Chapter 3724 Shengzhangren: It was obviously me who came first!

Several days have passed since the battle between Teliga and Dagon.

The combat boat officially took off.

It means that the Elite Victory Team has officially entered operational status.

That's right, despite the fact that the Elite Victory Team has already started a war with monsters before, in fact, the Elite Victory Team was not officially operational yesterday.

For a few days after the combat ship took off, the earth was very peaceful, and no monsters or spacemen came out to cause trouble.

The members of the Elite Victory Team naturally live on combat boats most of the time, ready for action at any time.

Fortunately, the combat boat can fly and patrol autonomously without having to manually drive it all the time.

Let the team members have time to do their own things and kill boring time.

Shizuma Mitsukuni is not here, he is busy with Shizama Consortium affairs in his room.

How can he support the elite victory team if he doesn't make any money?

So today I would like to express my gratitude to Jingjian Guangguo for his silent contribution.

Zuo Ma Tiexin took Malulu to exercise in the command room. Because they had to be on call in the command room, they couldn't go to the training room to sweat, so they could only do squats for comfort.

Nanase Hikari returned from outside the command room. After putting on her glasses, she still looked like she was not easy to contact.

Zuuma Tiexin and Malulu hurriedly made way for Nanase Hikari.

Baili Yuan did not invite Nanase Hikaru to enjoy the sunset.

After watching Nanase Himawari remotely pilot the Victory Falcon, Bailiyuan felt that this woman who went crazy as soon as she got into the cockpit was somewhat seriously ill.

The child likes the big sister, but the child is also afraid.

It is very doubtful that after Nanase Hikari gets married in the future, her husband will suddenly go crazy while driving.

It will really scare you!

Moreover, children now have other things to occupy themselves with.

Bailiyuan was in his own place, typing on the keyboard as if he was writing some program.

Chen Sicheng also curiously walked to Baili Yuan to have a look, and then left calmly.

I've confirmed it, but it's a program I can't understand.

"As expected of an expert, he can always figure out something I can't understand."

Tatsumi Makoto also expressed emotion.

As the captain, it is necessary for him to care about the situation of his players.

After leaving Bailiyuan's position, Tatsumi Makoto found Triga who was watering the flowers in the command room... ahem, it was Manaka Kengo.

Manaka Kengo is introducing his "pet" - Luluye to Shizama Yumei.

Shizama Yumei is like a little angel, matching up with Manaka Kengo's self-talk.

I should cooperate with your performance...

Sheng Zhangren's eyes were sore as he watched.

You can smell the sour Bailiyuan.

Who asked Shengzhang to hold a tablet and walk around the two people's positions several times?

Bailiyuan hacked into Shengzhangren's tablet out of curiosity and found that Shengzhangren was not reading any information or conducting any research.

I just turned over and over, looking at those two pages of the document.

It looks like he is conducting research, but in fact it is Xiang Zhuang who dances with his sword with the intention of Pei Gong.

Sho Akira naturally also noticed Seiya Tatsumi who approached Manaka Kengo, and he couldn't help but pricked up his ears.

Tatsumi Seiya's purpose was to ask Manaka Kengo about Manaka Kengo's sudden departure from the battle boat.

That time Manaka Kengo transformed and went to fight Dagon, but he couldn't tell the truth. Manaka Kengo listened to Shizama Mitsukuni's persuasion.

However, Manaka Kengo wouldn't lie either.

Therefore, Manaka Kengo hesitated and didn't say a word for a long time.

Shengzhang was almost anxious to death after hearing this, and felt inexplicably relieved.

As someone who knew Manaka Kengo's identity, he neither wanted Manaka Kengo to expose his identity, nor did he want Manaka Kengo to be fooled.

Who makes Manaka Kengo always mess with his name?

Tatsumi Makoto had no choice but to find a place for himself and gave Manaka Kengo a verbal education so that Manaka Kengo would remember to report to him when he went out in the future.

What can Tatsumi Makoto do?

Manaka Kengo was personally arranged by Mitsukuni Shizuma to join the elite victory team. There is no way he could kick Manaka Kengo out of the team again.

