Chapter 3709 Recruiting Disciples

"My name is Huo Yuhao. I am eleven years old this year. My mother passed away before I left the White Tiger Duke's Mansion..."

Now that Huo Yuhao's background was revealed, he had nothing to hide.

As if venting his anger, the little boy told his personal experience, bursting into tears while talking about his tragic past.

Tianmeng Bingsi also had to take the lead and prove that he was not making any small moves.

However, the remnant soul of the demigod had fallen into a deep sleep because he was too weak, and he did not know that the host he was looking for was in trouble.

Huo Yuhao, the son of destiny in the No. 2 Douluo world.

Martial Spirit: The main body of the spiritual system is the Martial Soul Spirit Eyes, and the acquired second Martial Soul Ice.

Innate soul power: Level 1.

Current soul power: Level 11.

Soul Ring: The First Soul Ring of Spirit Eyes-Million Years Heavenly Dream Ice Silkworm Wisdom Soul Ring (Original Seal)

The biological father is Dai Hao, Duke of White Tiger, but he is not responsible. He has never visited Huo Yuhao and his son, and may have even forgotten their existence.

His biological mother was Dai Hao's former maid Huo Yun'er. She was persecuted by the White Tiger Duchess and had been living like a servant. She recently passed away due to physical reasons.

Huo Yuhao no longer had any nostalgia for the White Tiger Duke's Palace, but only had endless resentment. After burying his mother, he chose to leave the White Tiger Duke's Palace.

He wanted to become stronger, gain strength, and then make the poisonous woman, the White Tiger Duchess, pay the price. He also wanted to question Dai Hao, why he ignored their mother and son.

Finally, Huo Yuhao took out a dagger,

"This is a soul tool called the White Tiger Dagger. It is a token of love between Dai Hao and his mother..." Huo Yuhao said in despair.

Tang Yantong, who was supporting his head with one hand and listening to the story, suddenly raised his other free hand.

"Wait a minute, you said this dagger is a token of love?" Tang Yantong was a little confused.

"Ah? Yes, that's what mom said." Huo Yuhao was a little confused.

"How can you use a dagger as a token of love?" Tang Yantong found it a bit funny, "However, I do know that after favoring a maid, some nobles will give the maid a dagger and let the maid kill herself, so as not to tarnish themselves by leaving behind A scoundrel of blood will never let himself be stained with the lowly blood of a maid."

Although there have been no nobles on Douluo Planet for a long time, the universe is so big that there are still nobles in the social systems of intelligent life on other planets.

Tang Yantong is no stranger to this kind of thing.

Because Tang Yantong dislikes nobles very much, there are no nobles in the star field under her rule.

The only one who can rule the intelligent life in the star field is herself!

If there are nobles on the planets she encounters when she goes out, she will also judge them and help the oppressed people resist.


Just because she is a god!

She is happy, she is willing, she likes it.

God can live forever, and he can also use his majesty to maintain stability and peace in the star field under his rule and implement his own justice.

Whether it is new oppression or dictatorship.

Anyway, if more people are happy, there must be nothing wrong with it.

The power of faith she contributes to the star field under her rule every year cannot be deceived.

Because there were more nobles on trial, Tang Yantong knew a lot about the nasty things of the nobles.

The upper limit of human morality may be at the level of a saint, but the lower limit of human beings can always refresh cognition.

Even God feels blind.

Huo Yuhao was dumbfounded and forgot to wipe the tears on his face.

Tang Yantong's words were not cruel, as they revealed the truth nakedly to the young Huo Yuhao.

Huo Yun'er has always told Huo Yuhao that the White Tiger Dagger is a token of love between her and Dai Hao and has special significance.

Now he suddenly told Huo Yuhao that this dagger was actually used to kill the mother and son because they had soiled the noble duke's bloodline. Dai Hao was not even willing to be stained with Huo Yuner's blood!

Do you know how much psychological shadow such truth will have on children?

