Chapter 3756 The plan to capture the dark giant was formulated by Baili Yize!

Zarragas roared loudly.


Shizuma Yumei screamed loudly.


"What are they doing?" Malulu looked at the confused behavior of Shizama Yumei and the mini version of Zaragas in front of the table in confusion.

Zuo Ma Tiexin tilted his neck and looked puzzled, "They seem to be confronting each other. Are they asking for a fight?"

"No, they are trying to communicate!" Nanase Hikaru suddenly appeared from behind the two of them, holding her glasses and saying with a cold face.

Malulu and Zuoma Tiexin were both shocked.

Why is this person so mysterious?

"You said they are trying to communicate?" Malulu was shocked. "Is this how they communicate with monsters? I have never heard of it in the universe!"

"That's right!" Nanase Hikari nodded, "Only by imitating the other person and understanding the other person can you become the other person!"

Malulu: "..."

Zuoma Tiexin: "..."

They didn't understand, but they were shocked.

What the hell is it to be the other person!

Is it Zaragas who puts on Shizama Yukina's small dress, or does Shizama Yumei become bigger and fight?

And I always feel that this method of operation seems to be a bit serious.

However, the two of them did not realize that Nanase Hikari looked at Shizama Yumi with very envious eyes.

She also wants a little monster!

Although the fighter plane is good, it cannot be held in your arms and played with.

"Should I ask Yuuri Izawa to help me tame a monster?" Nanase Hikari thought in her mind.

Tatsumi Makoto also saw the behavior of Shizama Yumei and Zaragas.

He is supportive of Shizama's name.

If Shizama Yumei can also successfully tame Zaragas, it proves that mankind's plan to tame monsters will make breakthrough progress.

In the future, it will no longer be a dream for humans and monsters to coexist peacefully.

Yui Shizuma is trying to communicate with Zaragas through roaring. Because the different roars of many animals represent different meanings, Shizama Yumei hopes to find the roars that represent friendship in Zaragas' language.

At this moment, the communication between Shizama Yumei and Zaragas finally changed.

Jingjian Yumei imitated Zarragas's call just now and shouted.

Zarragas instantly became irritable.

It can be seen that Jingjian was scolding her hard just now.

The angry Zalagas unleashed his skills.

It emits intense light from the barrel-shaped protrusions on its horns and back.

Because it is a mini version and has limited power, the skill does no damage.

But the light is really bright.

The entire command room was enveloped in light.

Screams came from the command room.

"Ah! My eyes!"

"It's so dazzling!"

"I can't see!"

When Sheng Zhangren and Manaka Kengo heard the sound and rushed over, they saw a group of people lying on the ground, covering their eyes.

"Hakimi Hakimi Hakimi~"

There was a Huang Mao who went to buy honey.

A strong red man jumped out on the road and wanted to pull Huang Mao into the locker room.

"Is your locker room safe?" Huang Mao asked.

"My locker room is quite big." The strong red man said.

The words are not speculative.

Sneak attack!

Huang Mao suddenly attacked the 30-million-year-old red man without any sense of martial ethics.

The Origin Hypa Gun fired one shot, knocking back the strong red man.

Then three yellow-haired companions ran out from all around and surrounded the strong red man.

"Dagon, let's capture him without mercy!"

"The end of the dark giant has arrived!"

"Put your hands up!"

Dagon looked at the appearance of Kengo Manaka, Yume Shizuma and Sho Akira in surprise.

The Victory Hypa guns in the hands of the three were ready to go, with their muzzles pointed at Dagon.

Then Dagon discovered that there were no residents or passers-by around, and this area had been cleared of people long ago!

The Victory Falcon also suddenly appeared, hovering above Dagon.

The combat boat slowly sailed into the city from the edge of the city.

Satandelos also landed in the city.

Dagon understood, pointed at Bailiyuan and yelled, "You're setting a trap for me, aren't you! If you have the guts, come here and challenge me!"

