Chapter 3771 Bailiyuan: You are right, but I still want to

After finishing talking about the Absolute clan.

Bailiyuan asked another question in his mind.

"Brother Fengyuan, I remember you told me that the Cosmic Fantasy Beast Fist is a boxing technique that protects peace. Among them, the Gangli Poniu Fist is the most powerful Cosmic Fantasy Beast Fist, right?"

"Yes, I did say it." Fengyuan nodded, recalling, "The Cosmic Fantasy Beast Fist is indeed powerful, but it's a pity that I didn't have the opportunity to learn it."

"Then why does Diavolo use the Cosmic Beast Fist? Or the Strong Force Breaking Ox Fist? It's just... I think the Strength Breaking Ox Fist is not as powerful as imagined." Baili Yuan asked the question in his heart.

Fengyuan was stunned for a moment, then sighed.

"Actually, I only found out later that the D60 planet had been destroyed, just after my hometown was destroyed. There are only a few descendants of the Cosmic Beast Fist left. Currently, I only know of one named Lei Guluo. The thinking Ultraman.”

"As for Diablo, I heard Regulus say that Diavolo is not the orthodox successor of the Cosmic Beast Fist, but he used despicable means to sneak attack the real master of the seriously injured Gangli Niu Fist, Lei Gulos. Master Ting, killed him and took away the contract of the Space Buffalo. Diavolo also killed Regulus’s senior brother and sister.”

"It can be said that the destruction of planet D60 has a lot to do with the Absolut clan. Now Regulus is fighting against the Absolut clan with the Kingdom of Light."

After listening to Fengyuan's story, Bailiyuan couldn't help but sigh, "This Abusolut clan is really not a thing."

Fengyuan nodded in agreement.

The Absolut clan is Babar, especially the golden bull (Diablo, because he has horns).

Then Fengyuan continued to speak and explained the problem of Gangli Poniu Fist. He felt that he needed to clear the name of Master Lei Ting.

"I have exchanged ideas with Regulos about the Cosmic Fantasy Beast Boxing. The principle of the Cosmic Fantasy Beast Fist is to make a contract with the Universe Fantasy Beast. Only by sensing the power of the Universe Fantasy Beast and connecting with the Universe Fantasy Beast can the true power of the boxing technique be exerted. .”

"Diavolo obtained the contract in a wrong way, and he is unable to resonate with the cosmic buffalo, and he cannot understand the true meaning of the Strong Force Breaking Ox Fist. How can he possibly exert the true power of the Strong Strength Breaking Ox Fist?"

"You know, back then, the Gangli Niu Fist in the hands of Master Lei Ting could destroy a planet with one blow."

Bailiyuan suddenly realized, "No wonder, I just said there is something wrong with Diavolo's boxing, and I can feel the grief in the boxing. That must be the sadness of the cosmic buffalo."

Then Bailiyuan felt a little moved.

A punch that can destroy a planet with one strike is indeed powerful.

Looking at Baili Yuan's appearance, Fengyuan knocked Bai Liyuan on the head and said: "Xiao Yuan, the Gangli Poniu Fist is indeed powerful, but there is no strongest boxing technique in this world. The one that is truly powerful is It’s your heart when you punch!”

After receiving Fengyuan's suggestion, Bailiyuan nodded seriously.

This is a reminder from the top fighting masters in the universe and must be remembered.

As for the so-called inner strength, such words are useless to others, but for Ultraman, this is the essence of exerting power.

Fengyuan saw Bailiyuan taking his words into his heart and nodded with satisfaction.

Baili Yuan also smiled.

You're right, but I still think about it.

All the buffaloes in the universe are mourning. I have a good heart and cannot see any misery.

After sending Fengyuan away, night soon came.

Malulu investigated for a day and found Zuoma Tiexin's red-stained combat uniform, and Zuoma Tiexin instantly became the biggest suspect.

Fortunately, Chen Micheng also returned in time to help Zuoma Tiexin clear his name.

It turns out that the stuff dyed red to make Ma Tiexin’s combat uniform is jam.