Huo Yuhao couldn't accept Tang Yantong's words for a while.

"No, it's impossible. This is a level four soul guide..."

"That means your mother is only worth this price. After all, she was once a personal maid. And the Duke's Palace won't even care about a mere fourth-level soul guide."

Tang Yantong smiled while breaking Huo Yuhao's last fantasy.

"It's just cheap consumables." Tang Yantong concluded.

It seemed to be talking about the value of the fourth-level soul guide, and also seemed to be talking about the value of Huo Yun'er.

Huo Yuhao finally couldn't stand it any longer and collapsed completely.

With a crazy look on his face, he slammed the white tiger dagger in his hand to the ground, stepped on it hard, and roared loudly, "Dai Hao! Dai Hao! Dai Hao! I must kill you! No, I must kill them all. People from the White Tiger Duke’s Mansion! You all deserve to die!!!”

"Yuhao, calm down! I can't stand it anymore, ah~ I'm being pushed again~"

In the sea of ​​​​spirits, Tianmeng Bingsi was constantly impacted by the violent fluctuations in the sea of ​​​​spirits. He couldn't help but worry about Huo Yuhao's condition and hurriedly called Huo Yuhao's name.

Even the sleeping remnant soul of the demigod was awakened by Huo Yuhao's hatred.

But at this moment, there was a force that calmed Huo Yuhao's violently fluctuating spirit.

"Hate is the driving force that brings strength, and it is also the poison that leads to destruction. Don't let hatred blind your mind, but turn hatred into a sharp blade and pierce the heart of your enemy!"

Tang Yantong withdrew his finger and pointed at Huo Yuhao.

There was a hint of pride in her eyes.

That's right, Tang Yantong deliberately provoked Huo Yuhao.

Huo Yuhao, who has talked about the past that he least wants to face, is in the most sensitive period. A little teasing can make him shed tears.

The things Huo Yuhao told were just what he, a child, saw from his own perspective. He didn't lie, but it wasn't necessarily the truth, and it was too one-sided.

But who cares.

At least Tang Yantong didn't care, she wasn't here to take care of housework.

No matter what the truth is, Huo Yuhao does have a reason for revenge, and the target of his revenge is definitely not innocent.

Tang Yantong was even more unhappy.

You know, in Tang Yantong's hands, countless duke's mansions have become father-in-law's mansions.

As for the matter of patricide, Tang Yantong didn't care at all.

After thousands of years of divine life, Tang Yantong has seen many fathers and sons who are not related by blood have deep feelings, and he has also seen many biological fathers and sons turn against each other.

If it is born but not nourished, a broken finger can be returned.

Don't want to point back? Kill the creditors!

Now, what Tang Yantong has to do is to give Huo Yuhao the power of revenge and train him up.

Tang Yantong also didn't care whether Huo Yuhao would attack the White Tiger Duke's Mansion in the end.

Wait for the Douluo World No. 2 to merge with the Douluo World she is in and become an affiliated plane of the Douluo World she is in.

Naturally, someone will come to cleanse you of all sins.

Before Tang Yantong came here, he had read the outline of the ten thousand-year history here. Ten thousand years later, it was still a feudal society. God shook his head after reading it.

Just let pigs evolve and fly to Mars in ten thousand years!

Huo Yuhao finally calmed down completely. Without any hesitation, he knelt down directly to Tang Yantong and buried his head deeply.

"Senior, although I don't know who you are, you are definitely a strong man. I boldly plead, willing to be a slave, and sacrifice everything, including my life, to avenge me!" Huo Yuhao said hoarsely.

"Yu Hao!" Tianmeng Bingcan exclaimed, his voice changing its tone.

Huo Yuhao wants to sacrifice his life, but his brother Tianmeng hasn't lived enough yet!

Shouldn't this matter be discussed with him first?

Tianmeng Bingcan: If you choose Huo Yuhao, you will really suffer a lot! Regret, in short, very regret!