"Slightly, slightly~" Bailiyuan stuck out his tongue.

Yes, this is an operation against Dagon.

TPU also wants to study the dark giant, saying that it is to know ourselves and the enemy and win every battle. In fact, TPU covets the power of the dark giant.

Which high-level executive is not worried about this kind of power beyond human beings, and which high-level executive doesn't want it?

Teliga TPU cannot be caught and is not easy to move, because most ordinary people now think Teliga is a righteous partner.

This is due to Bailiyuan's interview. Bailiyuan all said that Telika was trustworthy. With Bailiyuan's current popularity, the people believed in his words.

So TPU decided to capture the Dark Giant. After all, the capture system developed by Bailiyuan allowed TPU to see the possibility of capturing the Dark Giant.

This is also due to Bailiyuan's interview. Bailiyuan also said that the future of mankind depends on itself, so mankind focused on the dark giant and wanted to start a glorious evolution.

Coupled with the technology developed by Bailiyuan, TPU feels that it can capture the dark giant.

It just so happened that Dagon was eyeing Bailiyuan. There was no need to go to the dark giant, the dark giant would bite the hook himself.

Everything was just perfect.

Every country wants to study the power of the Dark Giant. As for who will study it and who will own the results, we can discuss it later. Let’s capture the Dark Giant first.

On this point, all countries have reached a consensus.

Faced with the joint decision of all countries in the world, even Shizama Mitsukuni could only agree.

So, there was a plan to capture the dark giant.

For this reason, Japan was once again forced to agree to abandon a city to capture the dark giant.

Elite Victory Team takes action.

Because Bailiyuan is a technology developer, Bailiyuan also has a share of the credit for formulating the plan.

Bailiyuan: The plan to capture the dark giant was formulated by Bailiyize!

Countries also promised that as long as the dark giant is successfully captured, "Baili Ize"'s face will be printed on the covers of science and informatics textbooks in all countries.

"I'm the bait, I'm justified!"

Ignis watched this scene with interest from a high platform in the distance.

"It's really interesting to capture the dark giant." Although Ignis was smiling, his expression was not relaxed.

Will the Dark Giant really be captured so easily?

Not to mention the other two dark giants, Ignis knew that Hitram was a dark giant known for his speed and cunning.

Facing siege.

Dagon directly exploded with power and started to grow in size.

The Shengzhang people wanted to attack to interrupt Dagon's enlargement, but were blocked by the dark power.

Manaka Kengo looked troubled.

Manaka Kengo always felt a little uncomfortable about capturing the dark giant.

The battlefield will not give Manaka Kengo time to struggle.

Bailiyuan hurriedly pulled the distracted Manaka Kengo away because Dagon's big foot stepped down.

The Victory Falcon and the battleships began their attack on Dagon.

The Shengzhang took a deep breath and looked in the direction of Satan Dilos.

"Let the battle begin!"

The Shengzhang people activated You Lian's key to victory and transcendence.

What is surprising is that maybe because the distance is too close, Yu Lian's shadow also appears on the body of Jing Jian.

The power of the same origin has reached resonance at this moment!

You Lian: 6~

Sheng Zhangren and Jing Jian Yuiming looked at each other, and at the same time came up with a bold idea, nodded to each other, and the two held hands.

We are of one mind!

"Rely on it!"

The two of them turned into light at the same time, flew towards Satan Delos, and stayed on Satan Delos' body together.

Satan Delos, who had gained spirituality, actually... lit up with a pink light? !

But Satan Dilos did not join the battle immediately, but froze in place.

Because, the two people relying on each other vaguely felt each other's thoughts.

There is feeling, but not much.

Then both of their minds shut down, and Satan Delos also started to stand for punishment.

You Lian: I’m full, I’m full…

Seeing this scene, Bailiyuan rubbed his chin, "Is this the connection of light?"

Manaka Kengo opened his clear and stupid eyes: "What happened?" (End of this chapter)

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