I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3759 The situation is urgent now, let us kill Teliga!

Teliga fell!

Telika's pilot light also went out.

Dagon and Satandelos at the scene stopped fighting.

Karumila stepped back to make way for Trigga.

"Sa, Teliga, let the darkness take over your body again!"

Triga, who had lost all his light and fell to the ground, actually stood up from the ground again, and a terrifying and evil dark power burst out from his body!

A terrifying dark force turned into a dark pillar of light and penetrated the sky.

In the mountainous area, Hitram felt the power of darkness and regained consciousness in his madness. Then he was attracted by the power of darkness and jumped towards the direction of the dark light pillar.

Mechanical Guvira also felt the terrifying dark power, and was so frightened that he took a few steps back.

Baili Yuan was helpless: "Can you stop being so cowardly?"

Mechanical Guvira shook his head: The memory of being beaten in super ancient times is attacking me!

At that time, there were four dark gangsters on Earth...

Ignis opened his eyes wide and looked in disbelief at the direction where the dark power erupted, muttering to himself, "What on earth was that?"

Already beyond any dark power Ignis has ever seen.

in the city.

Red lightning burst out, submerging Teliga's body together with the dark power, and Teliga's appearance also changed.

The burst of red lightning annihilated everything around him.

When the dark power and red lightning subsided, a vacuum suddenly appeared in the city.

And standing in the center of the area is a familiar yet unfamiliar figure.

He has the appearance of Teliga, but wears black armor, has fierce eyes and a dark aura.

Dagon couldn't help but tell the other party's identity.

"Dark Hero..."

Karumila was so excited that she shouted: "Telika!"

"Ah!!!" Hitram shouted and flew towards Dark Teliga.

Calumila wrapped a light whip around his neck and was thrown aside.

Calumila: Get out! I haven’t touched it yet!

What stood up again was——the dark hero Teliga's former appearance.

The short name is Dark Teliga!

Everyone in the Elite Victory Team looked at the appearance of Dark Teliga in shock.

They all exclaimed in surprise, with disbelief in their voices.


The people at the scene could feel the changes in Teliga even more, and they couldn't help but call out.

Jingjian's name: "Telika!"

Shengzhangren: "Jianwu!"

Shizuma Yumei: "Huh?"

Shizama Yumei: Wait, what did you shout just now? Are you hiding something behind my back?

The awakened Dark Teliga seemed not to be particularly awake, and began to attack everything around him indiscriminately.

Seeing the evil side of Dark Teliga, Karumila was so excited that her legs became weak and her whole body trembled.

Hitram was not very conscious yet, Dagon went up and pushed Hitram to the ground.

Dagon: Wake up, you can't beat me!

Hitram: Ouch~

When Hitram interrupted her from admiring Dark Teliga's graceful figure, Calumila turned around and gave Hitram a hard blow. Hitram calmed down and gradually regained consciousness.

Only then did Karumila open the dark passage, "My Teliga is back, hahaha..."

The dark giants left.

The city was left in ruins, as well as the dark Teliga raging in the city.

Flames burned in the city, and explosions sounded one after another in the city.

Dark Teliga spread his arms among the ruins and roared at the sky.

Ignis looked at the extremely powerful appearance of Dark Teliga in the flames, his eyes began to straighten, and at the same time, fire appeared deep in his eyes.

Bailiyuan looked at Ignis' profile from the side, felt Ignis's emotions, and naturally understood what Ignis was thinking.

"Only a strong heart can tame power, and out-of-control power will only bring disaster."

Bailiyuan's words stunned Ignis. Although Bailiyuan didn't seem to say anything, Ignis understood that Bailiyuan had seen through his thoughts.

Ignis looked at Bailiyuan deeply, and then he smiled, "No matter what kind of power it is, it is a treasure to me. As long as it is a treasure, how could I miss it?"

Baili Yuan no longer persuades me.

Just said: "Mouse tail juice!"

Ignis ducked away.

Darkness is not the enemy, but there is evil in the darkness of Dark Teliga.

If you can't tame this power.

In the end, he will inevitably fall into the abyss, fall out of control, and reappear today's scene. By then...

"Well, those are things for the future."

"Mechanical Guvira, go stop the out-of-control Teliga and feel the power of darkness. You will use it in the future."

However, the mechanical Guvira shook his head in refusal and slowly backed away.

Bailiyuan jumped up and kicked.

"Why are you so cowardly? You can't die!"

In the end, Mechanical Guvira reluctantly went to stop Dark Teliga.

Satan Delos also had to try to stop the out-of-control Dark Teliga.

Soon, everyone in the Elite Victory Team held an impromptu discussion about the out-of-control Dark Teliga.

"Captain, what should we do?" Zuo Ma Tiexin looked anxious.

"What happened to Telika?" Nanase Hikaru was puzzled.

Malulu is analyzing nervously.

Tatsumi Cheng is also thinking about countermeasures.

Seiko and Shizama were at the scene, and together with the mechanical Guvira, they were trying to stop the Dark Teliga. At the same time, they were also trying to awaken Manaka Sword Satoru.

If it hadn't been for Manaka Kengo's problem, Teliga would not have lost control, let alone become Dark Teliga!

Manaka Kengo, who only knows Simaru, can't be so dark. You know he doesn't have this ability.

The battle to stop Dark Teliga had little effect, and Satan Delos and Mechanical Guvira joined forces, unable to suppress Dark Teliga.

If Satan Delos' defense hadn't been strong enough, they would have been defeated long ago.

However, even so, Dark Teliga's power continues to grow stronger, as if this is the real power he possesses.

Satandelos's defenses began to become shaky and even damaged.

In the past, Teliga's defense could only be broken by killing him, but now Dark Teliga's small skills can break through it at will.

Fortunately, defenses can repair themselves.

However, the rapid self-repair greatly consumed Satan Delos's energy, greatly compressing Satan Delos's limited fighting time.

Bailiyuan suggested in the conference channel, "Now that the situation is urgent, let's kill Teliga!"

"No!" Sheng Zhangren was the first to object.

But he hesitated for a long time and couldn't come up with a reason.

It was Jingjian Yumei who helped Shengzhang find a more reliable reason, "You can't beat him in the first place, how can you kill him?"

Tatsumi Cheng's face turned dark as well.

Even though you are the daughter of a financial sponsor, but you belittle my Elite Victory Team like this... I can only say that you are right.

In fact, if you want to kill the Dark Teliga, the human side must unite and use the strongest firepower to focus on the Dark Teliga.

Even if it can be done, will the Dark Giant give humans a chance?

Chen Micheng also thought of a solution that was not a solution. He asked Bailiyuan, "Izawa, can you create the key to victory and transcendence that limits Telika or subdues Telika?"

"Haha, I think you should kill me." Bailiyuan rolled his eyes.

After exiting the communication, Bailiyuan threw away the signal source on his body, then moved his neck and took out the Origin Hypa Gun.

"It seems that I have no choice but to take action." (End of Chapter)

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