Chapter 3721 I’m going to the toilet

On a certain planet.

The dark woman who had fought with Trigga came here, and she found a humanoid stone statue inserted upside down on the planet.

The light whip was thrown out, and the two whips shattered the stone statue.

It wasn't to smash the stone statue, but to break the seal of the stone statue.

Previously, the dark female arcana was also sealed into a stone statue, floating in the universe.

Fortunately, being concentrated by meteorites in space gave the Dark Woman a chance to lift the seal and wake up from her 30 million-year slumber.

After the dark goddess regained consciousness, she naturally went directly to the galaxy to seek revenge on Triga.

After discovering that Teliga was still alive and planning to retaliate against Teliga in another way, the Dark Woman finally remembered her two former companions.

She planned to wake up her companions and take revenge on Teliga together.

Well, that’s right, a companion when needed.

The stone layer shattered, revealing a muscular red dark Ultraman.

The red dark Ultraman's body returned to softness, lying directly on the ground, and then sat up from the ground in confusion.

He had just woken up and his mind was still a little dazed.

The Dark Female Ao directly kicked the Dark Red Ao, and kicked the Dark Red Ao awake.

"It's been 30 million years, how long will you continue to sleep?!"

"Oh, it's Calumila." Dark Red Ao said naively.

The beautiful warrior, Calumila!

The identity of the dark female arcana.

"Dagon, there is good news. I have found Teliga!" Carumila said straight to the point.

Strong warrior, Dagon!

The identity of Ultraman Red Dark.

Dagon immediately became energetic, stood up from the ground, and clenched his fist fiercely, "Teliga! Great, I can finally wrestle with him again!"

This wrestling is not a friendly exchange.

Teliga is a powerful enemy targeted by Dagon!

The two dark giants were sharpening their knives and planned to take action against Teliga.

Elite Victory Team.

Baili Yize is naturally the identity of Baili Yuan who has put on Ezreal's little yellow-haired skin.

The looks and charm are definitely a hit.

And with Bailiyuan's ability, it is more than enough to be a programming expert.

Not to mention Caroline, in the EA world, during the time when the cassette was developed, Bailiyuan's programmer level increased crazily.

Now he is at least a level 5 programmer.

The reason why Bailiyuan chose to join the elite victory team was because Bailiyuan discovered that the human body of Manaka Kengo was not very smart.

And the enemy turned out to be Ultraman Dark.

Bailiyuan was worried that Manaka Kengo didn't operate it well and was beaten to death by Dark Ultraman.

Not because of any interests, but because of the bond of light, Bailiyuan is willing to help Manaka Kengo.

"Teliga's potential is extraordinary. If he can connect to the bond, he will be able to shake the bond in the future, and he will have another powerful fighting force." Baili Yuan thought in his mind.

As for how Bailiyuan got Shizama Mitsukuni to agree to his joining...

Bailiyuan has his own methods.

After joining the elite victory team, Baili Yuan naturally lived on the battleship Nasty and was assigned a room of his own.

The room is not big, but it is very clean and fully equipped. You can move in with your luggage.

Bailiyuan simply decorated the room.

Then put on the team uniform.

He looked in the dressing mirror.

Bailiyuan said: "As expected of me!"

After Bailiyuan walked out of the room, he met the store manager... ah, no, it was Zuoma Tiexin.

Zuo Ma Tiexin invited Baili Yuan very warmly.

"Member Baili, this outfit suits you very well!"

"Haha, Senior Zuuma, thank you for the compliment. Just call me Izawa."

"Okay, then I'll call you Ize, and you can just call me Tiexin! By the way, let's go watch the sunset together and then have dinner together?"

Bailiyuan: "Huh?"

Store manager, what are you talking about, store manager! ! !

Bailiyuan felt her anus tighten.

Zakuma Tiexin laughed and said, "Didn't you just invite Team Nanase? Although she didn't agree, as a companion, I will naturally fulfill your first wish!"

Zuo Ma Tiexin patted his chest and promised that he would not let Baili Yuan down.

“The food in the cafeteria is very good!”

Bailiyuan was silent.

Co-author: This guy thinks he just wants to watch the sunset and finish his meal, right?

Have you trained all the muscles in your head?

