Chapter 3735 Manaka Kengo, you don’t want others to know your true identity, right?

After Teliga and the Elite Victory Team lost their first battle with Satan Delos, under Baili Yuan's hint, the Elite Victory Team chose to increase their firepower.

Regardless of whether it works or not, Satan Delos must give Satan Delos a hard blow next time.

Afterwards, Ignis offered to help the Elite Victory Team destroy Satan Delos in exchange for his freedom and the confiscated treasure.

Tatsumi Makoto also agreed to Ignis's conditions after discussing with the senior management.

If Ignis can really help eliminate Satan Delos, it will be a disguised proof that Ignis is not hostile to the earth. If Ignis can be won over through this battle, it will also improve the combat effectiveness of the elite victory team.

There was such consideration because Malulu determined that Ignis was a survivor of Lishuria through an examination of Ignis's body.

Lithulia has been destroyed, and Ignis does not belong to the camp, so there is the possibility and value of being attracted.

Of course, the premise of all this is that the things Ignis committed on Earth were not worthy of death.

The reason why the senior officials agreed so readily was because Satan Delos' actions scared many senior officials.

In less than an hour, all life on a huge island was destroyed.

Why isn't it scary?

No matter what method you use, in short, kill Satan Delos first!

With the addition of Ignis, the battle plan was improved.

After discussion, the following battle plan was formulated—

First, break through Satan's shields by increasing the power output of the battleship's main gun.

Then, Ignis took the Victory Falcon, jumped into the shield from the gap before the shield was repaired, and used bombs to destroy Ignis's defense device in one fell swoop.

Finally, Bailiyuan summoned Guvira from the land to destroy Satan Delos with the elite victory team.

The original plan was only to penetrate the shield, and then bet on whether Teliga could seize the opportunity and destroy the monster.

The new plan, with the addition of Ignis, made it possible to penetrate the shield and blow up the defenses of Satan Delos.

Bailiyuan also "timely developed" a monster summoning program.

If everything succeeds, humanity will be able to destroy Satan Delos on its own.

Everyone in the Elite Victory Team indeed trusts Teliga, but the senior management who can command them doesn't think so.

Being able to take everything into their own hands, they will not bet on the good intentions of "unknown cosmic beings".

What? Ignis is also a cosmic being?

But at least he looks human, and his size is only normal human size.

Moreover, Ignis has been caught before, which makes the senior management feel that Ignis has abilities, but not much, and can be manipulated.

As for Malulu, who is also a cosmic being, he is not a combatant and has no need to be on guard.

After Ignis got his storage device back, he checked his treasure and was shocked to find it.

In his treasures, there are all the daily props and monster materials that can be used, but those treasures that can cause large-scale destruction and powerful destruction have disappeared.

Ignis went directly to Bailiyuan.

Who made him unhappy watching Baili Yuan?

"Where is my treasure?" Ignis asked Bailiyuan loudly.

"What treasure?" Bailiyuan's eyes were sincere and he looked confused.

Ignis took a deep breath for the last time and calmed down. He understood that a lot of his treasures had definitely been confiscated by humans.

On the one hand, it is for research, and on the other hand, humans are worried about its use on earth.

Finally, Ignis endured it.

He has already been defeated once, and it is right for the victor to take away the spoils.

Besides, he has more important things to do now.

Destroying Satan Delos is not only to gain freedom, but also to avenge the Dark Giant!

Ignis has already figured out that Satan Dilos is related to Hitram. Ignis will not recognize the familiar dark power even through the screen.

As long as Hitram wants to do it, he must stop it!

As long as it is created by Hitram, he must destroy it!

As long as Hitram wants it, he will definitely snatch it!

The battle begins.

After Satan Dilos woke up, he flew directly into the sky and left the island.

Then the worst happened.

Satandelos went to the nearest Japanese land, and it seemed that he was going to attack human cities.

Shock! Satan Delos is going to purge the Japanese! (It is recommended to use nuclear wastewater for cleaning)

The target of Satan Dilos is not a small town, but a coastal port city with a large scale and very developed economy.

