, turn on the absorption device!"


The people of Shengzhang became busy.

Tatsumi Makoto also came to the scene in person this time, holding the Victory Hypal Gun and getting ready.

The Victory Falcon circled beyond the storm.

Diavolo, who was trapped in the storm, was a little angry.

"How can your borrowed strength compare to my muscles that have been forged over thousands of times!"

"The strongest cosmic fantasy beast fist, the powerful bull-breaking fist!"


The force-breaking Ox Fist bombardment directly dispersed the storm, allowing Diavolo to escape, and also allowed the Windswept and Leap Guvira hiding in the storm to reappear.

Seeing that his storm was broken, Windswept Leap Guvira roared angrily, and the drill on his nose was launched with the strong wind. Almost in the blink of an eye, it flew in front of Diavolo.

Diablo actually reacted, raised his hands, and grabbed the drill bit tightly. No matter how sharp the drill bit was, it could not get closer to Diavolo.

The drill bit was entangled with the strong wind, spinning crazily, but Diavolo exploded with strange force, crushing the strong wind directly, and then grabbed the drill bit, causing the drill bit's rotation speed to gradually decrease until it stopped.

"A little trick..." Diavolo wanted to mock.

Unexpectedly, Windswept and Leap Guvira made a sneak attack, got close to Diavolo, and stabbed Diablo in the thigh with his sharper flippers.

Diavolo, the defense is broken!

Faint golden particles flowed out.

Sheng Zhangren \u0026 Tatsumi Makoto: Start sucking!

Wind blows and leaps to Guvira

Explanation: Guvira transformed in the strong wind, gained more powerful speed and attack, and gained the ability to control the wind element.


Flight: Allow yourself to fly in the air by harnessing the strong winds.

Sharp Drill: Use the drill on the nose to rotate at high speed to attack with faster rotation speed.

Wind Slash Fin Feet: The flippers become larger and sharper, and can be used for slashing.

Windswept Metal Armor: The armor was thinned in the storm, and its defense was reduced, but it became lighter, making Windswept and Leap Guvira more agile.

Windswept Crystal: There are wind crystals on the back, allowing Windswept and Leap Guvira to control the power of wind.


High-speed movement: The speed blessing from Hitram allows for high-speed movement.

Drill Assault: Fires a drill bit wrapped in strong winds for a long-range attack at extremely high speed.

Storm Control: The wind blowing crystal controls the power of the strong wind, whips up the storm, and attacks the enemy.

Wind Leap Slash: A special move that condenses a powerful wind blade slash to cut everything.

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