However, Huo Yuhao did not respond to Tianmeng Iceworm.

First of all, the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm sacrificed itself on its own initiative. Secondly, Huo Yuhao did not fully trust the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm.

Tianmeng Bingcan knew that he could not persuade Huo Yuhao anymore, so he could only stare at Tang Yantong nervously, for fear that Tang Yantong would kill Huo Yuhao.

Tang Yantong was silent for a long time, looking embarrassed, and finally let out a long sigh.

"Your most precious million-year soul ring and million-year spiritual power source are of no use to me. I was just passing by."

Huo Yuhao's face was pale.

"But your plight is really pitiable, and I can't bear to have you as my servant any longer. Anyway, twin martial souls are okay, so I'll just do it once and accept you as my disciple."

Huo Yuhao raised his head in surprise and looked at Tang Yantong.

Tang Yantong smiled back at Huo Yuhao.

"Get up. From now on, don't kneel to anyone except me, and don't bow to anyone. I don't want my disciples to bully others, nor do I want my disciples to be arrogant."

"Yes, disciple understands! Master is on top, I will bow to you three times!" Huo Yuhao kowtowed three times to Tang Yantong again before standing up from the ground.

Tianmeng Bingcan finally felt relieved and wiped away the non-existent cold sweat, "Oh my god, it's exciting~"

Tang Yantong was very satisfied.

Tang Yantong: Is this the CPU the old guy was talking about? In short, the plan works!

After Huo Yuhao recognized Tang Yantong as his master, Tang Yantong clearly felt that Huo Yuhao's destiny was connected to her.

The son of luck can't escape!

Take it~

Tang Yantong, who was in a good mood, waved his hand, and a gentle force emerged, sweeping away the grass blades on Huo Yuhao's body, making Huo Yuhao look refreshed.

Then Tang Yantong stood up.

The throne disappears.

Tang Yantong turned around and put his hands behind his back, looking at the distant horizon.

"You should avenge yourself, I will train you and give you the power of revenge!"

"Now you know, my name is Tang Yantong as my teacher, and my strength is... barely above that of a ninety-nine-level demigod!"

boom! ! !

A terrifying aura was released from Tang Yantong's body, and a huge hammer spirit of a hundred meters high appeared above Tang Yantong's head.

The hammer is thick and huge, but it has countless fine green scales attached to it, giving it the beauty of a work of art.

This is Tang Yantong’s mutated martial spirit—the Jade Phosphorus Clear Sky Hammer!

The real Jade Phosphorus Clear Sky Hammer martial spirit has been upgraded to the Death Declaration Judgment Hammer, and what appears at this time is just the projection of the Jade Phosphorus Clear Sky Hammer.

But he also has the power of martial arts.

As for the soul ring.

Tang Yantong casually matched it.

Red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red!

The nine red soul rings shone with terrifying pressure.

Tang Yantong controlled his power very well, without affecting Huo Yuhao or spreading beyond the scope of the mountain range.

But other creatures in the mountains feel very bad.

The creatures in the entire mountain range became restless, feeling that disaster was coming, and fled in all directions.

The space seemed to burst into pieces.

"Yu Hao! Yu Hao! It's done! It's done! It's done!" Tianmeng Bingsi said excitedly and incoherently, "It's too strong! Even Di Tian will be crushed to pieces when he comes!"

With such strong guidance, wouldn't it be easier for Huo Yuhao to become a god?

Tianmeng Bingsi: Choosing Huo Yuhao, I am so wise and powerful! It smells so good!

Huo Yuhao didn't reply. His eyes were shining and he looked up at Tang Yantong longingly.

"Can I be as strong as Master in the future?"

Tang Yantong turned his head, made eye contact with Huo Yuhao, and showed a beautiful smile.

Tang Yantong's power and beauty were deeply imprinted in Huo Yuhao's heart.

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