"I think the members of Zhenzhong also want to have dinner together." Bailiyuan chose to recruit people to join the team.

"Yo Xi, let's ask Shangdi to work together! Hahaha... I'm going in the wrong direction, I should go this way, hahaha..." Zuoma Tiexin put his arm around Bailiyuan's shoulders, laughing as he went Looking for Manaka Kengo.

In fact, the combat boat will take off tomorrow. It will fly in the sky and patrol outside on weekdays.

It won't be landing anytime soon.

Before taking off, some team members wanted to experience the time on the ground again.

Moreover, the team members had just become familiar with the situation inside the combat boat, so Ma Tiexin went in the wrong direction.

So, Zuoma Tiexin took Baili Yuan and Manaka Kengo and searched for a long time before they found the location of the canteen.

However, as soon as they found the location of the canteen, an alarm sounded in the combat boat.

Everyone hurried to the command room.

After entering the command room, Bailiyuan knew what happened.

Monsters are coming!

The frequency of monster appearances has been increasing since six years ago. Shizama Mitsukuni believes that this is inseparable from the super-ancient ruins.

In the city, the vampire monster Chimaira suddenly appeared and began to wreak havoc.

It was also the turn of the Elite Victory Team to take the field.

Even though the combat boat has not yet taken off, everyone is taking this first battle as an elite victory team very seriously.

Everyone starts taking action.

The captain began to direct directly.

Nanase Hikaru is responsible for remotely piloting fighter jets to fight monsters.

In the combat boat, there is a simulation cabin. Team members can sit in the simulation cabin and remotely control the Victory Falcon of the elite victory team to fight monsters.

The safety of the driver is greatly protected.

It can only be said that fortunately Nanase Himari is not the human form of Ultraman, otherwise she would not even be given the chance to jump out of the plane and transform.

Manaka Kengo, Shizuma Yumei and Sho Akito went to the scene to take action.

Manaka Kengo is a new member of the team. He has not received any training, but he has not received any preferential treatment. He is ordered to follow along.

The remainder remained in the command room.

Shizuma Mitsukuni personally supervised the battle.

As a program expert, Bailiyuan naturally does not need to go to the scene.

The battle begins.

Nanase Hikari looked at the rather aloof woman. After sitting in the simulation cabin, she suddenly became extremely excited and high-spirited. She controlled the Victory Falcon, rushed out of the combat boat, and attacked the monster.

It's like a different person.

Nanase Hikari suddenly became excited and almost scared Baili Yuan.

"Ah...has he always been like this?" Baili Yuan asked Xiang Jingjian Guangguo.

Mitsukuni Shizuma: "Just get used to it."

The Victory Falcon fights in the air, and the team members evacuate the crowd below. At the same time, they use the Victory Hypa Gun and the Key to Victory Transcendence to attack the monsters on the ground.

Although the team has just been established, it can be seen that the fighting ability is still there.

Remarkable in every aspect.

However, it cannot kill the monster quickly.

Then Telliga appeared.

Then, there are no more monsters.

Therefore, Teliga's fighting ability is indeed not weak.

Chimayla may be so strong that it made a certain observer play two episodes.

But it’s not as good as a novice in Teliga playing tuba.

After two battles, Baili Yuan could tell that Manaka Kengo was the one who was better, not Triga.

But, just when everyone thought the battle was over.

There was a loud noise in the sky, and Dagon appeared on the stage.

Dagon passed through the dark passage, descended to Earth, and came to wrestle with Telika!

No one expected that things would turn out like this.

Teliga, who had just fought, was naturally no match for Dagon.

Elite Victory Team wants to support Teliga.

However, the leadership of TPU disagreed with this matter.

Because the leaders of TPU don't know who Telika is and will not help any party rashly.

TPU was founded by Shizama Mitsukuni, but it is not the one-word hall of Shizama Mitsukuni.

Seeing that Teliga was in a difficult battle and the elite victory team was unable to provide help, Bailiyuan put his hands in his pockets and walked outside the command room.

"Yize, where are you going?" Zuo Ma Tiexin asked curiously when he saw Baili Yuan leaving.

"Uh?" Bailiyuan paused and said with a smile, "Ah, I'm going to use the toilet."

Jingjian Guangguo watched Baili Yuan leave with deep eyes.

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