Chapter 3743 Bailiyuan: It’s so fierce, I see Yaohui!

One dark night, a space-time channel suddenly opened high in the sky.

With a loud bang, Tekong No. 3 Jinguqiao fell into the city's stadium.

Fortunately, it was night and there was no one in the stadium, so no casualties were caused. Otherwise, if something like this happened during the game, the consequences would be disastrous.

At dawn the next day.

The three of them, Manaka Kengo, Sho Akira and Shizuma Yumi, received the order to investigate the matter.

The main purpose is to investigate the Jingu Bridge lying in the stadium.

Then, when the three of them came back, they brought back one person.

"Earth Defense Force Monster Response Special Airborne Mecha Unit, former armory driver, my name is Natsukawa Haruki!" Natsukawa Haruki stood up straight and introduced himself loudly.

How does it feel to get up in the morning and see Haruki Natsukawa standing in the command room introducing himself loudly?

Bailiyuan: I got so excited that I actually saw Yaohui.

Bailiyuan almost thought that he had traveled through time again, but then he realized that it was not him who had traveled through time, but Xia Chuan Yaohui.

After all, this is the Ultra Universe, and Ultraman visits each other, so I can understand, I can understand...

Bailiyuan's first reaction was to turn around to prevent Xia Chuan Yaohui from seeing him.

But he thought that now that he was wearing Ezreal's skin, Xia Chuan Yaohui probably didn't recognize him, so he felt relieved and walked into the command room with confidence.

But Baili Yuan still carefully hid his own light. Manaka Kengo couldn't detect Baili Yuan's light, but it didn't mean that Zeta in Natsukawa Yaohui couldn't find it, not to mention that they had fought side by side.

Malulu stood aside and looked at Bailiyuan's suspicious behavior as he walked out, walked in, and turned around again.

"Is it possible that Ize hasn't woken up yet?"

Everyone in the Elite Victory Team gathered around to watch Xia Chuan Yaohui.

Unlike teams formed by consortiums like the Elite Victory Team, Natsukawa Haruhui was from the regular army after all and had a military temperament. On the contrary, the Elite Victory Team had a much more casual mental outlook.

Baili Yuan mingled among the crowd and understood the situation.

"He said he was also a native of Earth." Kengo Manaka introduced Natsukawa Haruki.

"Yes!" Xia Chuan Yaohui responded energetically.

"But, I have never heard of a unit called the Armory." Tatsumi Cheng also expressed doubts.

"Well, how should I put it, the situation is more complicated..." Xia Chuan Yaohui's tone was a little weak.

Ignis jumped out. He was well-informed and said with a smile: "You are not from another dimension, are you?"

Everyone was a little surprised by Ignis's arrival, but they showed no hostility.

After all, in the last battle, Ignis had gained the trust of most of the elite victory team.

Just treat it like a friend coming to visit.

Xia Chuan Yaohui turned around in surprise. He didn't expect that anyone could understand him, "Yes, that's what happened!"

Later, when everyone in the Elite Victory Team was still wondering what was going on in the other dimension, Natsukawa Haruki suddenly saw the special key to victory and transcendence on Manaka Kengo's waist.

The Key to Victory and Transcendence had the image of Telika clearly attached to it, and Natsukawa Haruki suddenly made a bold guess.

Zeta also felt that Manaka Kengo was unusual.

Natsukawa Haruki slapped his face directly into Manaka Kengo's face, "Could it be that you are the Ultra of this dimension..."

The alarm in Shengzhang's heart rang instantly. He covered Natsukawa Haruki's mouth and dragged him to the outside of the command room. Natsukawa Haruki's hand was still holding on to Manaka Kengo's clothes. .

Manaka Kengo also realized the problem and hurriedly cooperated with the Shengzhang to take Xia Chuan Yaohui away.

Sheng Zhangren: "Leave the interrogation work to me!"

Jingjian Yumei: "Ah? What about Kenwu?"

Manaka Kengo: "I, I'm curious, I'm curious!"

Watching the three people leave, Shizama Yumei suddenly felt like an outsider.

Tatsumi Makoto was also thoughtful, but didn't say much and allowed Sheng Akira and Manaka Kengo to take Natsukawa Haruki away for "interrogation".

Ignis followed quietly.

Bailiyuan quietly turned on the monitoring device.

Arriving at Sho Akirato's research room, Natsukawa Haruki completely confirmed the identity of Ultraman Manaka Kengo.

Not only because of the mutual attraction between Ultraman, but also because Natsukawa Haruki saw Manaka Kengo's transformation props and Manaka Kengo's violent reaction.

In fact, the special Key to Victory and Transcendence on Manaka Kengo's waist is similar to Natsukawa Haruki's Ultra Medal Box and cannot be seen by ordinary people.

But the difference is that the Ultra Medal box relies on material, making it invisible to the naked eye of earthlings.

The Key to Victory and Transcendence has its own special energy, which distorts other people's perceptions, making it difficult for even cosmic people to see the figure of Triga above.