If the city is destroyed, the loss will be immeasurable.

The Victory Falcon immediately dispatched to intercept, fighting with Satan Delos at sea, trying to control the battlefield on an isolated island in the sea.

Manaka Kengo, Sho Akira and Shizuma Yumei are still responsible for ground operations.

But this time, Bailiyuan also followed a few people, and Ignis also temporarily followed a few people.

Port office.

"Yize, if the monster arrives in the country, you must immediately summon the ancient Vera on land to stop Satan Delos." Shengzhang told Bailiyuan, as if he was worried that Bailiyuan would make a mistake in his actions, but Bailiyuan felt that Shengzhang Zhangren had other intentions.

"It's okay, Izawa. Although this is your first time to participate in a close combat, as long as you remember to face the danger with a smile, you can defeat the danger. The danger is not terrible!" Manaka Kengo seized the opportunity and said to Bai Liyuan preaches and hopes that Bailiyuan will join the Smailu Cult.

"That's right, Izawa only needs to summon the monsters, and leave the rest to us." Shizama Yumei said, patting her chest and looking reliable.

Bailiyuan understood what these three people meant. They were worried that it would be their first time to participate in ground combat and they would be afraid of seeing monsters.

However, one is arrogant, the other is preaching, and the other is overbearing and careless.

It doesn't feel reliable.

Bailiyuan just looked at the three of them silently, then turned his head and looked to the other side.

Laughing to death, not afraid at all.

Believe it or not, I can transform you into a Belial hybrid beast right on the spot?

Ignis said with a smile, "He thinks you are looking down on him."

Then Ignis jumped in front of Bailiyuan, winked at Bailiyuan, and said mockingly: "Brother, if you are afraid, you can beg me and I will take you to escape."

Obviously, Ignis wanted to avenge himself.

Bailiyuan raised his hand and gave Ignis a cannon shot. Ignis screamed and squatted on the ground, covering his eyes.

The three of them were startled by Manaka Kengo.

"Humph, are you scared of being a brother?"

Bailiyuan ignored the others and went aside to pay attention to the battle.

Ignis looked at Bailiyuan's back, and finally could only stamp his feet angrily.

Ignis: Bailiize, you Babar!

Ignis did not keep an eye on Baili Yuan because he had his own goals.

That is Manaka Kengo and Shizuma Yumei.

It's just that the Shengzhang people were very wary of Ignis, the guy who had taken action against Shizama Yumei, and they didn't let Ignis get close to Shizama Yumei at all.

Shizama Yumei really wanted to talk to Ignis, because Ignis once praised her as a "pearl, a treasure" and a nice talker. She wanted to be praised more.

But seeing Shengzhang's defense, Jingjian Yumei did not talk to Ignis. She was afraid that Shengzhang would misunderstand.

In the end, Ignis had no choice but to find the stupid and idiot Manaka Kengo and ask Manaka Kengo for information about Teliga.

Ignis had seen Manaka Kengo's transformation.

Bailiyuan didn't need to eavesdrop, but he still caught some words.

Probably "I saw your secret.", "Manaka Kengo, you don't want others to know your true identity, right?", "Then how your planet will develop in the future depends on your performance now and in the future. "……wait.

In short, the air is filled with the atmosphere of Japanese action movies.

Manaka Kengo was bullied and kept shouting "Simairu, Simaru, Simaru".

On the contrary, Ignis won't be able to deal with it.

Ignis: Why don't you cooperate? In this country, doesn't it mean that as long as you say such lines, others will obey you?

Not to mention the misunderstanding of this country's culture by Ignis, an unlucky child, Bailiyuan felt a little helpless about Manaka Kengo's situation.

"Shizama Mitsukuni, Manaka Rena, Sho Akirato, and now Ignis is added to the list... who is a serious human being, and so many people know his identity as soon as he appears on the scene!"

The few people didn't wait long.

There is information coming from the front——

The Victory Falcon failed to intercept, and Satan Delos is still heading to the port city! (end of this chapter)

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