Zuo Ma Tiexin's fault was that when he was eating secretly, he sprayed the jam on his body and the ground, but did not clean up the jam on the ground thoroughly, leaving a "blood stain".

The person who made the biggest mistake was naturally Malulu, who was dedicated to "solving the case". He made a big deal out of something that was originally nothing, and made people panic.

In the end, everyone who was teased by the Elite Victory Team surrounded Malulu and "loved" Malulu well.

However, it was also because of this matter.

This gave Ignis an opportunity, and he was able to spend a whole day busy in Shengzhangren's research laboratory, get himself a few keys to victory and transcendence, and also take away the prototype of the Victory Divine Light Rod that Shengzhangren had made before. .

Obviously, Ignis, who had seen Manaka Kengo's transformation method, also planned to get himself a set of transformation tools.

It's a new day again.

Kengo Manaka sat in his chair, but he had no intention of working.

Luluye's flowerpot was placed aside, and Luluye still showed no signs of blooming.

Looking at Luluye's "flower of hope", Manaka Kengo couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Youlian also called him Luluye, which means hope.

Can he really become humanity's hope?

A line from 30 million years ago made Manaka Kengo realize that he was actually Triga. It is the light of Telika and the hope in You Lian's mouth.

It is fundamentally different from the situation of Zeta and Yaohui.

In the subsequent battle with the Dark Giant, Manaka Kengo and Sho Akira Ren and Shizama deepened their friendship.

But when Kengo Manaka calmed down, he suddenly realized something.

Manaka Kengo: I am no longer a human!

Let Manaka Kengo feel a huge responsibility.

Perhaps, at the beginning, Jingjian Guangguo and Shengzhangren did not want Jingjian to know the existence of Youlian, and they also had such considerations.

Suddenly taking on a huge responsibility, are the bearers really prepared?

If You Lian hadn't consumed so much last time and was still sleeping, Manaka Kengo would have wanted to pull You Lian out and have a chat.

Now Manaka Kengo can only recall Yu Lian's guidance.

"Jian Wu, I will definitely become a ray of light!" You Lian's words rang in his ears again.

"I am the incarnation of light, and fighting darkness... is my destiny!" Manaka Kengo's eyes gradually became firmer.

When you are confused, you must strengthen your will. I have never seen such an easy-to-lead Ultraman.

A few days ago, the surveillance satellite in the universe captured special images in the universe.

——A wormhole suddenly opened in the universe near the earth. A golden ball of light and a red ball of light flew towards the earth entangled, and finally disappeared mysteriously.

Chen Micheng also went to the headquarters to participate in the meeting, also to discuss this matter.

The matter is now also being investigated by Elite Victory.

Chen Micheng was also in the war room, showing the captured images to everyone.

"The shining golden ball has an energy value that is too high to be calculated!" Malulu gave the analysis results.

"Is it an intruder?" Manaka Kengo asked immediately, having already touched the Victory Hypa Gun on his waist.

Now Manaka Kengo looked a little violent.

Suddenly realizing his responsibility, Manaka Kengo couldn't calm down.

Baili Yuan couldn't help but look at Manaka Kengo.

"Not sure yet." Tatsumi Cheng also said hurriedly, "After arriving on Earth, they avoided the radar and failed to capture their traces."

"We must strengthen our vigilance!" Tatsumi Cheng gave the final order.

Everyone should be.

However, the Shengzhang people had some ideas because of the "uncalculated energy value" that Malulu said.

Satan Delos, which can automatically restore energy, was destroyed. The elite victory team needed new combat weapons, but it lacked the most important powerful energy support.

There may be an opportunity to gain powerful energy now.

Bailiyuan also sat back in his chair and retrieved an analysis of the energy fluctuations of the two light balls.

"The golden one is Diavolo."

The exact same energy.

"And the red one... seems to be Ultraman, but it's not the Ultraman I know. Has a new Ultra Warrior come to Earth?"

"Are you here to chase Diavolo?" Baili Yuan thought to himself.

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