"Well, seeing that you and Yumei are similar in age, you can act together from now on." Tatsumi Makoto finally made arrangements for Manaka Kengo.

This arrangement not only allows Manaka Kengo to protect Shizama Yumei, but also allows Manaka Kengo and Shizama Yumei to learn well.

Tatsumi Makoto also saw that the big boy Manaka Kengo was probably lacking in his brain, while Shizama Yumei was young, but mature enough, and it should be easier for people of the same age to communicate and learn.

What's more, Manaka Kengo was personally arranged by Shizama Mitsukuni, and Shizama Yumei was Shizama Mitsukuni's daughter. Tatsumaki also felt that he had understood the meaning of the leader.

I can only apologize, members of Shengzhangren!

Manaka Kengo and Shizuma Yumei were just surprised about forming a team, but they didn't have much objection.

Sheng Zhangren, who had been paying attention to a few people, stumbled on his feet. He could no longer hold himself tight and looked at the three of them in shock.

Shengzhangren: Captain! Do you want to listen to what you are saying? ! It's me, it's me first, it's obviously me who came first... Whether it's life or fighting, I still like to have a name...

It is a pity that Shengzhang people did not voice their objections after all.

Sheng Zhangren could never express his feelings for Shizama Yumei.

Baili Yuan's hands kept typing on the keyboard. In fact, his eyes had already taken in everything.

"Is it the season of white photo albums again? How wonderful~"

The affairs of Teliga also began to ferment in the news.

Elite Victory announced Telliga's name.

However, TPU did not regard Teliga as a friend, but remained vigilant.

After all... before Jingjian Guangguo announced more things related to the Giant of Light, in the eyes of most humans, Telika was an unknown creature.

But it's different from Malulu, a cosmic being who can help people on earth.

On the contrary, Sakuma Tiexin and Nanase Hikari were a little aggrieved.

They all felt that Telika was not an enemy.

Bailiyuan was not in the conference room, nor did he follow the news with them.

Yui Shizama and Akihito Sei went to school, well, high school.

High school students saving the world may seem strange in other countries, but in Japan, it's just right.

Of course, both Shizuma Yumei and Sho Akito are capable enough to serve on the elite victory team.

Kengo Manaka, who was Shizuma's teammate, also followed.

They travel in small aircraft to and from combat boats and schools.

Hehe, the second generation of rich people are so weak when they go to school by helicopter or something.

As the daughter of the Shizama Foundation, Yumei Shizuma went to school by aircraft!

Moreover, when going to school, Shengzhang people are very happy.

Seiko: Manaka Kengo, just wait outside the classroom. I am the only one who can accompany you in the classroom! Holy man!

When school was over, the three of them did not return to the combat boat immediately. They followed Jing Jian Yumei back to Jing Jian's house. Jing Jian Yumei planned to get some changes of clothes for tomorrow's physical education class.

Little did they know, they had been targeted by the treasure hunter, Ignis.

As the daughter of the Jingjian Consortium, Jingjian's reputation is a different kind of treasure in Ignis's eyes.

He wanted to catch Shizama Yumei.

At that time, they might be able to extort a large ransom from the Jingjian Consortium and even obtain some special technology.

Come and make him stronger!

Fulfill his long-cherished wish.

at the same time.

Baili Yuan quietly sneaked into Sheng Zhangren's research room.

On normal days, other people would not come here.

Because there are many secrets hidden here.

For example, as soon as Baili Yuan entered the research room, he saw the bronze victory rod placed on the research table.

Except for being bronze, it has the exact same shape as the one used by Manaka Kengo.

Bailiyuan could feel that there was something hidden in it.

But Bailiyuan didn't come here for this.

He looked at the relief carving the Giant of Light on the wall. He followed the instrument lines on the relief and saw a device.

It is the device that downloads data and develops the key to victory and transcendence.

The device is running.

"Well, let me know, Kangkang, what is the principle behind Ultraman's transformation props in this world..." (End of Chapter)

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