However, people like Sho Akira, Shizama Mitsukuni, and Manaka Rena who know the identity of Manaka Kengo can actually see the figure of Triga on the Key to Victory and Transcendence.

But it did not affect the gaze of fellow Ultraman Natsukawa Haruki.

Of course, it didn't affect Baili Yuan's gaze, and Baili Yuan had nothing to say about Manaka Kengo's approach of hiding nothing at all.

Bailiyuan: I turned off the lights! Pooh!

In the research room, after confirming each other's identities, Natsukawa Haruki immediately became much kinder to Manaka Kengo and Sho Akira.

Zeta also directly opened his Miaomiao House.

Xia Chuan Yaohui invited the two of them to come in as guests: My house is quite big.

Manaka Kengo and Sheng Zhangren had never seen such a scene before, but Xia Chuan Yaohui couldn't resist his kindness.

In the Miaomiao House, the two of them met Zeta, and their views were refreshed. They didn't expect that Ultraman could actually talk!

When Zeta saw the two of them, he said something foreign: "Nice to meet you!"

This is what Xia Chuan Yaohui taught him. After all, English is still widely used on earth.

Manaka Kengo was shocked and puzzled, "Ultraman can actually communicate? Why didn't my Triga respond to me?"

Zeta understood clearly, "Oh, so you are Ultraman."

Xia Chuan Yaohui also nodded to express understanding, "That's it."

However, their casual attitude did not make Manaka Kengo and Sho Akira realize their true meaning, let alone the seriousness of the problem.

What they actually mean is that Manaka Kengo is Triga!

They thought it was quite normal for Ultraman to transform into a human body. Manaka Kengo may have evolved into Ultraman from humans, so Manaka Kengo doesn't know these things.

However, Manaka Kengo and Shoakito still think they are talking about Manaka Kengo's identity as Ultraman's human form.

As soon as he said this, the people in Shengzhang collapsed and scolded him.

He recognized Manaka Kengo, but that didn't mean that Ultraman's identity was "snatched" by Manaka Kengo.

Two Ultraman transformers, plus an Ultraman, were communicating in front of him, and he felt like he was being ridiculed.

In the Miaomiao House, Manaka Kengo and Natsukawa Haruki started to introduce their transformers to each other like two idiots, like elementary school students exchanging toys.

Two human beings with pure hearts were inexplicably facing each other at this moment.

The people in Shengzhang felt their brains aching when they saw it.

Natsukawa Yaohui also introduced his situation. It turns out that the pirate aliens Barossa Stars have appeared on the earth again, wanting to avenge the three generations of brothers before them.

Then the Barossa aliens stole the Golden Ancient Bridge No. 3 of the Special Aircraft.

Natsukawa Haruki transformed into Ultraman Zeta, and together with Natsukawa Haruki's prospective girlfriend Yoko Nakajima, who was driving Severnga, they pursued the Barossa Planet in the universe.

Unexpectedly, the Barossa star took out the materials again, fused with the fourth-dimensional monster Bruton, and opened the toilet.

Finally, Natsukawa Haruki and Zeta, together with the Barossa star and Jin Guqiao, fell into this time and space.

After that, when Natsukawa Haruki was trying to repair the Jingu Bridge, he was discovered by Manaka Kengo and the others, and was finally brought back to the Elite Victory Team.

Natsukawa Haruki was very distressed. His transformer was damaged while fighting the Barossa star in his human body, and the Ultra Medal was also taken away.

When Manaka Kengo heard that his friend was in trouble, he immediately said, "Don't worry, we will definitely help you! My transformers are all made by Akira. Akira, hurry up and make a new set of transformers for my friend." Have fun!"

Shengzhangren: "..."

Shengzhangren: Who are you with? I'm not Ultraman!

But looking at Natsukawa Haruki and Zeta, they both started to bow to express their gratitude.

Shengzhang had no choice but to take the job.

Little did they know that outside the Miaomiao House, Ignis had eavesdropped on their conversation with the help of a black-tech eavesdropping device developed by the Zarrab people.

"Ultra Medal? It's really the best!" Ignis was tempted.

Last time, his treasure was searched by Baili Yuan, and Ignis urgently needed to replenish his treasure.

Ignis didn't know that in the command room, Bailiyuan, who was wearing headphones, also monitored all conversations, including Ignis's soliloquy, with the help of monitoring equipment.

Because Bailiyuan had already inserted the listening device into Ignis's listening device!

Otherwise, how could this thing be returned to Ignis so easily?

Regarding Xia Chuan Yaohui's matter, Baili Yuan could only say: "Yaohui, this is also a trial!"

Then, the Shengzhang people experienced the trial.

Manaka Kengo and Natsukawa Haruki, one on the left and one on the right, exchanged their experiences of being Ultraman behind the back of Sho Akira, who also wanted to design a transformation device for Natsukawa Haruki.

Shengzhangren: You really deserve to die! (end of this chapter)

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